Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

133. Sabaody is really fishing!

"Sabaody is really good! (⊙o⊙)"

Behind Leonardo, Dominic, who was married and promoted to office last year, watched this scene in a stunned manner, and his whole body went numb!

I have always heard that Sabaody is very profitable, but I have never seen it before. Today he finally saw it!

On the first day he took office, the head of the Fuck base stopped at the door to give gifts. This wave of operations is so irritating. What's more important is that all the gift boxes, big and small, just picked up one of them and put them on the weight. He would bet The contents inside he struggled for many years in Marine still can't afford to buy.

I really didn't expect that the chief of the Sabaody base would be so fat. No wonder the former Vice Admiral, who was strong in martial arts and trained with twelve-pack abs, became fat in less than two years.

Under this kind of temptation, he is also fat!

Thinking that I have worked so hard for so many years, I can't even afford one of the items in these gift boxes, and only Curry Vice Admiral feels that these people can't wait to send it out.

At this moment, Dominic, who was worried that Curry Vice Admiral would be crushed to death, was sour.

Or crush him..

"Stop it! Dear bosses, since I have been transferred to the base here, defending Sabaody is naturally my mission and duty. You are blaspheming my mission and duty by doing this! Is Marine's mission something that can be bought? ?(♥~♥ㄨ)”

Leonardo climbed out of the "little" mountain high gift box with difficulty, interrupted these rich people's talk, and said righteously.

The original Sabaody defenders who were used to these scenes were surprised. This legendary "undead Vice Admiral" seems to be different from the previous boss. ..

" are also Shengyi Quanquan. I'm new here and I can't tell if I don't accept it. You guys are very tired to carry these things all the way. It's a little embarrassing for you guys to carry them back. I can't help but listen to each one of you talking nonsense... Well, there are too many of these things, and I can't put them down here. Write down your information and which area you have property in. The gift box was sent to my house in Marineford, and I will have someone write it down. …

Just when these tycoons and the defenders of Sabaody were surprised that a non-stealing cat had come from Sabaody, Leonardo changed his words and made these people almost sit on the ground.

Sure enough, there is no cat that doesn't steal fishy, ​​this Fuck is to let them get home with free shipping.....-_-||

Leonardo looked at the "little meaning" like a "little" mountain high, and his breathing was also rapid, this Sabaody is really fat!

Before, he was worried that if he married Gion and had children in the future, they would support a shitty family with their salary. Although Gion inherited the family's mines, as a man, he always used women's money. It doesn't matter, anyway, his stomach is not very good by nature, he can only eat liquid food... But I'm afraid that Gion's face can't be hung, which girl would like to hear others say that her man is a soft-boiled man?

What I see now is just the first wave of taking office. According to the weight of these things on my body just now, I apply for retirement now, and there is no problem in supporting my family in the future.

No wonder so many people in Te Meow have to come to Sabaody to work for two years, this is really a wow!!

Looking at these tycoons with sullen faces, wearing suits and sunglasses, they all look like club bosses. No one believes that they are legitimate businessmen. They can have business in Sabaody without any background. The proprietress of any bar is likely to be a woman from Poseidon Rayleigh, not to mention that these are either shipyards or theme parks, and even those who have industries in such a high-spending place in District 5, are unjust anyway. Wealth, is there a gift not to receive?

As I said, before those people accepted it, if he didn't accept it, wouldn't that distinguish him from those people?

You are amazing, you are arrogant...

How bad is this!

"This idiot...

Gion looked at Leonardo who was standing on a pile of "small" mountain high gifts, Gion covered his face with his hands, the truth pulled out his father's famous sword and chopped this shameful bastard, but thought that if he chopped this bastard Now, wouldn't the future child have no biological father?

All for the kids....

"Cough, okay, okay, let's all leave, this Vice Admiral took office on his first day, and there are still a lot of business to deal with, I will write down your information when the time comes.

After about ten minutes, after these people had written the information on the gift box and the logistics company had arrived, Leonardo sent them away and gave a high-ranking younger brother who was standing in the C position in the Sabaody field guards with his eyes. People walk into the base.

""....Do you think this "undead Vice Admiral" green fox is different from those before?"

When Leonardo led people away, the "legitimate" businessman who had previously shouted that there were two shipyards in Area 55 took out a large cigar from his inner pocket and lit it in his mouth, instantly restoring his rich man's style to the surrounding people. said the man.

"What can be different, it's not the same as a fishy cat."

The rich man with property in District 5 also recovered the style of the big brother of the club, took out a big cigar and let the little brother behind him set it on fire, and said while puffing out a cigarette.

"It doesn't matter if it's different, this time we're giving such a big gift, as long as this "undead Vice Admiral" can fight..."

Another rich man waved his hand and said indifferently.

Do you really think that Sabaody's land is fat? Their money is not blown by the wind, although their business is quick, but it is also a little bit of money.

(Wang Nuozhao) The small meaning they gave to this "undead Vice Admiral" this time is really not "little". If you really think about it, the gift this time is more than what they gave to the last Tlai Vice Admiral over the years. Get up a lot.

Now I have to give it away, because Roger has climbed to the top of One Piece, and the sea is in chaos now, and many places have been affected. Their Sabaody land is naturally close to the entrance of New World, and the pirates who come to Sabaody land are not ordinary. These pirates either came out of the New World, or they came all the way through the first half. Which one is not a big pirate worth over 100 million? Although they have some power, they are compared to these desperate desperados. But I can't afford it. If you are targeted by these big pirates, you will really die. Last month, a group of pirates from New World ran out of several auction houses in the sixth district. Sabaody's business, after all, can rely on these Marines.

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