Nautical Rise: Impel Down Loot Flutter And Momo

Chapter 80 Not Only The Ambition Of The Sea Emperor

It's like the world trend that Mo De is unwilling to monopolize the headlines. Only after Mo De completely became the third emperor of the sea, the major event on the other side of the New World announced the result of the victory in the form of a headline newspaper two days later. .

Unlike the large-scale battle between BIGMOM and Mo De, the Whitebeard pirates took the initiative to find the Beasts Pirates, and the resulting battle was almost a confrontation between the main ship and the main ship.

In this battle, there is no doubt that the winning side is the result of Whitebeard shooting Kaido down into the sea, showing Whitebeard's strength as the strongest man in the world today.

Apart from this result, none of the parties suffered greater casualties, and neither party won by crushing. In this battle, apart from the strength of the Baituan, we can also see that Kaido Hai Thieves group that is not inferior ~ much background.

Especially the crux of this battle, when Kaido faced the current peak Whitebeard, he insisted on fighting against him for three days and three nights without losing, which is enough to see the gold content in it.

In the end, although Kaido fell behind and the Beasts Pirates hurriedly left as the loser, the Whitebeard Pirates did not chase after them.

Therefore, this record against the strongest man today forced Kaido of the Beasts to squeeze out other big pirates in New World and be promoted to one of the strongest pirates in New World. Huang Qi is out, New World enters the rule of Four Emperors!" Such headlines.

The content of this newspaper with a turbulent New World significance was quickly accepted by all parts of the world, and some of it was written by the World government. Since the killing failed, it can only use Mo De as a point of New World, in the form of Four Emperors, to gradually balance this turbulent sea.

New World.

Back at Mo De in Wanokuni, I was already relaxing and relaxed on the chair, enjoying the Flower-Flower Fruit percussion massage on my shoulders, arms and even ankles.

"Did you think that this time, Whitebeard would be so angry that he completely wiped out the Hundred Beasts?" In the end, it was still the same result." Mo De said, pitying the newspaper.

The information was a few years in advance, and Kaido had left the Wanokuni area, Mo De wondered how different it would be.

As a result, they just defeated Kaido and did not continue to pursue. Obviously, Whitebeard was afraid of a real death battle and a greater loss.

However, from the lineup of the attack, only the crew of the main ship can predict to some extent that the enemy is a big pirate like Kaido, and they didn't bring other pirates under their command.

Obviously, they dared to break into Naval Headquarters for the sake of Ace, even sacrificing the pirates under the Emperor's command. Now Kozuki Oden, who is also the captain of the second team, is taking revenge in a reserved way.

Could it be that the dead family members are not as important as the family members who are about to be executed, or is it that knowing that Ace is Luo Jie's son is more important?

In Mo De's heart, he couldn't help but make up his mind about the result. For these two people, he was just like Marine, and he was happy to see the result and they both caused greater losses.

"After all, Yudian is dead."

Kozuki, who was busy with affairs on the side, said that when it comes to Kozuki Oden's death, it is already a blunt blurt that can be calm and unharmed.

"Indeed, people can't cherish the past too much, what is lost is what is lost, and the present and the future are more important.

Mo De smiled, after this battle, the time when he came out of the moon was more suitable for him.

"What's Wanokuni's attitude towards newspapers now?" Mo De looked at Robin.

Originally, Wanokuni was blocked from information. When Mo De asked Morgans, the other party was naturally willing to spread a large number of newspapers to this new customer, increasing the sales rate of his World Economic Newspaper.

"Wanokuni received a high level of response, and was already able to accept overseas information, especially the news about you, my lord, but was praised by the citizens with pride.

Even for this recent Four Emperors ranking, it is generally believed that you are the number one sea emperor. "

0...seeking flowers0

While talking, Robin sorted out the follow-up documents for Kozuki, and was taken by Kozuki for a while. She was more or less comfortable with the tasks to be done. The general manager has as many tasks as he wants.

It can be said that apart from collating the daily reports from various rural areas, her ability to spend most of the time is like this, and it is used as a manual massage tool from time to time.

According to Mo De, this is also one of the obligations that the manager should fulfill. Robin must not believe this in his heart, but he still honestly does what Mo De wishes. After all, she is really grateful to Mo De for this real big family environment, without deceit, and no longer alone.



Listening to Robin's words, Mo De accepted it calmly. Which royal group, all the forces under its command think this way, just like the Whitebeard group praised the old man Newgate and his girlfriend blackened him as a general.

But in the final analysis, Mo De's sense of identity with the first sea emperor is not very clear.

From the time he captured Wanokuni, his goal was not just to dominate the sea, but even one of the New World emperors at the peak of pirates, it was just an indicator of his ambition.

In the end, it is necessary to become the king to replace the world government, which can be regarded as the realization of what Mo De calls his ambition, and for this reason, he can further improve himself and plan for the future.

And the name of a person, the shadow of a tree.

After becoming the current emperor of the New World, many actions can be driven unscrupulously. Mo De thinks about those fruits that have not been used all the time, and some kind of idea keeps expanding and perfecting in his heart.

Since BIGMOM can hold a tea party with refreshments and drinks with the uniqueness of all nations, it is not impossible for him to use Wanokuni's flame festival to carry out activities, and he can even use these fruits in his hands to hold a show of a martial arts conference.

Not a bad idea.

However, time has yet to pass. At the very least, in this martial arts conference, he wants to let the country's strength and Yutingfan's background resonate ten times. .

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