When Kaido and aunt Charlotte Linlin have already chosen who will eat the mystery fruit.

Just outside, Fujitora couldn't help it.

Unlike others, Fujitora naturally has a gravity fruit, so he didn't want to eat this Devil Fruit again.

But he will not let this god fruit fall into the hands of other people, especially those pirates. He couldn't make a pirate a so-called god.

Even if no one knows whether this so-called god fruit can make them really gods, or whether they can become real gods after awakening through a lot of development.

But no one will gamble, and no one wants to gamble.

"Gravity Knife, fierce number 980!"

Fujitora let out a low growl, his voice rushed forward in an instant, and the Hyōrinmaru in his hand was displayed at this moment, an invisible sword energy.

The slash with ice and gravity immediately flew the dozens of pirates in front of him.

That's the power of the Admiral level.

Fujitora stared at those pale eyes, looked around and saw him Haki, let him know how many people were around.

"It's Fujitora with Admiral level combat power, let's fight it out together."

A man who turned into an elephant spoke loudly. After hearing his words, a dozen or so Zoan Demon fruit powers around him hugged him instantly.

And around the other. The pirate's eyes also looked towards Fujitora's side slowly. At this moment, there was a little light in their eyes.

Everyone present knows how strong Fujitora is.

Before Marine was destroyed, he was a standard Admiral combat power.

If it wasn't for the enemy he faced, Luo Xiu, the number one powerhouse in the world, perhaps the opponent's record would have become even more magnificent.

But in any case, no one underestimated it, not to mention how ferocious its own gravity fruit is, just with the Hyōrinmaru that can cut off the cold, the slight force is enough to kill most of them directly.

"Elephant Shock."

At this moment, the man with half of his body made of an elephant jumped into the half (cecj) air, and smashed towards Fujitora affectionately like a Mount Tai mountain.

Although Fujitora couldn't see it, he had the opponent's figure in his mind.

Fujitora didn't even dodge, because such fighting power seemed so insignificant in front of him.

He is useless. Instead of a standardized move, he raised Hyōrinmaru in his hand and slashed towards the sky.

Hearing a squeak, the elephant fruit user in the sky was directly struck by Hyōrinmaru's sword energy at this moment, turning into an ice sculpture and smashing hard on the ground.

As the ice sculpture shattered, the elephant and fruit ability user he had frozen inside also shattered into thousands of pieces at this moment.

The next moment, his body slowly returned to the human form, and the Devil Fruit ability in his body had dissipated.

"He killed our companion, killed him, we must not let him get the fruit of the gods.

Another one. The sharp-eyed werewolf, the person with the fruit ability, roared because of his voice.

At this time, more than 20 Demon fruit powers were mobilized by them, and they rushed towards Fujitora.

Seeing most of the Demon fruit power rushing over here, Fujitora's eyes were slightly calm.

"Gravity Knife, Meteorite."

He gave a low drink. A gravitational wave was shot directly, rushing to the sky, and at the same time inserted Hyōrinmaru back into the scabbard. .

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