On top of a huge skull, there are a lot of people here.

Wang Zhi and John, two old people who had already died, stayed here at this time.

In the previous battle of the Valley of the Gods, Rocks died, and the two of them were relatively weak people in the Rocks Pirate.

He did not develop his power like Whitebeard, Newgate and others, but directly chose to retire.

In the end, he died in a corner where there was no one "eight five seven".

Then they came to this world and re-saw their former captain in the form of undead.

However, when they saw Rocks, they didn't have the crazy look they once had.

The reason is simple, the Rocks are dead, they are all ghosts, and it is impossible for them to build another kingdom of souls here.

As dead people, their strength is very small.

Once, Rocks could destroy mountains and seas with one punch, and has already stepped on the world with his feet.

But now Rocks is just an ordinary guy with no airs.

They are all lonely ghosts, and when they are alive, most of them exercise only their own bodies and the power of Devil Fruit.

Few people exercise their souls, so their souls are weak after death.

Because Rocks has no determination to dominate again, Wang Zhi and John didn't say anything more.

They just came to this place that looks like Skull Island and stayed here.

"Wang Zhi, how many years have passed now, can we really only stay here for the rest of our lives?"

John spoke calmly, the emptiness in his eyes gradually spread.

"Why, are you going to disappear too, John, in this world, when we come to this land of nothingness, we know that everyone is actually dead.

"But those of us who are still here are actually not reconciled, right? The captain back then could clearly conquer the world and become the overlord of the entire world, but because of Roger and those guys in the sea house, he died directly and let himself go."

"How could we surrender, how could we agree with this, but there is no way now."

"If you want to go, go, I will continue to wait here, waiting for that miracle to appear."

Wang Zhi said with a smile, it seems that he is more relieved than John, so he can stay here for a longer time, but if you look closely, you will find that there is a proliferation of nothingness in his heart.

That's right, the two of them are almost unable to hold on, and they know that when they can't hold on, they will turn into nothingness, or they will re-condense into a new soul without memory and throw themselves into the world.

But no matter what it is, both of them will die here.

And they are not reconciled, they are not reconciled at all.

"Captain, when will you come back? If you come back, maybe we can conquer that sea again!"

Wang Zhi said with a light smile, then slowly closed his eyes, starting from his footsteps, his body dissipated bit by bit.

After an unknown amount of time, when Ochoku opened his eyes, he saw a bold and familiar face.

"Captain, why are you here? Did you disappear with me?"

Ochoku looked surprised, but Rocks just patted him on the shoulder. Some said with a wry smile.

"Don't worry, Ochoku, now we are different from before, we will return to the previous world to fight in ten directions.

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