"What bullshit are you talking about, I'm Marine Admiral, I can't be what you call a lackey.

"You will die here next, see the cell around you? You will stay here on the last day."

"I am Marine, and always will be Marine, and Marine will never compromise."

Seeing the opponent's appearance at this time, Luo Xiu's eyes flickered with a little helplessness, he rolled his eyes, and finally looked at Kizaru who was beside him.

At this time, Kizaru was sitting on that chair, with a little calm in his eyes, he was not quite crazy like Akainu.

For him, defeat is defeat, and he waits for Akainu to surrender, and then surrenders with him.

That's right, Kizaru doesn't think too much about the so-called justice, or he has justice in his heart, and justice is not what Marine does in his opinion.

Otherwise, when he was a Marine, he wouldn't have fished often, or even played badly.

"Kizaru, what do you think?"

Luo Xiu's soft words sounded, and after hearing these words, Kizaru on the opposite side slowly shook his head.

He didn't say any more words, but just uttered a short sentence to prove his position.

"I will stand on Akainu's side, without him`". "

Luo Xiu nodded slowly, he understood that the other party's choice was not much different from his own.

"Very well, then you two can stay here!"

After saying this, Luo Xiu came to the third cell, and inside it was Aokiji, or Kuzan, the man covered in ice.

"It's Marine Admiral Kuzan, how about it? Are you going to stay here and leave a legacy for thousands of years, or go out with me and make a difference.

Luo Xiu's voice was still as unusually calm as before, because in his opinion, although the group of Marine Admirals in front of him were powerful, lacking in combat power, and had charisma, if they weren't his own, they would be useless.

So only by joining them can he become his most loyal lackey.

After hearing Luo Xiu's words, Hu Zan slowly opened his eyes, and he calmly looked at Lu Xiu opposite him.

Under everyone's gaze, I saw a smile on the corner of Aokiji's mouth, and said softly.

"I am willing to join you, to be your right-hand man, and to help you rule the world."

A short sentence proves that Aokiji Feng has joined Luxiu's camp.

Luo Xiu also smiled slightly at this time, and turned to Robin at the side.

"." Robin changed our good partner into a suit, gave him a good meal, and remembered to take off the seastone handcuffs on his body. "

After saying this, he looked at Aokiji on the opposite side again, and then spoke.

"Justice is not only practiced when you are a Marine, no matter what your identity is? When you stick to the justice in your heart, justice still exists.

After Luo Xiu finished speaking, he ignored (Nonuo's) and turned to the next building.

At this moment, the man in this cell did not wear Hailou in handcuffs, because he did not have the power of Devil Fruit, and at this moment, his entire body was bound by the emperor's chains.

Although it does not restrict his actions, it can greatly suppress his power.

This person is named Marine Hero Garp.

Looking up at Luo Xiu opposite, Garp showed a smile on the corner of his mouth, and there was madness in the smile. .

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