A black light flickered, and there was a muffled thunder in the sky.

The thunder and lightning flickered in the sky this time, but no one paid attention to it.

Especially for Luo Xiu, all he saw at this moment was Whitebeard on the opposite side with a hijab.

And next to Whitebeard Newgate, is Diamond Jozy Phoenix et al.

And these people don't dare to take a breath, they probably don't have much "800" thoughts about Four Emperors.

Not too scared, but for Luo Xiu, who can defeat all the Four Emperors, everything is different.

Not to mention that Whitebeard Newgate had told them not to talk nonsense before he arrived.

But now just looking at Luo Xiu, they didn't dare to say anything more, because such fear made them extremely panic.

If Whitebeard and Newgate hadn't been here, they would have escaped in the past.

"Okay, but I still want to know what kind of method can save Fire Fist Ace, and what is he like now?"

Before hearing these words, Whitebeard Newgate sighed slightly, and then spoke softly.

"He ate two Devil Fruits."

The moment Luo Xiu heard this sentence, there was a little surprise in Luo Xiu's eyes, but he was obviously speechless in the surprise.

Devil Fruit is the most powerful secret treasure in the world. A Devil Fruit will bring endless growth to the human body, allowing an ordinary person to become a strong one.

No matter who they are, they can only eat one Devil Fruit, even if it is Blackbeard Subway, the power he uses is the swallowing ability of Dark Fruit, not the second one.

So no matter how you look at it? Anyone who can eat a second Devil Fruit is an idiot.

Luo Xiu frowned slightly, and said softly.

"Didn't you tell him he can't eat two Devil Fruits?"

Hearing Luo Xiu's words, Whitebeard Newgate shook his head slowly, and then told the whole story.

"It's not what you imagined. It's not what he ate, but someone forced him to eat."

"No way, has he messed with someone who can't be defeated again?"

Luo Xiu spoke a little speechlessly, while Whitebeard Newgate was silent, which showed that what he said was right.

"That's all. If you eat two Devil Fruits, why do you think I can save him?"

Luo Xiu really doesn't understand this point, if he can save the other party with his own strength, then all of this is possible......

But these two Devil Fruits can really save each other in this situation?

At least Luo Xiu himself didn't know that he had such ability.

But when thinking of this, Luo Xiu was suddenly taken aback, and he suddenly thought of one thing, that is, he might have such an ability.

It's just that it hasn't been tested before.

Sure enough, when seeing the change in Luo Xiu's eyes, Whitebeard and Newgate spoke softly.

"I heard that you can suck the ability of Devil Fruit out of the human body. If that's the case, you can get 5.4 from Ace's body, right?"

Hearing this, Luo Xiu didn't speak, because he knew that he could really do it, but this can be limited.

He said he'd done that before, but only if he fucked the guy to death.

He can pick up these energies from dead people, this is from living people, he really hasn't tried it yet.

"Good, interesting thing, I can try it.

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