"I don't know who will survive this time?"

Black Maria spoke with a smile in her eyes.

He especially wanted to join the battle group to experience the battle between the strong, but he knew that this was a game hosted by Luo Xiu himself, so it was impossible for him to influence the progress of the game.

"It looks like they will be able to decide the winner soon."

Luo Xiu said softly, a smile flickered in his eyes.

At this time, Kozuki Sukiyaki has inserted the long knife in Shimotsuki Yasuie's head.

With his violent swing, Yue Yasuie's head was directly chopped off by him.

Having dealt with an enemy, Kozuki Sukiyaki's eyes showed excitement.

But then he took two weak steps back.

In the life-and-death battle, whoever is stronger is not the one who will surely win. Although he beheaded Shimotsuki Yasuie just now, he was seriously injured by the opponent's desperate counterattack.

"Die, you all die to me-ah!"

Kozuki's escape still roared angrily. Instead of rushing towards Kozuki's sukiyaki, he rushed towards the Ashura boy who was also seriously injured.

"Young Master, we killed Hikari Sukiyaki!"

The boy Ashura spoke loudly, but Momosuke ignored him, and the dragon claw on his right hand directly pierced his chest, digging out his heart.

Of course, a long knife also pierced his abdomen, stirring violently.

While screaming in pain, Momosuke pulled out the long knife and threw it on the ground, then looked at Rongxiu.

"Master Luo Xiu, I have won, can we go now?"

His eyes showed anticipation and excitement.

Kozuki Sukiyaki on the side was slightly relieved to see that his grandson did not come to attack him.

"Momonosuke, we both won, we can get out of here."

He stood up with some difficulty, and looked towards Luo Xiu.

But at this time, looking at the appearance of the two, a smile appeared on the corner of Luo Xiu's mouth, and he spoke slowly.

"What are you talking about? Momanosuke, have you forgotten the mission I gave you?"

"That's right, according to the original rules, after the two of you kill other people, you can indeed leave, but Momonosuke, you got funding from me!"

...asking for flowers......

"Could it be that you thought that the power boost I gave you was free?"

As soon as this sentence came out, Momosuke's body paused slightly, he raised his head to look at Luo Xiu, and said with fear in his eyes.

"Lord Luo Xiu, how can I leave here alive!"


Luo Xiu didn't answer him, but just looked at him playfully.

Kozuki Sukiyaki on the side sighed slightly at this moment.

"The end result is still the same!"

He said, before Momosuke could react, the long knife in his hand had already pierced Momosuke's heart.

Momosuke froze, and looked at Hikari Sukiyaki in disbelief.

Then a cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"I'm waiting for this moment, I must live, so you must die!"

He smiled cruelly, opened his mouth and spit out a huge dragon's breath.

The horrible flame directly ignited the whole body of Kozuki's baptism burnt, and then bit by bit burned Kozuki's sukiyaki into coke. .

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