Nautical Short Video, Take Stock Of The Top Ten People Who Need To Be Beaten!

Chapter 94: Ten Unexpected Fruit Abilities (Please Subscribe)

Sanji was overjoyed, hahaha, it seems that I have made some progress in this hellish life~

"Uh-oh! Usopp, Chopper, look, Sanji is flying!"

Luffy said with excitement.

"Isn't this the move of those guys from CP9? He actually learned it. It's pretty good. It's top-notch for escaping!"

Nami laughed.

Everyone also admires Sanji very much. In this difficult environment, the strength can still be improved. This is not something that ordinary people can do. It is really hard for you Sanji~

The Supreme Master of the Universe nodded, um, a child can be taught, come out of adversity, and burst out with stronger strength, you already have the potential to become the protagonist, just to see if there is a world creator who can take a fancy to you.

Oda: I like a der.

The scene changes.

Here comes the Sabaody Archipelago again.

Sanji seemed to have achieved his goal, and successfully returned from hell on a boat with a group of transvestites.

The moment Sanji got off the boat, he had already started to scan the island. When he scanned a real woman, his excitement was beyond words!

"Ahhh!!!! She is a real woman!"

Sanji opened his mouth exaggeratedly,

"Laozi finally came back alive from hell! Finally, I don't have to look at those monsters anymore, Luffy! The sacrifice I made for you is not ordinary!"

Sanji recalled the experience of the past two years and felt like crying. It was so miserable. He was chased by countless shemales day and night. Is this something a human being can bear?

"Sanji-kun~ Let's say goodbye here~"

Behind Sanji, a group of shemales sent to him waved to him.

When Sanji saw these demons, he got angry and shouted at them:

"Why are you still here! Why don't you leave quickly? Why are you staying here? Wait for me to treat you to dinner!"

After saying that, Sanji ran away in a hurry, stay away from these shemales as soon as possible, I'm going to the island to find happiness with a real woman!!

The shemales looked at Sanji's retreating figure and said to each other reluctantly:

"You know, men can't help but say bad things to girls they like."

"That's right, who says it's not~"

"As expected, I still can't forget him~"

"Ah~my candy boy~"

The scene ends here, and everyone is unable to extricate themselves from sympathy for Sanji.

At this moment, Ivankov, who had been silent for a long time, pointed to Sanji wearing a hat in the center of no man's land and said:

"No, where is your favorite candy boy! He's wearing a hat, maybe he doesn't want to be discovered by you!"

"Where there!"

"There! Look! Candy Boy! Sisters, rush!!"

"We can't let him escape from this space this time!"

All the shemales looked in the direction Ivan pointed, and sure enough, the figure was exactly the same as Sanji in the video. They rushed towards Sanji with enchanting steps!

Sanji: I’m holding you in my mouth!! Come again!!

If you can’t offend me, why can’t you hide?! I’ll dodge!

Once again, Sanji left the projection space.

"Oh~ let him run away again, why is this Sanji still shy! Sure enough, men are shy and will not take the initiative in front of the girl they like~"

The shemales stopped and were very sorry that they could not seize this opportunity.

Everyone's brows jumped. It turns out that this sneaky person is Sanji. No wonder he didn't dare to show his true face. It's all our fault. We failed to provide him with a good cover and instead exposed him~

Luffy and the others were laughing like crazy, especially Usopp, Chopper, and Nami, who were more sinister, and almost burst into tears.

Sanji, it will be difficult for you in this space from now on~

I'm afraid I don't dare to be too high-profile at all. Whoever has tried it knows what it feels like to be stared at by a group of shemales. Tsk tsk tsk~


At this time, the Supreme Being of the Universe interrupted everyone's discussion,

Hum! The world is really in decline. The transvestites are so arrogant and have become a country. This maritime world is really an inclusive world.

The Supreme Being of the Universe couldn't help but sigh, this world is really full of wonders, the demons actually formed a country, tsk tsk tsk!

Everyone has not recovered from the shock of this last set of cps. I don’t blame them. It is too shocking. It is different from what the Supreme Lord of the Universe thought. It’s not that they have strong receptivity. They really don’t know that there is such a shemale. Kingdom~

This vast maritime world has never lacked the existence of people with traditional ideas and strength. If they knew about it, they might recruit troops to destroy this unethical human-monster kingdom. If other worlds knew about it, it would be terrible. It's really embarrassing and embarrassing.

Wang Hao looked at everyone's reaction and said, well, it's pretty good. This last pair was made by him as a prank. Everyone found it quite interesting. He felt that he had vaguely grasped the direction these people like to watch. The next series, I need to change my style!

So what to put in the next series? According to the votes of otherworld's netizens, the top ten touching moments and the top ten unexpected fruit abilities have similar votes. The fruit experience is slightly more... 010109506 Feilu 080551271]

Well, let's do it this way, let's alternate it!

"Everyone, I hope you won't act too violently when watching the video. Just watch the video carefully!"

"Also, please don't move 740 on a large scale. It gives me a headache. If it happens again, I will have to ask you out!"

When the Supreme Lord of the Universe said this, everyone felt that he was speaking to a group of transvestites. They were really too arrogant. As a transvestite, you should keep a low profile and not be immoral and make the whole place a mess.

Seeing that everyone was quiet, the Universe Supreme signaled Wang Hao to start playing the next series of videos.

Wang Hao discussed with him that this time the video is no longer niche, but a prize-winning quiz can be held to stimulate everyone's atmosphere.

"The next series will show the top ten unexpected fruit abilities. Let's take a guess at the tenth place. From now on, those who guess correctly and those who are selected will get rewards!"

"Yo ho!!"

"It's great. Finally there are rewards to get. Getting stronger is just like playing. Who doesn't love it!"

As soon as everyone in the venue heard that there was a reward, the atmosphere suddenly became lively.

Every reward that those people received before is very heaven-defying. Many of them are ordinary people, and their strength is not comparable to those of the big guys. Maybe they will get a reward and they will immediately turn over. Woolen cloth?

[ps]: There are five updates today, and the first update is here. If there is no fifth update before 12 o'clock, please approve me!! Let's start a new chapter!

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