Nautical Rise: Impel Down Loot Flutter And Momo

Chapter 7 Sabaody Land, Famous Sword Information

Sabaody Archipelago.

This is the end of the first half of the Grand Line and the beginning of the New World.

Countless pirates who have arrived here from all over the world are all elite pirates who were selected in the first half of the year.

And Mo De, who obtained supplies through means, also arrived at this fantasy island after a week of sailing.

It is different from the gloomy place of Imperton, and different from the grandeur of the original forest of Calm Belt.

Resin bubbles dissipate in the air under direct sunlight, embellished with mist, which is particularly beautiful.

This dreamlike scene made Mo De truly feel the unique fantasy scenery in the world of pirates.

But I also know that although the scenery of this fantasy island is beautiful, its interior is a famous place of chaos.

As a necessary point of the Grand Line, plus the nearby holy places Mariejois and Naval Headquarters, including the underground forces piled here.

There are countless events such as human trafficking, pirate battles, and power conflicts.

Knowing this, Mo De has no intention of staying here any longer.

There are only two reasons for coming here.

First, the original Calm Belt island where he is located is relatively close.

Secondly, he wanted to see if he could find something useful to him from the auction house here.

After all, although the exterior is glamorous and the interior is chaotic, its financial strength is undeniable, not to mention that the auction industry is particularly outstanding here because of the Celestial Dragons.

But before that, there is a place that Mo De is more interested in after coming to Sabaody Archipelago.

Looking at the bar in the illegal area of ​​No. 13 in front of him, especially the conspicuous "Shakky's Rip-off Bar" in the plaque, Mo De directly opened the door and walked in.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw a black-haired woman sitting at the bar smoking a cigarette. There were no other guests around, and a certain reclusive heavyweight was not here.

The black-haired Aunt Shakky was slightly surprised after seeing Mo De, and then said with a smile: "Welcome, what would this handsome guy want to drink?"

"Just plain whiskey."

After Mo De finished speaking, he sat down on the chair in front of the bar.

Shakky took down a bottle of whiskey from the wooden cabinet, filled the glass and handed it to Mo De, and then asked: "Brother, this time, it should be more than just drinking."

Listening to Shakky's tentative words, Mo De smiled slightly.

"That's natural. Although I'm here for the first time, I still know the notoriety of your store, Madam Boss."

This tavern is quite famous in Sabaody Archipelago.

Of course, this fame refers to notoriety.

Because, the price of a glass of her wine may be dozens of times that of other taverns, plus the skills of the proprietress and her staff, many visitors have been ruthlessly slaughtered.

Although it is a bar with a bad reputation, anyone who knows the business knows that the real strength of this bar is the information, and those prices are the key to this information.

Looking at Shakky who was still smiling after being teased by himself, Mo De said, "Besides the wine, I also have information I want to inquire about."

"Oh? Looks like a knowledgeable little brother."

Shakky smiled unchanged and said: "Then I don't know what information this guest wants?"

"About famous swords." Mo De said.

"I want information on the twenty-one workers of the Great Quick Knife. Of course, it would be even better if there is information on the Supreme Quick Knife."

"Is it a famous knife at the level of a big fast knife?" A gleam flashed in Shakky's eyes, and the merchant's face began to show slowly.

"Guests, you should know that these famous knives are unique in the world. There are 21 knives for the big knife, and 12 knives for the supreme and fast knife. To some extent, they are even more precious than Devil Fruit."

Mo De didn't speak, waiting for the next speech.

Since the other party didn't refuse at the beginning, but raised the value of the famous sword instead, he must be sure to support it.

"I don't have any information about the Supreme Quick Knife yet, but I happen to have one here about the Great Quick Knife."

After Shakky finished speaking, he looked at Mo De with a smile.

"I don't know how much the information on this big knife is worth." Mo De asked hurriedly.

Shakky held up a finger and said, "Ten million Baileys."

"Ten million Baileys?"

Such a price made Mo De couldn't help exclaiming. In this world, it is not a small amount as information, but considering the image of the other party as a profiteer, Mo De didn't say much.

"Ten million Baileys." After Shakky nodded, he stopped talking and didn't explain the price. It was obvious what it meant.

Not paying much attention to money, Mo De put the suitcase beside him in front of the bar and said, "There is more than 10 million Baileys here."

Shakky glanced at them, and instead of counting them face to face, he spoke with a smile on his face.

"The information about the famous sword is, the big fast sword twenty-one crafts Red Sakura, and it just so happens that this famous sword is now on the Sabaody Archipelago."

Hearing this, Mo De couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise: "On this island?!"

"That's right, it's on this island, and it will appear in the afternoon."

As Shakky said, he reached out to the audience and handed out a leaflet.

The content above is a promotional image.

The content on it shows: Auction House No. 1 will be grandly launched at three o'clock in the afternoon!

Looking at the promotional picture, Mo De already felt cheated, because he just planned to see today's auction.

However, he didn't take back the suitcase on the stage, but just took the flyer from the auction house, drank the whiskey in one gulp, got up and prepared to leave.

Although he was slaughtered, it was money he robbed from others, and Mo De didn't feel any distress.

Besides Shakky's information, I may still need it in the future, and it is not worth it to cause unpleasant experiences for 10 million Baileys.

Little did he know that Mo De's behavior made Shakky improve his evaluation a bit.

"Well, for the sake of my appetite, I can give you a hint."

"The famous knife and a Devil Fruit will be the finale of this auction, because the source is black and black, and the owner behind it is eager to sell it at auction, and there is not much publicity."

"So if you have the ability, you will get it at a lower price than before."

Hearing this, Mo De thanked Shakky, then turned and left.

"Ah la, handsome boy, the wine money has not been counted yet."

Shakky's voice came from behind again, Mo De didn't stop, pushed the door open and walked out, but the voice came from the moment the door was closed.

"The money for this drink will be settled when I come next time."

Watching Mo De disappear behind the door frame, Shakky murmured to himself with great interest: "The man who dealt with Shiki, who disappeared for several years, actually came here."

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