"Another person?"

Luo Xiu looked at the distant sea with a speechless face. At this moment, he realized that the person who came was not the person he imagined, but a guy he never expected to come.

"Why are you here?"

There was calmness in Luo Xiu's voice, and a little indifference in the calmness.

He never expected that the guy in front of him would come to his side, you must know that there shouldn't be any intersection between them.

After hearing Luo Xiu's words, the man opposite showed some smiles at this moment.

"The reason why I came here now, don't you really know?"

Hearing this, Luo Xiu looked up and down the guy in front of him.

"Let me tell you, with your timidity, you probably wouldn't come here to look for me, aren't you afraid that I'll blow you up with one punch?"

Luo Xiu spoke helplessly, and after hearing what he said, the clown Buggy on the opposite side showed a smile at this moment.

"Hehehe, the reason why I came here is actually to pass a message to you."

"What words?"

Luo Xiu spoke softly, with a little peace in his eyes.

"It's Shanks, he asked me to tell you something, in this world, some people are not what you imagined."

"Then I hope you can stay in peace and don't attack Naval Headquarters, because if you are there, you may not be able to come back."

Hearing this, a smile appeared on the corner of Luo Xiu's mouth, he laughed a little crazy, and thought it was ridiculous.

"Are you kidding me, you think I can't get out after entering Naval Headquarters?"

"And why do you think the Marines on the north side of the Marine can keep me?"

The madness and exuberance in Luo Xiu's eyes is not blind self-confidence, but a great awareness of his own strength.

Luo Xiu is naturally Akainu who knows how strong he is now, and he has no power to fight back in front of him. His predecessor, Marine Admiral Zephyr, just looked like he was hammered in front of him.

Before going to sleep, he pinned Fujitora and Hawkeye to the ground again and hammered them.

Any one of them can stand at the pinnacle of this world, but such a powerful strongman can't even survive a few rounds in front of Luo Xiu.

So no matter how you look at it, it is impossible for them to have too much influence under Luo Xiu. For Luo Xiu, he only needs one punch and one kick to defeat them all.

…0 for flowers…………

In this case, if there is no strong person who has broken through to the limit to fight him, then, for Luo Xiu, it is absolutely possible to push them all to the ground.

Taking a deep breath, Luo Xiu's eyes flickered a little cold, and he said to the clown Buggy in front of him,


"There are some things that you can't stop or predict, so get out of here now.

"By the way, come over here next time, don't pretend to be deep, otherwise, if I accidentally blow you to death, I won't admit it."

Luo Xiu said this with a sneer and a sneer, and after hearing his words, the clown Buggy on the opposite side paused slightly, nodded and ran back.

If it wasn't for Shanks giving him a very good thing, he wouldn't be able to refuse this commission at all.

Clown Buggy will never come here to face Luo Xiu face to face, he has heard of Luo Xiu's reputation before, and now he feels how powerful Luo Xiu is. .

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