Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

153. He is coming, he is coming, he is coming on the waves


"Foil" Bista finished speaking, and the other sons also nodded.

Garp has already destroyed three of the Supreme Swords. They don't know who owns the other two, but the one in Roger's hand is indeed the Supreme Sword. It's the same as the Supreme Sword. Although Dad's "Cong Cloud Cut" is bigger than Roger's in shape, it's hard to say that it can win Garp's big fist, let alone be broken.

It's heart-wrenching just to be broken out a few gaps.

The Whitebeard Pirates are rich, yes, but most of that money is used to build Dad's hometown. If this really breaks out a few holes, it will be a waste to just ask those swordsmith masters to repair it. Small labor cost, this is not counting the material cost...

The most important thing is that Garp adds another record, which is not good.

"Gu la la la la la, don't worry, it's just a weapon, the most important thing now is to rescue the child Shandi first!"

Whitebeard tightly held the still trembling "Cong Yunqi". The size of the "Cong Yunqi" was bold. The magic weapon is very powerful, especially the top-level magic weapon like the Supreme Sword. It is not so easy to appease it, that guy Garp Although his feelings are not as deep as Roger's, but judging from the fearful appearance of his beloved sword, Roger did not use his beloved sword in the last two years, even when he came back from Raftel in a duel with him. Without using a sword, I know that this Marine kid is not bragging. Roger's beloved sword should have been broken by Garp during the naval battle of Edvard.

He would also feel distressed if his love knife was broken, but compared with his son, everything else was outside the body, especially when he thought that Shandi's son had such a rough fate, he had to save him, but after he was rescued, he had to let Marco Well persuade this child, stop being a pirate, and become a rich man honestly, this child is really unlucky!

He, Whitebeard, never believed in fate, but looking back at Sandy's life these days, he believes it now!

No one has ever died in such a sea, and the number of people who die every day in the New World is even more numerous, but there has never been a pirate whose fate has been so rough. He was first prostituted by Charlotte's fat woman, and finally escaped and met again. Kaido, who eats dry vinegar, was slapped by Kaido, and finally escaped to worship him as a godfather. This fuck hasn't been chic for two years, and he was slapped by Marine again. These kinds of encounters are really more uncomfortable than death..

"Where did this guy get that data?~?"

On the Naval Headquarters side, Akainu looked at Kizaru beside him with a question mark on his face. He also knew how big Garp Vice Admiral's fists were. In the naval battle of Edwar, he also saw the scene where Garp used a pair of big fists to fight Roger's hard steel. They were inside Marine. There have also been rumors that Roger's Supreme Sword was broken by one third of Garp Vice Admiral, but I heard this guy from Green Fox say that Garp Vice Admiral broke more than 20 famous swords. Famous military generals still know a lot about famous swords. As far as he knows, there are not more than 20 famous swords that have appeared so far, right?

" don't know, let alone anyone else.

Kizaru looked at Akainu curiously for a while, and found that the black-faced charcoal, who has been competing with him since school, has such a naive side.

I can't understand such obvious bragging. More than 20 famous knives are just invisible data, and there is no way to verify them. Garp Vice Admiral has no idea how many pirates have been killed over the years. In Impel down, who is so bored to go back and do this kind of record...  


Only then did Akainu react. The guy was so hilarious. Seeing how serious he was, he thought...

If you think about it, it's right. He, a person who got all grades in school exams, doesn't know these things. A person who has to bribe the Instructor to pass the exam without learning and no skills knows shit!

"Whoo... Whitebeard.... here comes. 35

Kuzan, who was next to the two of them, suddenly pushed the small lampshade covering his eyes to his forehead, straightened his body and looked at the sudden appearance of a huge wave on the sea in the distance, rushing towards Naval Headquarters, and said solemnly.

Marineford's feng shui has never had a small storm for many years, and now there are big waves coming, who else can this fuck not be Whitebeard's ghost, although I haven't seen Whitebeard and his pirate group, but with him The boss has been messing around for so long and it is not a white mess.

"Ouch, this monster is finally here."

Hearing Kuzan's reminder, Kizaru and Akainu also turned to look at the huge waves on the sea in the distance. Although Kizaru said it casually, his eyes under his glasses were surprisingly solemn. But, Roger, Golden Lion, which one is not the top pirate.

However, Whitebeard is different from Roger and Golden Lion. This is the big pirate who claims to be able to destroy the world. His power is reflected in his Paramecia Shock Fruit, which is called the strongest. This is something neither Roger nor Golden Lion can match. By comparison, Roger is not Demon fruit power, his main fighting power is Conqueror's Haki and swordsmanship. Although Golden Lion is Devil Fruit power, Lion Fruit does not have much destructive power. This Whitebeard is a man who can cause flash floods and tsunamis. Especially stepping on the huge waves, this entrance special effect is also the Whitebeard family in the world.

"Here he is! Here he is! The man is coming on the waves!"

"Finally, on behalf of all Marines, I would like to thank the Five Elders for their support to Marine over the years. Without the five heroes who silently dedicated themselves behind the Five Elders, we Marine would not be able to fight the pirates wholeheartedly for many years. The five adults The merit is in the present and the future is in the future! The merits of the five adults will be handed down forever and immortal. Leng"

"Okay, (Zhao De's) now we see that the Whitebeard Pirates have followed this huge wave in the distance and have begun to enter the field, and then we will hand over the time to the war reporter in front of us, Curry Vice Admiral.... 99

Not only Kuzan and Kizaru, but all of them saw the rushing waves and saw this huge wave, but anyone who knows a little about Whitebeard knows that this is where Whitebeard is coming!

Needless to say, this kind of special effects is definitely the only one in the world. Shock Fruit has already been played by Whitebeard in his hands, and the self-taught pirate students are the best!

And after Leon finished playing Garp, he suddenly remembered that he forgot to lick the five super giants of World Government, which is not good!

I quickly forced the photographer's younger brother to give a few minutes of footage, and the licking was even more explicit than before. How could it be disgusting? I didn't change the topic until I saw the photographer's younger brother's camera was almost unsteady....

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