Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

136. Rayleigh: Sir, I am no longer a pirate

He's not afraid of this Marine kid, at his current peak state, even if a group of Garp with a hard fist comes, he can fight for 300 rounds without the love sword, but this kid is different, his mouth is stinky and stinky. Not to mention, the key is still not cut to death, which makes his liver hurt.

He was sprayed by this kid in the Edwal waters before and asked him to form a team with Golden Lion. Even if Roger ascended to the top of One Piece, he, the co-captain, could not get rid of this dark history. To be honest, he faced this Marine kid. There is still a lack of psychology, this kid's mouth is really too stinky, it will be bad if he has to retire and become popular again....

.....Mr. Marine, he's drunk, I think let's forget it?"

Shakky saw the body lying on the table in the distance pretending to drink fake wine, and said with a smile.

"Six nine seven" "Crack!"

"How can you forget it, let me tell you, the law and order in Sabaody has been very bad recently. Two days ago, there were people who used drinking and drunk as an excuse to molest the little girl at the bar. Madam Boss, you are so young and beautiful. Rogue, it’s not good. Madam boss, you are also a taxpayer. As the chief executive of Sabaody, how can you tolerate such illegal and disorderly things happening? Old alcoholic, get up for the uncle and honestly explain whether the girl at the bar two days ago is not Are you flirting? (~X)"

Leonardo slapped the table, said righteous words while walking to the side of Rayleigh who was pretending to be dead, and slapped him on the shoulder with a milky force.

"-_-||.... I said, Brother Marine, I am now a resident of Sabaody Land, so don't you have to?"

Rayleigh knew from the force with which the kid patted him that the kid recognized him. If the intensity was changed, the alcoholic had been shot with internal injuries, so he could only sit up and said helplessly.

"Wow! Wow! Wow! Isn't this Roger's right-handed, big Poseidon... Bah! Pluton Rayleigh? I didn't expect it! After becoming famous, I stopped surfing the sea and came to Sabaody to be a rogue! Come on. ..."

Leonardo's expression on his face changed three times a second with a look of surprise and surprise. Although this expression was vivid and vivid, it was a little exaggerated.

"Okay, don't use people anymore, I know you're coming alone, sir, I'm no longer a pirate, let's talk about your purpose. -_-||"

Rayleigh looked at this Marine kid who was obviously not good at acting and loved acting, and looked at the thief a little embarrassed, and raised his hand helplessly to interrupt him.

"Why did you come?! You still ask me what I came here for? Do you know that because you bastards have caused me to run around in the sea during this period of time, there is a home I can't go back to, even my old father is seriously ill and can't be in bed. Serving by my side, my old father was seriously ill in bed for three days and three nights before he recovered. Look at the crime rate around the world now soaring, how many families have been destroyed, how many wives have lost their lovers, and how many children have lost Parents, all these things are done by your Roger Pirates. Do these sins just want a simple "not a pirate" in exchange for a kiss? Wouldn't the conscience of you old ass not hurt? (^▼ㄨ)”

Leonardo said with a sympathetic expression, caring for the country and the people, and then pointed at Rayleigh with an indignant expression.

"...Huh! What do you say, little brother Marine. And I really didn't mean to do that sword..."

Rayleigh wiped the saliva from his face, looking up at the sky in silence.

Why is this Marine kid so fond of acting!

But he really didn't expect that after they found Raftel, the response would be so great, and even to be honest, how did Roger become the Pirate King, even they themselves are inexplicable, after they came out from Raftel, the world has already rumored that Roger became the Pirate King .

Regardless of whether the Marine kid is re-enacted or not, during this period of time, the pirates rioted all over the world and the soaring crime rate was indeed caused by them. This is an undeniable fact. At the same time, it is not their original intention to find Raftel. The big pirate, Captain Roger doesn't know where to pick up girls, so he can only let him be the deputy captain to resist all this.

Of course, it was still necessary for him to remind this brat about the sword he used, lest the Marine brat take revenge or something, and where would he put the face of his generation Pluton Rayleigh.

"What is that sword you didn't do on purpose?...Bah! Am I talking about that sword? Do I seem like the kind of person who cares deeply? Since you have the heart to atone for your sins, and seeing that you are also a senior, I will help Help you, I don't care about other places. First of all, Sabaody is now my land. Recently, the situation of Sabaody before I took office was compared with that of the proprietress. I have told you that, so let's start from here, you can go out with me to show Prime Minister, by the way, record a confession, and let those pirates see that the dignified Pluton Rayleigh will obey the law when he arrives at Sabaody, I hope they will keep a low profile in Sabaody in the future..."

"Also, I don't even know what to say about you. I thought you were a cultural person when I saw you wearing a pair of glasses. You shouldn't be out of touch with the times, right? Now the residents of Sabaody have a residence permit, you A black household actually said in front of me, the local chief, that he is a resident here, do you think you are the Five Elders?"

Leonardo said, took out the handcuffs and threw them in front of Rayleigh, and said contemptuously.

Although the old ass Rayleigh also gave him a knife at the beginning, but this guy's attitude is much better than Golden Lion, plus he really has no grudges with others, even the World Government doesn't do anything to them, he can't afford to stare at them An old guy who is dying, but it's not bad to take him out for a walk, let the pirates know that even Pluton Rayleigh has to lie down when he gets to his place, you little Galami don't keep a low profile.... .

"Cough....! I don't need this thing, just walk with you.

Seeing not only this Marine kid, but even Shakky stealing the look of contempt, Rayleigh coughed twice in embarrassment, then stood up and pointed at the handcuffs on the table and said 4.6.

He agrees with what the Marine kid said, it's just a trip to Marine Base anyway, and there's nothing to be ashamed of. Anyway, the Roger Pirates haven't had any shame for so many years, they just wear handcuffs, and he wanders around the sea for dozens of years. I have never brought this thing in years, and if I let that bastard Jabba know about it, I won't be laughed to death...

"...Okay, for the sake of being an old man, I'll give you a face, let's go, the lady boss didn't bring any money, the juice money is now on Rayleigh's head, let me tell you, it is said that they Found the ultimate treasure of the sea, a lot of money! I don't think you need to open this bar in the future, just wait and enjoy it with peace of mind! 99

Leonardo took the lead to the door and said to Shakky at the bar.

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