Nautical Short Video, Take Stock Of The Top Ten People Who Need To Be Beaten!

198: One Person Can Earn 50,000 In An Instant! Luffy The Eternal God

As Luffy raised his head, a terrifying aura swept over him.

The same scene seemed to have happened before.

While at Marine's headquarters in Marineford, Luffy had a similar attack.

At that time, Luffy was still a person whose potential was unleashed in critical moments.

Looking at it now, he has completely mastered this emperor's unique skill.

Moreover, its powerful power and wide range are absolutely unusual.

Although people with imperial qualifications are rare, there are many, and many people present have also seen those strong people use this unique skill.

But where have you ever seen such an exaggerated scene!?

Back to the video, Luffy faced an army of 100,000 and showed the results of his two years of training for the first time.

What he used was none other than the one-of-a-kind Conqueror's Haki.

Luffy's pupils trembled, Conqueror's Haki swept countless pirates, and all pirates wrapped by Haki seemed to be still.

With Luffy as the center, it radiates in all directions.

After a brief moment of stasis, the pirates suddenly rolled their eyes and fell to the ground heavily.

About half of the 100,000-strong pirate army fell unconscious and lost their fighting power.


Whether it is the other pirates at the scene, the onlookers of the aborigines of The Fish Men Island, or everyone in the projection space, they are all shocked by the lethality caused by Luffy alone!

One person can defeat thousands of troops!!

The partners are also amazed at Luffy's growth in the past two years.

Sanji sighed:

"Conqueror's Haki, that guy is really talented~"

Zoro also smiled. He has always admired Luffy. For a man with such a strong self-esteem, the loyalty above his status must make him feel sincere admiration to make him willing to do this.

And Luffy happens to be such a person.

"If you can't even do this, the captain will have to be replaced."

Luffy did something that shocked everyone, but he was unusually calm. His expressionless face turned towards Hody and said calmly:

"Hody, right? I will definitely beat you away."

"I don't have any objection to you becoming the king wherever you go, but I am enough to be the king of pirates!!"

"Yeah~~ Luffy~~~so handsome~~"

The empress seemed to have drunk too much and fell into Luffy's arms with a drunken expression.

I don’t blame the Empress for being so gaffe-like. It’s really because Luffy’s actions in the video are so irritating.

Rayleigh looked at the high-spirited Luffy in the picture, and smiled at Roger beside him. At this time, Luffy indeed had the rudiment of One Piece momentum.

As can be seen from the previous video, Luffy's two-year training was guided by Rayleigh.

Rayleigh has always given priority to giving advice. He would only tell Luffy what to do to improve his cultivation. For the rest, Luffy had to figure it out on his own.

Luffy's current strength is entirely due to his own talent and hard work.

Of course, Ace's death in front of his eyes also had a certain spurring effect on Luffy.

These big shots were still like this, and the ordinary people were even more shocked and speechless.

After a long time, some people in the group recovered from the scene.

He sighed and said slowly:

"Is this the real strength of the Straw Hat boy... 10 people against 100,000 people. We were worried about it for a long time, but just one look made 50,000 people fall in seconds!! Oh my god, what is this? The concept means that Luffy only needs to release Conqueror's Haki twice to completely handle these 100,000 people!"

"Yeah, it's amazing how far his Conqueror's Haki has reached~"

"I think if he is given time, the Four Emperors Shanks, who are famous for Haki's strength, may not be his opponent."

"You are overthinking. The relationship between Shanks and Straw Hat is not ordinary. There is no need for them to compare."

"Yes, it's just an expression~"

"However, he really deserves to be a Straw Hat boy~"

This wave of operations by Luffy shocked everyone even more intensely than the previous battle between Shanks and Whitebeard.

Because, for the first two, their strength has left powerful seeds in everyone's hearts, but for Luffy, they are still unknown to them. He is still a newcomer, and every time he gives them a different shock.

In the picture, Luffy was standing in the middle of many pirates, and around him were densely packed fallen pirates.

Luffy is wearing a red robe, making a hunting sound in the wind. He has a kind of kingly Haki, one man is in charge and no one can stop him, he is really domineering and unparalleled.

Seeing such a scene, the remaining pirates had no confidence to continue fighting, and many of them had already begun to retreat towards the rear.

However, they were stopped by Hody's men.

"What do you want to do? You deserve to die if you run away on the day of the fish-men's revolution!"

"Even if 50,000 people were killed, there would still be 50,000 left.

The pirates are now in a dilemma. We can't defeat Luffy alone, let alone the others. This is clearly asking us to die!

They were already frightened to death by Luffy. Not to mention them, even Hody himself at 220 had dull eyes. Just go out and fight like this. Fifty thousand people will be fucking gone. You uncle. of. . .

The scene ended with Hody's stunned expression, and everyone was still discussing Luffy's handsome operation.

It was really burning, I was going to burn to ashes, but it was a pity that I didn’t see the scene where Hody was beaten.

"What's the pity? Look at the Straw Hat boy who is so fierce now. Isn't it easy to beat a little Hody? Moreover, I have a feeling that after two years of training, Zoro and Sanji won't be able to How weak is that?"

Hody was hiding in the protective cover. When he heard this man's words, he roared like a drake:

"What a crazy fart! How can a kid like you imagine the power of labor? Just him? I can crush it with just a finger!"


Suddenly, the protective cover covering the fishmen melted away, and Hody and other fishmen were exposed in front of everyone.

The arrogant smile hanging on Hody's lips froze instantly, and he looked at the people around him with embarrassment.

"Haha, what, you guys... How are you guys... The weather is really nice today..."

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