Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

182. Roger: Am I too mad?

"It's not a matter of developing fruit, what else is there to do."

The disappointment in Gion's eyes flashed past, and he said with a lack of interest.

"My sword was cut several times by the handsome guy with the super artifact. There are already master swordsmiths who are willing to help. Now I need to start the capital and give me money... I have been with you for so many years without any credit. Hard work? 39

Leonardo came back to his senses and stretched out his hand to her as a matter of course.

He wanted to kneel and lick it, but the atmosphere was broken with a punch from this stinky bitch. Not to mention, his keen Observation Haki sensed the stinky bitch's fleeting disappointment just now. Still feel it.

Okay, the labor and management tell you the business, you are so greedy for the labor and management...

......You hold this card first, it's not enough. 39

When Gion saw his dead look, he just ate his clothes, reached into the fierce white snow hook for a while, shaking Leonardo a little dizzy, and then took out a picture with some beautiful small diamonds on it, with some smell The little black card was thrown to him.

Before she came to Sabaody Land, she confiscated this guy's salary card because he was afraid that this guy would end up in Sabaody Land No. 5, but she was satisfied with his performance in Sabaody Land some time ago, and it was time for 22 to show his true strength!

Let the stinky guy who hasn't married her under the pretext of lack of money all day see her strength! (♥~▼X)

on Marineford Street.

"Hello sir! Good morning sir.



After the Marineford war, the Naval Headquarters has also been completed. No matter how lively the sea is now, the streets of Marineford have returned to their former liveliness and peace.

A strong man with two beards was walking on the streets of Marineford, and he kept saying hello to the passing uncle Marines along the way, and after those passing uncle Marines glanced at him, they also greeted him politely, Then keep walking past him.

Alas! Whose family members of the neuropathy ran out, and they didn't come out to take a look.

Isn't it crazy to hang around in their pirate captain suits on the streets of Marineford?

The strong man looked at the backs of the two uncles Marine who passed by, and looked up at the sky at a forty-five degree angle with some sadness. Is his sense of existence so low?

I looked down at my clothes, that's right!

It's still the handsome captain's suit, except for the love sword that has been buried in his waist, nothing has changed.

Is it possible for a blind man to be a Marine or is Roger out of breath? e=('.`*)))


Just when the strong man sighed that the times were changing too fast, suddenly an uncle Marine who was wearing a Marine corps uniform really widened his eyes, his feet trembled, and he pointed at him tremblingly.

Roger's eyes lit up and looked back expectantly at the Uncle Marine who recognized him.

That's right!

It's me, call it!

Please call it out loud!!"(???)??



As a result, Uncle Marine "Loluoluo" for a long time, still failed to fulfill the expectations of the strong man. He couldn't bear such a big stimulation in his heart. He rolled his eyes and stretched his legs and fainted in happiness...

"Fuck you second uncle!"

"Garp! Labor is coming! "(?`Dan'?)?彡"

Suddenly, a discolored today Haki erupted from Roger, covering the entire Marineford.

Followed by "Boom Boom..."

The people on Marineford were stunned by Haki one after another, and Roger, who was furious, looked at Uncle Marine, who had just passed out, like a grudge.

Motherfucker, you won't live up to the chance if you are given a chance!

Marine, with such a mixed mental quality, can go home and herd cattle...(^x)

"Puff puff!"

In an office, Kong, who was drinking morning tea, chatting and spanking, Sengoku and the Garp Marine Big Three got their morning tea stuck in their throats and almost couldn't spit them out.


"Roger see where you're going....!39

This familiar Haki, the familiar voice, the son may admit his mistake, but his love will never be forgotten, Garp is not as stubborn as Kong and Sengoku, the two thought that they missed Roger too much, the salted fish who made a big deal, I've heard hallucinations, this is Marineford, their Marine's lair!

Will Roger come to Marineford?

Garp, on the other hand, was not confused at all, as if he had been beaten with blood, habitually slapped the desk and ran in the direction of Haki's outburst and the sound, and disappeared in Yi Ge's office in the next second.

This voice, this Haki, is all too familiar!


For the rest of Kong and Sengoku, you look at me, I look at you, and you can see the blankness in each other's eyes.

Did this guy Roger see through the red dust?

But... Seeing through the red dust, shouldn't he be a monk and become a Sengoku believer, why did he come here...

"Go and see."

Kong rubbed his brows. During this period of time, he was overwhelmed by the series of events. Whitebeard had just left, and a Roger came over.


"Roger, did you eat...Bah! How dare you come to our headquarters! (♥~▼ㄨ)"

Garp came to Marineford Street, and the street in front of Roger was full of people, but this time Garp only saw Roger, even if his long-lost son appeared here now, he would ignore him.

"Hahaha...! Garp, I haven't seen you in over a year, why are you still a little Vice Admiral, hahahaha!

Roger patted Garp's shoulder and laughed as if seeing an old acquaintance.

"Roger, what are you doing?"

Sengoku and Kong also came over, and they both looked at Roger warily.

This fuck headquarters has just been built, if there is a wave, they will be embarrassed to apply for funding from Five Elders..

"What else can I do? The pirates came to Naval Headquarters, of course, to give themselves up, hey! During this period of time, seeing the sea in the sea because I became like this made me feel very guilty. A deep sense of guilt keeps tormenting me, I didn't have a choice before, now I want to be a good guy, Garp, come and get me..."

Roger's soulful monologue confuses the Garp trio a bit, and this kind of heartfelt speech must have been written for him by Rayleigh...

Then I saw the other party stretch out his hands and wait for Garp to come and torture him.

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