Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

161. Rayleigh: This kid is polite

"Little devil, if you are of this level, I'm afraid it's not enough to fight me one-on-one.

"Die, kid!"

"Bang!" 9

"Crack! 99

"Boom! 99

Whitebeard finally broke out. This stinky Marine kid started to sow discord with his son, and flattened his poor son Sandy into a pig's head. Now he is still clamoring for a one-on-one fight with himself. If he doesn't do it, others will think He Whitebeard is a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle!

With a super machete in his hand, the veins on his arms burst out, and he swung hard towards the Naval Headquarters in front of him, and the special effect of 50 cents of broken glass appeared in front of him, followed by a powerful shock to Marineford, For a time, the sea level behind him was completely tilted, and Uncle Marine and the pirate brother, who were slashing, almost sat on the ground.

"Buddha Light Impact!


"July 10" When the power of shock hit, Sengoku shot, I don't know when he has transformed into a golden Buddha, and the altitude has been raised a lot. Sengoku put his hands together and faced the powerful shock wave. .

Two powerful forces exploded in the office, and the terrifying aftermath of the explosion shook the entire Marineford, but fortunately, Whitebeard's critical attack was finally blocked.

"Mad, so fierce?!(⊙_⊙)?"

Leonardo leaned against the wall and felt Marineford shaking violently, his eyes dizzy, and he shook his dizzy head.

He knew that Whitebeard was very picky, and he would still be able to hang Akainu, a Marine Admiral in his seventies, but he didn't expect Whitebeard in his prime to pick up such a force. They are all affected. You must know that the land area of ​​Marineford is not small. This is Naval Headquarters. Hundreds of thousands of Marines live behind them and follow the residents. Naval Headquarters is in front. The energy efficiency of this area is strange.

Although Whitebeard's flat A didn't really hurt Garp, it was definitely more of a crit, if it weren't for Sengoku and Garp

"Now you know how scary this guy is? Get ready to fight, you go...

"Oh! Wooden Man Technique!"

"The Hulk gave labor and capital to do him! Mad, big is great? Labor and capital are bigger than you....(▼▼▼#)"


"Fuck! (?Month?)/"

Sengoku didn't know when he had come over and looked at this stinky boy helplessly, and was about to tell this boy that Whitebeard is not a one-on-one one-on-one. If you go, you will be beaten in vain, and go team up with Kizaru and the others to kill those sons of Whitebeard, Whitebeard handed him and Garp to defend, but the words didn't finish.

I saw Leonardo thought that Sengoku had called him up, holding a sword in his right hand, and gesturing blindly in his left hand under the green light for a while, then a huge super wooden man with a height of more than 100 meters rose from the ground, Leonardo jumped on the shoulder of the super wooden man with a Moonwalk. On the top, he controlled the super wooden man to walk towards Whitebeard and his Moby Dick below. This stalwart figure covered the sky and the moon, and the appearance alone made many people weak.

When he saw the super wooden man summoned by Leonardo, Sengoku almost didn't get his tongue.

This is too big! And it's green... No wonder this kid dared to fight Whitebeard one-on-one, not only became a great swordsman, but also developed his fruit ability to such an extent.


"What is this, Curry Vice Admiral's ult? Big...?(((?Dan?))))?"


Not only Sengoku, everyone was taken aback when they saw the super wooden man who suddenly jumped out of the ground. The pirate boy below the super wooden man watched the super wooden man take two steps, one step and two steps, each step leaving a super big one. Footprints, hurry up and escape, if this fuck is coming, he will die in vain...

"Made, Whitebeard, aren't you a sucker? Optimus Prime, fuck him! (▼^▼X)"

Leonardo stood arrogantly on the shoulders of the super wooden man and looked at the little giant Whitebeard, who was more than six meters and almost seven meters in front of the super wooden man. It was comparable to a sperm.

"Mad, this Marine Vice Admiral is a bit exaggerated. It's terrifying to be able to summon such a big wooden man..."

"Huh... Fortunately we didn't mess with him back then. 35


Sabaody Land No. 13, a group of pirates looked at the sudden appearance of the super wooden man and were almost not scared to pee. Recalling that when the Marine Vice Admiral was here, they were glad that they were not impulsive. If they started with this Marine Vice Admiral, that guy would summon This super wooden man came out, and these people have one foot and one foot......

"By the way, has your temporary card expired? Let's renew it tomorrow..."

"'s good to pass today, or...let's go now?"


The pirates were so panicked that what happened to Whitebeard's son and the handwriting of this Marine Vice Admiral made their scalps tingle, and then they remembered that the temporary documents they had handled were invalid and they seemed to be prepared. They thought that this Marine Vice Admiral had already left. Now, it doesn't matter if you don't crack down on it or not...

But thinking about it now...I don't know if those Marines will bring them closer to the blacklist, this Marine Vice Admiral will come back after the event...

"This kid is making great progress, now Whitebeard is in trouble...

In the crowd, wearing clothes bought by Ma Zi and drinking wine from Ma Zi's bar, Rayleigh, who was watching a play in the crowd, pushed the glasses hanging on the nose bridge and looked at Whitebeard on the big screen sympathetically.

He said that Whitebeard's trouble was not because of this super wooden man. Although this kid's super wooden man was exaggerated, it was nothing more than water for Whitebeard. The sturdy men of their level have reached the point of ignoring their weight. In front of them, they are not Big enough to be a tank.

He said that the trouble with Whitebeard was that when the kid could only summon a wooden dragon, his resilience had already reached the level of pervert, and he could split it in half. It can create various ancient giant trees to create a forest, and at the same time it has a strong vitality. Now this kid's fruit development level 4.6 is obviously stronger than two years ago. Two years ago, he couldn't kill this kid. Now this kid's Restoration is definitely the same as pervert. Although Whitebeard's Shock Fruit is powerful, it's really impossible to kill this kid...

Encountering a kid with a stinky mouth and can't get rid of it... that taste, only when you encounter it will you have a deep understanding.

To be honest, the kid who said hello to Whitebeard was much more polite than when he scolded him and the Golden Lion...

Thinking of the image of Whitebeard smashing the kid and then pointing at the nose with his back, Rayleigh was so excited that he blew two bottles of wine brought from the Mazi bar.

"Whitebeard, here you are!"

"Yeah, here I come..."

"You shouldn't have come...

Just thinking about it is exciting, I am not alone!!!(*?)?))★

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