The night sky flickered, the wind splashed in all directions, and at this moment, the black light all rushed to the sky.

Luo Xiu stood in the darkness, looking at everything in front of him calmly. At this moment, what happened in front of him was somewhat different from what he had imagined.

Because what he can see in his eyes at this time is a sky condensed by darkness, and there is a pure white light in the sky that attracts him.

"The only light in the darkness. This title is quite good."

Luo Xiu smiled softly, and looked at the figure standing beside him.

It was a pure white figure, and the figure at this time had no facial features.

This is the energy aggregate of the fruit of the gods.

At this time, this energy aggregate is next to Luo Xiu.

Luo Xiu couldn't see his appearance, but he could also see the seductive look in his eyes.

Obviously, this agglomeration of gods wants to seduce Luo Xiu and make Lu Xiu fully accept him as a real god.

And Luo Xiu will not be bewitched, because his own strength is not weaker than this god.

If there is a difference, it is that Luo Xiu himself does not have the power to change all of this.

In other words, he (chdc) does not have the comprehensiveness of the power of the gods, only pure and powerful.

"Accept me, accept me, I will let you get the most powerful power."

A slightly bewitching voice rang in Luo Xiu's ears, but Lou Xiu's eyes flashed a slight smile at this moment, and at the next moment, he slapped him to the side.

Not listening to the pure white light and shadow of the cooking doctor, he directly turned it into powder and dissipated in midair.

Luo Xiu looked at the piece in the distance. The light in the darkness, after looking at it, I found that the light did not dissipate, but became more vigorous.

It seemed to be attracting him to move forward, but he would not dislike the smile in Luo Xiu's eyes.

"Under the light, there must be darkness, and darkness is what I must exist. The reason for existence."

Luo Xiu said softly, turned and left directly, and returned to his room.

At this time, Nami Robin and others were waiting for him here, while Luo Xiu smiled slightly and threw himself directly onto the big bed.

What Luo Xiu didn't know was that at this very moment, powerful children from all over the world were rushing towards him with all kinds of treasures.

Luo Xiu helps Koshiro fulfill his wish to be resurrected. The story of his daughter has been completely disseminated.

Under such circumstances, many people came here admiringly, wanting Luo Qiu to help them realize their wishes.

For this, they are willing to give everything.

among these people. There is a little calmness in the eyes of some extremely powerful people.

They are different from other people, in their consciousness, it should not be like this now.

They all understand what they have to do next. It completely violated their heart, but they had to do it.

No one will refuse this thing that only needs to pay a price, and everyone will flock to it.

And now it is.

A large number of pirates stood on the outskirts of Luo Xiu's base, defending themselves and watching the swarming crowd outside, with a little surprised look in their eyes.

"What's going on? Are they here to attack us? How dare they?".

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