Nautical Rise: Impel Down Loot Flutter And Momo

Chapter 84: The Cloak Of Justice, Discarded On The Ground

Being stimulated to lose consciousness for a short time, especially seeing the child's panic after seeing the child's eyes closed, Gion's heart was suddenly ignited with the greatest anger in his life.

But remembering the justice behind him, he resisted the urge to draw his sword, grabbed the soldier by his collar, and lifted him off the ground in contrast to his tall figure.

"You bastard! That's a child, can you handle it?! Ammonite disease is not contagious at all! This is the source of the disease left over from the development of ammonium in this country!!"

Feeling lost when his feet couldn’t touch the ground, coupled with Gion’s pupils full of anger, the soldier immediately struggled and explained in a panic: “This is the order of the king and the others, and we must completely eliminate these patients with porcine disease! There are many countries that are very close to Frevans, and no one wants to get this terrible virus!"

"Besides, the lead disease is not contagious, and you don't have any basis for it, my lord. The world government is acquiescing to these practices now!"


As if following the soldier's words.

In the center of the town, there were continuous and clear explosions, one after another, and the raging fire covered the entire white town at once.

There is no doubt that it is a symbol of war that has long covered the country.

Seeing this, Gion's pulling strength increased a bit, and then he swung the soldier directly, hitting the cordon and rolling 240 meters, and then he found something, and immediately rolled again in panic Take the climb and struggle back outside the cordon.

Gion snorted coldly, and his figure flickered, ignoring the cordon around him, and quickly jumped towards the west of Frevans' town.

All around, there were flames burning the houses, and there was an extremely pungent and unpleasant smell of burning. Gion quickened her pace. Compared with these smells, all the investigations over the years, combined with the darkness happening in this country at this moment, made her feel even more Nausea uncomfortably.

When she was on the mission of North Blue, she also stayed in this famous prosperous town for a while. At that time, it was full of prosperity and laughter, but now it is difficult to hear even the voices of the residents. There is only one The raging fire, and the messy corpses that had already been shot around.

This is obviously not the first day of the war, but what kind of desire does a child of that age have to cross such hellish streets and run from the west to the edge of the blockade in the center?

Gion didn't know, but felt even more uncomfortable about it.

When she rushed to the western port, she could see the refuge ship hired by the port that had been bombed to the ground.

It can also be seen that the ground is full of children less than ten years old, as well as some nuns, all of whom were shot (agbe) and lost all vitality.


The two soldiers who were stationed here, which also caused this situation, couldn't help but shout out in surprise when they saw the person coming, and immediately raised their weapons and said tremblingly when they saw something, "Don't! Don't come here! This is the source of disaster, you If you come in without protective clothing, you are looking for death, don't infect us with that horrible strange disease!"

Gion didn't care about the soldiers' words, she just looked at the group of children helplessly, the dead silence all the way, coupled with the current scene, a string in her heart was completely broken.

It happened that the Marine didn't answer, and there were some steps forward. The soldier nervously pulled the trigger accidentally, and the bullet hit the ground in front of Gion.

The next moment, Gion's figure flashed, and in the blink of an eye, he had already arrived behind the two soldiers, and made the movement of withdrawing the knife.


Blood flew out from the sword marks, and the two soldiers fell heavily to the ground.

Gion walked up to the group of children, scanning them one by one, until he saw the nun's smiling and serene appearance, he couldn't help clenching his fists again.

blue blue!

The voice of the phone bug rang again in his arms. Gion took it out and glanced at it, and saw that it was the phone bug directly under Crane. It didn't connect, but put it back in his pocket.

At this moment, she caught the movement behind her and immediately looked back. It was a boy wearing a winter hat, looking at the surrounding area in disbelief.


Seeing the terrified look on the other side's face when they saw Marine, and the movement of trying to run away in a hurry, Zhi Yuanxin Chunnin couldn't help calling out the other party's name.

Hearing the other party calling his name, the boy named Trafalgar Law stopped in his tracks, looked back, and after careful examination, he recognized something, but he ignored it and ran away.

"Luo! Do you recognize me? I'm the Gion who visited your father before!"

Seeing this, Gion couldn't help catching up and said hastily.

At that time, when he came to Baicheng Town, after knowing the hidden dangers of Po lead, Gion asked the doctors in this country to remind him, including Luo's father.

She explained to the group of doctors the dangers of ammonium lead, and wanted to use the power of doctors to solve the problem, but after discovering that this is already an intractable disease, which has lasted for a hundred years. At this moment, it is only possible to combine the world's major medical countries. solve this disease.

For this reason, Gion returned to Naval Headquarters, trying to use this huge organization to seek a solution, but the result was that the blocked city was left in the headquarters for several months.

Today, the failure to solve the problem of Po lead disease, is the means of war that this kind of neighboring country violently solves, and this hellish scene was born.

"Don't follow me! I hate Marine the most!"

When Gion said this, Luo immediately stopped angrily and turned around and shouted: "My father has already investigated the source of this disease and it is not contagious at all, and he has also sought help from the world and Marine.

"But no one is willing to help. If there is no answer, just hang up the phone. You should know this, so why don't you let the world government tell you that even if we get sick, it won't be contagious!"

"In this way, this country will not suffer such a demise, such as street rats being shot and killed indiscriminately, everyone, "My parents will not die, and Rummy...  

When he mentioned something, Luo remembered something, and hurried back to his home, leaving Gion standing there because of the words.

This kind of hatred and aversion to Marine, even if he doesn't have any knowledge of emotional perception, Gion can deeply feel it.

She couldn't help recalling the conversation with that man a few years ago, all kinds of world government, she acted but couldn't, was not allowed to change the ending.

Mingming knew the hidden dangers of Amber Lead early on, and the joining countries that paid high amounts of heavenly gold every year ended up in such a situation.

Since she was greedy for the huge profits of Poqian and deliberately concealed it, not only will she not be given any help when something happens, even if she wants to change it, she will not be allowed.

This is the people of a country! The royal family and nobles can leave, but they can't, and they die more from unexplained gossip than the lead disease.

World government, is it really a god who can rule life at will!!

Once again, Gion feels the weight of justice behind him, not because he denies the idea of ​​Marine, but because he is ashamed that this belongs to the World Government organization and defends the world.

This is completely different from what she believed in when she was a child, grew up and joined the Marine.

She couldn't help but think of the big event when the Marine hero Garp's son, Drago, left Marine. Did he also feel inconsistent with the justice in his heart and make a decision?

Thinking of this, Gion took off the Vice Admiral cloak of justice behind him, hesitated for a while, and then still resolutely threw it on the ground. .

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