Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

163. Born swordsman is so upright

"Boy, can you really do it? (⊙_⊙)?"

Garp looked at Leonardo who was walking in front of him, and asked worriedly.

In addition to Conqueror's Haki, this kid burst out with some other unfamiliar auras in it. This aura is weird, unstable, and annoying. If this kid isn't his eldest brother's only son, this kid will come here. At that time, he had already given him a scoop.

This is also the reason why he is uneasy, he is really worried that this kid will be killed by Whitebeard......

"Clap clap clap!"

"My labor and management have taught me since I was a child, man, you can't say that you can't do it!"

"Whitebeard, don't say that labor and capital bully the elderly, it's just like labor and capital....

"call out!

"Fuck! That bastard again!?(*`Dish'*)??"

Leonardo patted his chest fiercely and confidently finished his invitation to fight Whitebeard, but before he could finish speaking, the dark green super slash suddenly rushed towards Whitebeard's back and slashed towards him.

Although he can resist, Leonardo is not an idiot. If he can dodge this attack, he can dodge it. After a big jump to dodge this slash, Leonardo comes up again. Are all these pirates so despicable?

In every war, someone plays sneak attack, and the target is him, what kind of game is this going to play?


The dark green slash did not hit the target, and its power remained undiminished. It cut a bottomless chasm on the ice and went straight to the gate of justice. The gate of justice still spends a lot of money every year to maintain it without being cleaved, but it also left a mark on it. A deep cut...

"Another great swordsman...!∑(°mouth°;)"

"Who is this...? I remember that the best sword player on the Whitebeard ship is Foil Bista. He doesn't seem to be a great swordsman, right? (⊙_⊙)?"

Everyone also saw the strength of the sneak attack from this slash. It was more powerful than the slash of this Marine pretty boy before. Even the gate of justice in Naval Headquarters was marked. What's wrong, you must know that the gate of justice in Naval Headquarters and the gate of Impel down are made of hard heavy metal, and they may not be able to be opened with nuclear bombs. Someone has made a mark on it.

"Great Swordsman, Dracule Mihawk, Sabre Supreme, Twelve Swords, Heavy Flower T-shaped, Black Sword. Night! Please enlighten me....

At this moment, a figure came from behind with a knife in one hand, and the eagle-like eyes under the black top hat stared at Leonardo, and said in an equally cool tone.

However, he was holding the super artifact in his hand tightly. Since he came to Naval Headquarters, his super artifact has been trembling non-stop, as if encountering some kind of devil. It looks like, but this opponent is an appointment with him, there is no reason to leave now when everyone is here...


Looking at this cool figure, everyone at the scene and everyone in front of the big screen were all question marks on their faces.

Does this great swordsman who came out holding an artifact mean to compete with Marine pretty boy???

However, Fuck didn't see that the black and white were fighting, so he ran to find someone to compare swords......

How big is this guy's heart?

"Bastard, didn't you see that labor and management want to fight Whitebeard one-on-one? I don't have time to play with you, find a nunchuck and play! (▼^▼ㄨ)"

Seeing the person coming, and the familiar group of super artifact black knives. Ye, he knows who this guy is without introducing him. Although he is still a spirited guy, he can't afford this outfit at first sight. The super artifact, isn't it the No. 1 swordsman in the future who is still a nobody, and the strongest swordsman, Hawkeye. …

However, the strength of this guy has been seen just now. He has the bonus of super artifact. This guy is the pinnacle of his debut. The great swordsman is matched with super artifact. Should I go to the red-haired Shanks to play the house, what's the trouble with running to him?

"Okay, as long as you have a match with me, I'll leave.

In the future, Hawkeye is a stubborn temperament. The uprightness of a natural swordsman is engraved in his genes. Once it is determined, the nine-headed Whitebeard can't pull it back. He comes to Whitebeard with a super magical power and raises his sword at a distance of more than ten meters from Leonardo to point to Leonardo's fighting intent. He is full of hair, like a little father protecting his eldest son.

"Hey... This fuck, big brother, didn't you see that this is a war between good and evil, and labor and management have to fight the big boss, where do you have time to play house with you, you are separated? (-_-)/"

Leonardo looked at the future eagle eye with a sword pointing at him with a toothache. If it was the usual guy who went to Sabaody to look for him, and saw the heart of the hunter, he would agree, but he didn't see that it was a global live broadcast now. , Marine Vice Admiral does not cut pirates to play with you here, this Fuck is like a good thing.

"Gu la la la la la, kid, this is not the place you should be, or..."

The scene was embarrassed because of the arrival of Hawkeye. Even the "eldest son" Whitebeard, who was guarded by "little dad", couldn't hold back his old face. The labor and management were leading a team to fight with Marine to save his son, and you suddenly appeared to find someone. Than the sword destroys the atmosphere, it's a mess like that.

If it weren't for your bravery, labor and management are also people with clear grievances, and they would have done you a long time ago.

However, before Whitebeard finished persuading, the cool future Hawkeye had already drawn his sword.

Natural born swordsmen are so upright.

"""Black Knife. Night 35


Another dark green super slash slashed towards Leonardo ten meters away.

"Fuck! I knew.... your uncle's! (-"-angry)"

"Hidden knife!"

Leonardo was also well prepared. Facing the super slash coming from him, he waved his hand with a white super slash.


"Boom!! 99

The two super slashing slashes collided, as if the space was about to be hacked, and the entire space turned white and green, extremely dazzling.

"You are so shameless, aren't you? Aren't you better than a sword? Well, who is the real son of Whitebeard today! (♥~X)"

Leonardo was also on fire, and with one hand he copied the ancestral sword of kindness, deducted the defensive key, and slashed at the eyes of the future eagle (Zhao De).

Didn't he spend a lot of money last month to change the feng shui treasure in the cemetery for the dead ghost grandpa, why is it still like this..


In the future, Hawkeye is also not cowardly, but his super artifact is a bit too big to hold with one hand, and the machete in both hands also looks cold to Leonardo.

"Ding ding ding!


The battle between the two great swordsmen was about to break out. Both of them used offense instead of defense and did not talk about the style of defense.

Kendo is the same as chopping people. The point is to keep moving forward, and if you retreat, you will lose. . . .

Numerous slashes erupted around the two great swordsmen, and the ice surface was densely scratched by countless slashes. The surrounding Uncle Marine and the pirate younger brother listened to the tingling sound that made the scalp tingle. The constant backward shift left a battlefield for the two of them.

(PS: Thanks Dad for the monthly pass!!).

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