Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

168. Falling objects? Dolls?

"Brain daddy... everyone...

And the pig-headed Sandy, who was guarded by the two giants, Vice Admiral, watched the battle below. From the beginning to the present, the tears and snot have not stopped, especially when he saw that those brothers were constantly being crawled to save him, and the father wanted to save him. Save him, singled out Marine Admiral and Marine hero, even the love knife was broken a few times, the guilt in my heart is indescribable, the whole head is deeply attached to the ground, the mixture of tears and snot has already wet more than half On the high platform, the two giants, Vice Admiral, resisted nausea and stayed two meters away from this guy...

This pirate is so disgusting.


One-on-two, the infinitely bold Whitebeard seemed to sense the grief of his son who had a rough life. He didn't even want his favorite knife, and began to exert all kinds of strength again. All kinds of attacking skills that he had trained to the top emerged in an endless stream, just for the sake of Break through the defenses of Sengoku and Garp and save your poor godson.




At the same time that Whitebeard threw away the big knife in his hand to attack, Garp's big fist finally smashed into Whitebeard's machete, and a clear and dull voice sounded. Garp's big fist broke a third of the knife's tip.

Garp smiled happily when he saw his victory.


"Marine hero Garp Vice Admiral's fist is really... blown up! o(?Month?)>!"

At this moment, everyone was shocked. Looking at Whitebeard's super artifact without the tip of the knife, it was impossible to describe the current mood in words. Marine hero Garp really used a big fist to give the supreme knife Broken!?

Although the tip of the knife is tightly broken, it may affect the beauty of the machete and not impress its use. After all, big guys like Whitebeard are generally used for chopping rather than stabbing.

After all, it is used to poke, who can stand it...

But that's a super artifact, the supremely fast knife! Just when their eyes were abruptly shattered, it was so exaggerated and terrifying.


"Garp you bastard! (#Dan')?"


Although the moment he gave up his beloved knife, Whitebeard was already prepared for the destruction of his beloved knife, but when he really saw the picture of his beloved knife being destroyed by Garp, Whitebeard couldn't help but became furious and punched him. After retreating from Sengoku, he feinted a shot and deceived Garp to target Marineford in front of him.


"Crack! 35


"No, Garp Vice Admiral got big, Whitebeard got mad!!o(?Month?)

"'s scary, run away! (?ㄩ?)/"

The power of the blow that Whitebeard exploded in situ was obviously much stronger than before. With or without the defense of Sengoku and Garp, the entire Marineford shook for a while, and layers of cracks appeared on the ice frozen by Kuzan. The sea water erupted, the buildings on Naval Headquarters, especially the office of Brother Marine at the highest point in the center, I don't know if Whitebeard did it on purpose. Brother Marine's office collapsed in half. It seems that if Kong is not in office, it will help Miss Miss. get used to it, otherwise...

And Uncle Marine on Marineford was really scared to pee this time. Whitebeard's destructive power is so powerful that even for a few thousand dollars a month, they really can't bear it!

"Fuck! So fierce....Wooden man Technique give me the top!?(〃'Dish`)q"

Leonardo, who was playing with the future Hawkeye, was also taken aback by Whitebeard's flat A. The power had not reached Marineford. If this terrifying power hit Marineford, he would be stunned. Don't you want the black-haired person to send the white-haired person? The destructive power of the fruit of Whitebeard at its peak is exploding!

No longer pretending to be compulsive, the only remaining physical strength summoned the super wooden man, this time the super wooden man was one size larger than the first summoned, and manipulated the super wooden man to push him fiercely.

"The dog bites the red lotus!

"Eight Feet Joan Tomoe!"

"Bloody pheasant mouth!"

"Boom boom boom...!"5

Akainu, Kizaru, and Kuzan also attacked one after another. There was a violent explosion, and the sky and the earth were bright and colorful, blinding everyone's eyes.

The young MarineF4 finally resisted Whitebeard's crit.


When the light faded, looking at the ruined Naval Headquarters, everyone's soul almost went out of their bodies. This is just an aftershock. If the force hits the Naval Headquarters, the entire Naval Headquarters must be smashed into the sea.. ...

Peak Whitebeard is so scary!!

"Puff, puff..."

"Hoo...Mad, I'm exhausted Dad, pretty boy, can you stop for a while, let me rest...-_-||"

The only remaining physical strength is to summon the super wooden man, Leonardo is also exhausted and almost can't stand still. Although the skills given by the system father are quite boring, it consumes a lot of physical strength, especially when the physical strength itself is insufficient. The wooden man, watching the future Hawkeye instinctively slashed with his sword, he didn't bother to fight back, so he just watched the future Hawkeye give himself a cold heart, and the severe pain from his heart was less than zero. In a second, a green light flashed, and the broken iron sheet in Hawkeye's hand had not been pulled out, and the life force of the explosion was already repairing the wound.

Leonardo looked numb, but the future Hawkeye, whose eyes were still firm, was also speechless. If he was entangled by this guy, he would probably be annoyed to death. With so many people's faces, he can't take this face off!

I don't know when it started, but the face became more and more important in his heart......

But he really can't bear to hack this guy to death, this guy has nothing to do with him (Zhao De), plus this guy is looking for him just to compete with swords, he admires this kind of upright person the most. Especially this guy didn't even give Whitebeard face in order to compete with him, what a pure swordsman!

Besides, this guy is still the teacher of a sword and a poem by a great writer in the future. He is an important plot character. Before he completes the task, he is just as vulnerable as Roger, and he may not be able to hack to death....

"" "Bang 35


"Huh? Falling objects? This is...(⊙_⊙)?"

Just when Leonardo was trying to figure out how to fix this future Hawkeye, a humanoid object suddenly fell from the sky and hit the future Hawkeye's head, and then Future Hawkeye closed his eyes as if he had been severely injured, and fell to the ground. On the ground, Leonardo was bewildered.

However, when he saw what the humanoid object that hit the future eagle eye was, the eyeballs completely stared out.


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