Nautical Rise: Impel Down Loot Flutter And Momo

Chapter 77 Peak Collision, Blowing Charlotte Linlin!

Mo De has already figured out Charlotte Linlin's soul offset method.

Even in sea water, Charlotte Linlin could also use her soul to control the natural disaster of the tsunami, but obviously, she didn't make such a move just now.

Not only the facts, but also the information that came from knowledge and knowledge. Charlotte Linlin could not use her soul to gain control of Piao Piao's ability when she possessed Piao Piao's ability first.


- Whoop!

Mo De bent his finger, and the huge island immediately lost its ability to bless, and fell towards the cake island.

Seeing this, the residents on the island knelt down and hugged their heads, crying unacceptably as if witnessing the end of the world.

"Don't even think about it! Mo De!!!"

Charlotte Linlin yelled angrily, and climbed up again after consuming her soul. Holding the Lightning Sword in her hand, she slashed aggressively and caught up with the island that landed at a terrifying speed.


Giants' famous stunts, the strength enough to split the sea, plus the terrifying power of Charlotte Linlin, and the blessings of various souls.

The 10,000-meter island was directly cut in half.

There are large and small scattered pieces, but they turned into meteorites and fell towards the cake city together.

"Soul! Block me!"

Under Charlotte Linlin's furious roar, the soul soul fruit exploded and awakened directly.

The souls attached to the cake island, all kinds of tea sets, flowers and plants, Homi06 soldiers, and even the residents of the cake island, all appeared white fluorescent spheres [quickly]

Air minister.

Immediately afterwards, a huge soul barrier was formed and soared up. As long as it was not a one-time heavy blow, the weird soul power just forcibly resisted the falling of countless meteorite groups.

At the IWC home court, the most indispensable thing is the soul power deployed by Charlotte Linlin.

Sure enough, the fall of an island of this level is no different from a terrible natural disaster to ordinary people, but to the emperor of the sea, it is still a large target that can be destroyed.

If the Momo fruit is also awakened, Mo De can use these fragments to assimilate into several times the real meteorite group, and even add the kinetic energy and speed after the fall to carry out a second large-scale natural disaster!

Even, he might be able to turn the Admiral islands into continent-level multipliers!

That kind of huge, accelerated descent speed, even the cake island, can be easily crushed!

He didn't believe that Charlotte Linlin's soul ability could reach an island that could be called a continental level.

It's just that when he is truly at the level of a great swordsman, what he can achieve is only the awakening of Lion Fruit, which may also be related to the degree of use.

Before the Momo Fruit has yet awakened, the island is already at its limit to reach 10,000 meters. No matter if it is a larger island, it is the same. It seems that there is still a bottleneck before breaking through the rules of doing whatever you want.

Mo De knows that the difference is awakening.

But even if the Momo fruit has not yet awakened, Mo De still dares to come alone to fight Charlotte Linlin based on Piao Piao's awakening and current strength changes.

The soul blocks the meteorite.

When using the awakened soul to control and block this attack, Charlotte Linlin's pupils instantly shrank into dangerous pinstripes, but when she turned her head to look at Mo De, her complexion changed drastically

"I knew that that kind of attack is not too difficult for old monsters like you to parry.

"Why do you think I'm not angry?"

Mo De in front of him, the red Sakura in his hand has exploded into a long sword of hundreds of meters without knowing when it started, and all kinds of sword powers are wrapped around the sword body, it is already held high above the sky, and it suddenly falls towards Charlotte Linlin.

——The giant island just now is a blindfold!

Charlotte Linlin was horrified.

With the blessing of Momo Fruit, even if it is turned into a giant sword, the incoming attack will not appear slow due to inertia, just like the normal speed of swinging a sword. In the blink of an eye, the terrifying Slash Wave attack has already approached Charlotte Linlin.

"Mo De!!"

Charlotte Linlin can't retreat at all, the soul barrier can't resist this kind of attack, and the cake island behind her will be directly destroyed in two by this terrifying Slash Wave, which has her decades of painstaking efforts.

Charlotte Linlin screamed strangely, holding the sword in both hands, Haki poured all her strength into the light sword, and the black lightning jumped, and the flames became even more surging!

And following Charlotte Linlin's movements, a terrifying aura emanated from her body, like countless souls around her, beginning to cling purposefully around Charlotte Linlin.

That not only consumes Charlotte's own soul, but also a large amount of soul power collected from Wan Guo.

— Hakoku!

Charlotte Linlin just roared and swung her sword, which is the real combat technique of the giants, and compared to Weiguo, both in terms of attack and range, it is several times stronger.


In mid-air, two huge attacks collided!

In an instant, like the center of the eye of a typhoon, the surrounding violent air waves rushed, and the entire sea under the two of them was constantly retreating backwards.

On Cake Island, even if it is far away, countless towns and houses have been blown to collapse.

The sharp whistling sound in the air didn't stop at all, the giant sword entwined with blood-colored sword momentum collided with the white sword entwined with thunderous flames.

As if it was the end of the world, the earth shattered, the sky howled, and the sea was far away because of fear.

Mo De held his breath and held the sword in both hands. This was the first time he had such a huge Haki infusion, and he could also feel the terrifying impact of the opponent Hakoku.

The two sides are constantly anxious. In other places, Charlotte Linlin may still have the advantage, but in the competition of swordsmanship, how can they compare with Mo De who has been promoted to the great swordsman.

It is power, under the blessing of Momo, he is completely unafraid of the unborn destroyer's unendowed.

Therefore, Charlotte Linlin was still forced to bend back slowly, and the thundercloud under her feet began to shrink, not to mention that she had to allocate her soul power to deal with the floating sea water.

As if anticipating something, Charlotte Linlin's hands were shaking, and the Ming lightsaber was also howling.

Finally, the red Sakura overwhelmed the Ming lightsaber, and the terrifying slash immediately exploded. Mo De was instantly swept away by the aftermath, and the veins in his hands swelled up, and blood burst out immediately. Flying upside down, fortunately with Momo's blessing, he stabilized his figure just now.

The even bigger attack fell on Charlotte Linlin, who was fully defended by Haki, and directly blasted her back to Cake Island, like sparks hitting the earth, collapsing a large amount of land and bringing up smoke all over the sky.

"It seems that we also need to plan for that fairy bean.

Mo De also took back his ability somewhat pantingly, this was the first battle he had spent so much since Kaido's fight.

Although it has always been dominant, it took more effort than Charlotte Linlin, who was originally a monster, to re-turn into a normal-sized red Sakura and hold it in his hand. The color of knowledge and knowledge immediately turned downwards to perceive Charlotte Linlin's position, as expected Like the one in the middle, the old woman is still standing tenaciously.

It's just this bombardment, but it's not enough to make this one of the pinnacles of the sea fall completely.

The smoke and dust dissipated, and in the ruins, Charlotte Linlin was exposed with a large amount of blood gushing from the corner of her mouth. The giantization that consumed the soul had also receded. At this time, she was using the remaining soul accumulation to continuously give soul to the wounded body. , have a therapeutic effect.

This soul-consuming recovery is not inferior to Zoan's powerful healing ability after awakening, especially under the assimilation usage after awakening.

The shattered bones and hideous wounds all slowly healed under this.

But this is the soul that she has collected from Wan Guo for nearly ten years, and now it has lost more than half, and she is betting on the loss of her five years of life!

"Mo De!!!"

The roar that almost gnawed its teeth, resounded over the already dilapidated island 667.

"What? Want to keep fighting? Charlotte Linlin."

Mo De was also standing in the sky, and Charlotte's children immediately took out their weapons and stood around Charlotte Linlin, as if they were human shields.

As his voice fell, the momentum on his body continued to rise, which proved that the previous consumption was not to the point where he could not fight.

The same is true for Charlotte Linlin, as long as she is not killed by a single blow, or prepared for a long-term continuous battle, she can use her soul power to continue fighting.

Existences at the level of the Emperor of the Sea are all monster-level in physique. Even if they seem to have only one breath left, the energy that explodes at the end cannot be underestimated.

Just like in the original book, if it weren't for Charlotte Linlin's fall into the explosives vault and the situation of the soul reserve, Luo and Kid would be hard to say.

Although not afraid of this, Mo De is already ready to stop.

The balance of interests in his heart has reached the level he wants most.

His purpose was only to fight Charlotte Linlin to open up the situation in New World.

For Charlotte Linlin, it's not that she doesn't have the heart to kill.

He is very envious of the power of the Totto Land sea area and the nations, but it is not yet his peak moment. If he wants to completely defeat Charlotte Linlin, he can do it if he is confident in a deadly battle.

However, the subsequent full benefits may not be guaranteed.

Now his forces and the forces he has won have not fully grown up yet, and what's more, there are not only pirates but also the Marine World government who are eyeing all nations.

Even if it is only possible, it is impossible for him to implement it without complete and 100% conditions. After all, this is Ten Thousand Nations.

It also includes the Charlotte family, which has its own characteristics in terms of strength, ability, and appearance. .

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