Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

171. Five Elders: Double your salary for getting it done!

"Whitebeard, it's all your fault! Buddha's shock!??A?+?"

Sengoku broke out, looking at Xiaohe's expressionless face, and at Whitebeard's shoehorn face, Da Sengoku was furious, and filled Whitebeard with a turtle-style qigong set.

All of this was done by this bastard. If he hadn't come to save his son, he wouldn't have been too busy to send these two "female corpses" to the Five Elders, and naturally he wouldn't have given these two "female corpses" to the Five Elders. When the two "female corpses" were exposed to the public, he would not be misunderstood by Xiaohe.

So all of this is so weird Whitebeard bastard.


In the face of the violent and unparalleled Da Sengoku, Whitebeard did not dare to relax, his fist was wrapped in a ball of white light, and it was a punch to the Turtle School Qigong.



It's another "727" Wumao thread special effect triggered.


The powerful force collided, and the powerful force that erupted shook Marineford to the brink like a leaf boat in the sea.


"I'm going home, I'm going to die if I stay here! ((???))?"

The surrounding Uncle Marine and the pirate younger brother watched the two big brothers fight, their pants were wet with urine, and they kept running outside and back. I wish they didn't give birth to two legs when their mother gave birth to them. Just having three legs is not enough..

"....hey, this thing is high-tech, it's actually smart, Sengoku Admiral has good taste...(?-?-?)"

The two bosses are fighting each other, Kizaru, Akainu and Kuzan all have opponents but his opponent is the strongest in the future. The "female corpse" wanted to see how he died... But when his fingers just touched the "female corpse", the touch was not realistic.

3 said that the diffuse sound was still emitted, and the temperature was not icy cold, but rather different from normal human body temperature, which opened Leonardo's eyes.

The technology tree in this One Piece world is really awesome. There are no hand-held machines, no cannons, and no rockets. Even phones are replaced by phone bugs, but these gadgets are really finely crafted. The confiscated batches are much more high-end. According to Dominic’s own experiments, the ones he confiscated in Sabaody look like real people, and the touch is also realistic, but you need to manually press the switch. Full intelligence can't be compared at all.

Admiral is Admiral, toys are more high-end than ordinary people.....(^?^)?

"Pullo puff..."

"Moses, Moses, this is empty. 39

Kong touched his chin and watched "Love General" study the dolls exposed in Sengoku's office below. He was also curious, especially the dolls of the European and American routes were too "poor", and he had saved enough young ladies and sisters over the years. It was all pitiful, thinking about whether to get a group of poor dolls to save them later, just at this moment the phone bug in his arms rang.

Kong picked up the phone bug with a question mark on his face.

Didn't you see that he was supervising the battle? Who would call him at this time.

Tell Sengoku to get this done and Marine's expenses will be doubled in the future! 35


"Beep beep...  

The phone worm didn't talk nonsense, and jumped on the topic. After speaking, in order to prevent someone from recording, he didn't give Kong a chance to speak, and immediately hung up the phone.

"(⊙_⊙)?...The Five Elders just now?'

Kong looked at the crane Vice Admiral beside him with a bewildered face, mainly because the time was too short, he hadn't realized that the other party had hung up the phone, and the speed made him feel a hallucinatory rush.

"If you heard correctly, and I did not hear wrong, the person who just spoke should be the Five Elders."

Crane Vice Admiral nodded affirmatively.

"What does Five Elders mean?

Hearing Crane Vice Admiral's decision, Kong was even more stunned, not knowing what the five old guys were going to do.

Judging from past experience, these five old guys definitely want to do something big again.

You must know that last month, he originally wanted to take advantage of the rare opportunity for the five old guys to give them a Marine Admiral. Admiral's such a big thing has been proposed by the five old guys, so the increase in funding is just a small matter, and he did not apply much, just a 50% increase...

But it was such a simple request that the five old guys dragged him for a whole month without a reply, and now the Five Elders directly doubled the amount for him, which made him a little confused!

I don't understand what these five old guys are trying to do.

.... if I guess correctly, it should have something to do with the two dolls in Sengoku's office. 35

Crane Vice Admiral pondered for a while, glanced at Sengoku who was angry with Whitebeard, and recalled what the Five Elders said in the phone bug, as if he had realized something to say to Kong.

Based on what she knew about Sengoku, if it was really him who was exposed, he shouldn't be so angry and recklessly confronted Whitebeard. There must be some reason for this, for example, if the doll is not Sengoku's private collection but Five The Elders... And the Five Elders called to let Sengoku take care of this matter, in fact, they were worried that Sengoku would go crazy and tell the truth, so reminded Sengoku to let him fight everything alone, then in exchange the condition is later Their Marine funding will triple!

"Crack! 99

"That's right! It should be!

Hearing the hint from Vice Admiral of Crane, Kong, who also thought of this, slapped his thigh hard and suddenly woke up.

Then he felt a little ashamed. He actually misunderstood this little brother who had been with him for decades. Thinking about it, he was right. How could Sengoku 4.6 be such a person? Why, only people like Celestial Dragons who are really tired of playing and want to change their tastes will spend such a waste of money to get a fake, isn't Five Elders Celestial Dragons?

And it is the Celestial Dragons with the highest status, so this makes sense. Leonardo said that these things are high-end goods, and the average person must not be able to afford them. If it is replaced by Five Elders, it will not be surprising...

"Sengoku! The Five Elders are calling, get this done asap...! Look at me....

After he figured it out, Kong didn't stop, and immediately shouted at Sengoku, even for fear that the little brother wouldn't understand what he meant, pointing up with one hand and rubbing money with the other hand.

Kong: The above means, get this done, and the salary will double!


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