Normally, Luo Xiu would not have any interest in the so-called Eight Tails, but in this world, he is really too boring.

Bored to the point where he is even willing to help other people realize their wishes, so at this time, he is naturally willing to investigate the eight.

Of course, in more cases, it is the power of the eight for itself and its characteristics.

Eight Tails can be integrated into the human body to help humans produce more powerful power.

Under such circumstances, Luo Xiu is naturally willing to take Eight Tails out of Killer Bee's body, and then give it to his other subordinates.

In fact, Luo Xiu also discovered a problem, that is, Nami Robin and other women who followed him have reached their limit.

If every time he injected energy liquid before, the strength of Nami and others would be further enhanced, and it was an exaggerated kind.

So up to now, every time he injects the energy liquid, the strength enhancement brought by Nami and others is not that great. Of course, the experience is quite comfortable.

This also let Luo Xiu know that the talents and peaks of Nami and others have reached, and they all want to become stronger, so it will consume a lot of resources.

This made Luo Xiu feel a little helpless. Naturally, he didn't need Nami and others to become very powerful to protect himself, but this didn't mean she was unwilling to do so.

So he's looking elsewhere, and the eight in Killer Bee is a good bet right now.

"The day of the lost war, the enemy at the pinnacle!"

Killer Bee gave a low snort, and without any hesitation, he activated the microbes in his body, Chakra.

The next moment, Eight Tails' tail beasts converged on the surface of his body, turning it into a tailed beast form.

"Come to fight, when the battle is lost!"

Killer Bee roared and rushed towards Luo Xiu who was opposite.

Seeing such an attack, Luo Xiu smiled slightly, and then rushed forward with a punch.

There was a rumbling sound, and the terrifying power brought by his punch made Celebi on the opposite side feel a brilliant attack.

His body felt extremely severe pain at this moment, and his pupils shrank suddenly at the next moment.

Then he quickly backed away to avoid the current situation.

And the next moment that appeared in front of him was Luo Xiu's terrifying fist.

With a bang, the air space in front of him was even completely shattered, and a small black hole appeared.

After the attack dissipated, the resilience of the world completely filled the black hole, making it as if the black hole never appeared.

However, such an attack has already made Killer Bee on the opposite side feel pain and fear.

He was still panting heavily, staring fixedly at Luo Xiu.

"What's going on? The power of your punch just now is so strong, who are you?"

Hearing the other party's words, Luo Xiu looked a little funny.

"It was you who broke into my territory, and then asked me who I am, don't you think it's a little too funny?"

Hearing Luo Xiu's words, Killer Bee on the opposite side was slightly taken aback, only then did he understand what the other party said.

He shook his head slowly, and then continued to speak.

"We didn't come here on purpose, the black hole affected our world after it appeared, so we naturally have to send people over to investigate.

"It's just that after they came over, they seemed to have conflicted with you, so can this matter pass like this?"

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