Spandam was still cursing.

Suddenly, an extremely terrifying sense of oppression hit!

Spandam felt as if he was in hell, his whole body was cold, his limbs froze, and he couldn't move at all!

"Do you dare to insult the deity?"

"Nian you are a first-time offender, this deity can give you a chance, but only slightly punished, if there is a next time, this deity will kill you on the spot, your soul will be scattered, and you will never be reincarnated!"

The Universe Supreme's voice was cold, although it was not aimed at himself, but everyone could feel how terrifying the coercion on Spandam was. If this is converted by Conqueror's Haki, at least tens of thousands of One Piece Rogers can display their talents at the same time Barely bear it.

As the coercion was released, Spandam didn't dare to say a word anymore, and his mind, which was dazzled by anger, gradually came to his senses, realizing what he had just done, sweating profusely, and panting heavily.

"Okay, when this deity reminds him, he is also reminding you, remember, this deity is an existence that you will never be able to contend with!"

"Then, let's continue. Let's take a look at the eighth most unbeatable person. To be honest, he deserves to be on the list. I want to beat him."

The voice of the Supreme Being of the Universe came from the void, and at the end, he even made a joke, which made the originally awkward situation a little more lively.

"Hahaha, this supreme being of the universe is quite humorous."

Luffy didn't have so many scruples, and laughed.

Nami was so scared that he quickly covered Luffy's mouth. Everyone knows that Luffy is very nervous. If he said something disrespectful, it would be fun.


The video starts playing again.

"Ahahahaha, what a silly look, hehehaha."

"It's all your fault for making meaningless resistance, stupid woman, hahahaha!"

I saw Spandam laughing wildly and pointing to his feet.

And as the camera pans down, at his feet is, Nico Robin! ! !

in the projected space.

Luffy and his friends are silent, they have already experienced this incident.

It's just that I didn't expect that before Robin was rescued, Robin would suffer such grievances!


Luffy looked at Robin with a very sad expression,

"Don't worry, the grievance you said, I will definitely find it for you!"

"And us, we will too, whoever dares to bully our partner, we will make him pay back a hundredfold!"

Nami also patted her huge peaks and said.

"Thank you, I'm lucky to have you guys."

Robin smiled slightly, she didn't care much about the past.

However, she will never forget that her group of partners once openly provoked the World government in order to save herself.

"Damn it, stand up for me!"

While scolding Robin, Spandam stomped on her fiercely, which made Luffy's veins twitch on the sidelines, and he wanted to rush to rescue Robin immediately.

The scene changes.

Spandam tied Robin with a rope and ran him across the bridge.

"The person who launched the Buster Call to Ohara back then was actually my father, hahahaha~"

Spandam stopped, squatted on the ground and taunted Robin. He thought that Robin was already in his pocket, and told him to tell him about the secret, so as to increase Robin's pain, kill and kill.

"I heard that all the people who stayed in Ohara died at the time, but a child who was missed by the government escaped"

"Oh, how about it, how many times an 8-year-old child was almost killed by the masters for money..."

Spandam pinched Robin's head with his hands, Robin looked at him with endless grievances in his eyes, biting his lips tightly to prevent himself from crying in front of the enemy.

"There is no one I can trust, no place to sleep, and no food to satisfy my hunger. I don't even want to think about the 20 years of shit like this, haha"

Spandam's expression was extremely distorted, and the words he spoke were like sharp swords, and each sword pierced deeply into Robin's heart.

No matter how hard Robin was, he bit his lips tightly and couldn't stop the tears from flowing out.

"Did you cry because you were so unlucky..."

As soon as Spandam works, I'll give you some more information.

"The person who put a bounty on you 20 years ago is my father, hehe, for the sake of world peace, ahahahaha~"

Speaking proudly, Spandam put his hands on his waist and laughed wildly.

off the field.

Luffy didn't speak, but his whole body was shaking, it was anger.

He didn't know that so many things happened before saving Robin. If he knew, he would definitely teach this arrogant bastard Spandam a lesson.

He began to search for Spandam in the crowd, even if the Supreme Being of the Universe didn't allow it, he would do it!

After searching for a long time, there is still Spandam in this place.

It turned out that Spandam knew that Luffy the Straw Hat saw these things, and would be desperate to kill him, so he left the projection space and ran away.

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