Nautical Rise: Impel Down Loot Flutter And Momo

Chapter 59 Nine Snakes, Rising Status

In a very gentlemanly manner, Lafitte put Bo Ya's three daughters safely on the deck, and did not do anything else.

So, after landing, Hancock once again held the hands of the sisters beside him in his arms, and looked around cautiously and vigilantly at the same time.

A group of beautiful maids, including children, big and small, and a black-haired man in the center of the ship, although there is nothing unusual in appearance, it can be seen that everyone here is standing around him.

Even the frightening, white-haired girl who can emit thunder is beside her with a face of intimacy at this time.

Is he the core figure of this ship, the Admiral Mo De that the man mentioned just now!

Hancock looked at it in his heart, and he didn't look like a bad person like those human traffickers.

Obviously, the Amazon lily is a terrible creature that regards men as rude and barbaric, and Hancock doesn't know why he gave birth to such a basis.

It may be the surrounding environment, which does not seem like the atmosphere of a bad person, but more likely the terrible experience, subconsciously wanting to have a different result here.

Looking at the three pitiful Boya sisters standing together, Mo De said in his heart, and at the same time, he stepped forward and leaned over: "Three poor girls who were abducted by human traffickers, can you tell me your names.

Seeming a bit cramped, Hancock took the initiative to speak as the eldest sister: "My name is Boa Hancock, and they are my younger sisters Boa Sandasonia and Boa Marigold.

"Lovely girls, don't worry, we are not the pests of the sea like human traffickers." Mo De smiled kindly to cover his breath.

The three Bo Ya sisters couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when they heard this. After all, it is only when they say these words from each other that people feel at ease.

The kind tone of the other party, the behavior of helping them get out of trouble, and the fact that they may be the only reliance to return home at this moment, Mo De's status in Hancock's heart suddenly rose.

Not only the senses have changed, but also the idea of ​​striking while the iron is hot, Hancock said with a hopeful expression: "We came from the Amazon Lily, please help us return home."

"Please help us, this is a kindness that we will remember forever." Seeing this, the two sisters beside Hancock also prayed.

Seeing this, many girls on board also showed sympathy. The experience of human traffickers can indeed make them feel empathy for those who also have a rough fate.

But even though kindness arose, no one asked for them, not even Maria, who had the greatest maternal love.

This is the subconscious psychology that needs to be formed as Mo De's subordinates. No matter how good or evil one thinks in one's heart, all actions are based on Mo De's thoughts.

"A kindness that will be remembered forever, I agree to your request." Mo De smiled.

Coincidentally, after meeting these three sisters, Amazon Lily, he wanted to make a special trip there for his own purpose.

Sandersonia and Marigold, who didn't know Mo De's purpose, thought that their request was successful, and immediately said with joy and gratitude: "Really?! Thank you so much, Mo Deen!"

Hancock also bowed deeply to Mo De, showing the deepest gratitude etiquette she had learned: "Thank you very much for your kindness."


Mo De nodded, and then ordered the girl from Xiangzhan: "Let the geisha take them to deal with it first. They have been imprisoned for so long, and they have to be clear about it."

Hancock immediately remembered that he hadn't washed for more than a week, and he was still like this in front of his benefactor. He blushed so much that he didn't dare to smell the smell from his body, and obediently followed the girl named Maria to the cabin. walk inside.

Seeing this, Mo De smiled. With this sense of disobedience, who can connect the cowardly Hancock with his head bowed in front of him to the image of an empress who is too contemptuous of the city and looks up at the sky in the future.

Originally, he planned to go to the Sabaody Archipelago to inquire about the situation of the three Boya sisters, but he didn't expect to meet them on this sailing route, so he could go directly to Amazon Lily.

Mo De is not only interested in the famous world's number one beauty "Boa·Hancock", but also the fighting nations with Amazon Lily.

This is a combat power that can almost be used by all soldiers in the whole country, and everyone is good at using Haki. Although Wanokuni's military strength is already quite terrifying, the increase in this level of combat power is naturally the more the better, and if you can learn more in Wanokuni With the use of high-level Haki, this country where all the people are soldiers, the increase in combat power (agaf) can be imagined.

What's more, conquering the daughter country is also a concrete realization of some kind of fantasy I once had.

As for the three Boya sisters, saving them after going through the torment in the original book is a way to improve their own image, maximize their acceptance, and gain

Matching sweet fruit.

But what he wants, he doesn't want to be contaminated by others, especially the pigs in Celestial Dragons.

Anyway, with his ability and means, even Tianyue Shi who is Kozuki can succeed, not to mention Hancock who is only a child, just spend more thought and effort.

The only pity is that the big rule-like function of sweet fruit, coupled with Hancock's future beauty, is indeed a top-level application, and its lethality on the battlefield can be described as not small.

But it is still the price of winning the three Boya sisters first. Anyway, even without the fruit gain, Hancock's talent and potential are well known. The owner of Conqueror's Haki is still the one who climbed to the top of the Amazon Lily when he was only 19 years old. emperor.

Especially for the emperor, in the Amazon Lily, the stronger the power, the more beautiful the person is. Hancock must be the one who can become the emperor of the daughter country, so it is more convenient for him to control the country.

And now going to Amazon Lily, it is natural to "transfer" this country first.

After bringing the Amazon lily to Wanokuni, and then using Hancock's right to speak after becoming the emperor, he slowly and subtly made the Amazon lily a part of Wanokuni.

As for Sabaody Archipelago, Mo De doesn’t have much interest right now, the only important thing is to owe the amount to Shakky, and compared to this, the matter of Amazon Lily is naturally higher

So Mo De also asked Lafitte to control a white gull and transport Bailey to the tavern.

Anyway, the people didn't arrive, and the money arrived, it could be the same for Zhenqi.

After cleaning and changing into the spare costumes of geishas, ​​Sandersonia and Marigold were taken to the room to rest because of the successive fear and joy, exhausted and mentally exhausted.

Hancock is also in the same situation, but he still cheers up and wants to thank his benefactor for their rescued state.

The location of Amazon Lily is located on a small island in Calm Belt. There are no specific coordinates, so it is difficult for people to know. The three Boya sisters do not know the exact location.

However, Mo De remembers the approximate map position, which can also narrow down the flight path, which greatly facilitates the search process, and also has the bonus of a wide field of view in the sky.

During the period, Hancock was still worried about the problem of Calm Belt. When he saw the ship flying across the sea, Hancock, who had never seen such a scene before, felt relieved, and his curiosity and sense of Tian Zhen improved. Not a lot.

Born in Amazon Lily, Hancock is also deeply affected by this ethos. Although this is for domestic women, but now Hancock is not afraid of Mo De's manhood due to special circumstances, and the ethos of worshiping the strong naturally applies to Mo De. On De.

Maybe Mo De doesn't know, it doesn't take much thought and effort, his status in Hancock's heart has been rising. .

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