Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

194. Little red hair gall fat!

"Pfft! "Pfft!""


The two originally unknown Marine soldiers were also recorded in the annals of history at this moment. In the future, countless people will appreciate their heroic appearance. They stabbed the Pirate King!

And Roger, who was suddenly stabbed twice, widened his eyes, turned his head blankly and looked at Marine pretty boy:

What about the gun? How did you stab it with a knife.....(⊙_⊙)?

"His... Maybe I was too nervous and didn't follow the procedure... But it doesn't affect the completeness..."

Leonardo saw Roger's bewildered eyes before he died, and he didn't give him an account of his death. He wiped the sweat on his forehead and explained.


Hearing Leonardo's explanation, Roger turned his head to look at the two uncle Marine behind him who stabbed him and his feet trembled and forgot to take the knife, and slowly closed his eyes.

Marine's threshold is really low, this kind of psychological quality can also be Marine......-_-||

As Roger slowly closed his eyes, the king of an era came to the end of his life like this!




The group of pirates below saw that Roger closed his eyes and fell into a short silence, and then boiled completely.

Although they don't know what the hell this OnePiece is, since Roger has officially declared his existence, and what can make Luo 727 reach the top, it is definitely not an ordinary treasure.

They are going to sea!

They want to be kings of the world!

They're going to the end of the world...

"Hey, how many ups and downs, how many hatreds, how many heroes are washed away by the waves...""

Leonardo looked at the crazy pirates below, and Roger who was already Long Yubintian next to him. He couldn't help but sigh with emotion. Although he had cut many people, it was the first time he saw such a big man. Die in front of his eyes, and look at the crazy pirates below. I don't know how many of these people will be eliminated in the next ten or twenty years.

‘…Where did you copy this passage from?’

Leonardo didn't know that his anger was a bit strong, and it deeply affected a group of Marine executives not far away. Everyone looked at him in astonishment, especially Kuzan who didn't know when he appeared behind him. looking at him.

How can this ignorant guy say such deep words?

"Humph! It's just a feeling, have you seen Sabaody at four in the morning?"

Leonardo stared at a group of people with bloody eyes, and pursed his lips in disdain.

If labor and capital travel back to the historical era, Liu Yong will have to call (cceg) my brother... I can't see who.

"Fuck! Canine Red Lotus! (♥~#)

At this time, an accident happened, and Akainu, who has always been able to do things and never force, let out a rare foul language.

Just now he was still pondering what the phrase "Sabaody land at four in the morning" meant. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of a figure who was killing the two uncles Marine who had collected Roger's body. leave.

Akainu reacted instinctively to a dog's head the size of lava spraying towards the figure.

"Which bastard doesn't want to mess around? He actually robbed corpses in broad daylight, when our Uncle Marine was dead?

"Huh? Isn't this the little red hair? (⊙_⊙)?"

Leonardo also rolled up his sleeves and got ready. He remembered that no one in the original book would come and snatch Roger's body!

I didn't even look at Marine's current lineup, but when I saw a spirit-headed guy in a straw hat carrying Roger's body and was shopping with Akainu, he immediately said hello.

Isn't this Fuck the man who would flirt with Garp's hometown in the future and fool Garp's grandson into the sea as a pirate, the most Haki man, he's bold enough!

But don't say it, this guy is really good at opening the door to his mother. He was not at this level when he was standing with himself two years ago, and now he has opened up with Akainu five to five times. This is special. Sure enough, the owner of the inheritance straw hat is really a dick.

"Stop him, can't let him take the body away!! (#?Dan?)"

Seeing that the trainee on Roger's ship was able to talk to Akainu five to five, Sengoku was also shocked. The Fuck Roger Pirates also had talent, and he quickly ordered the three of Leonardo.

Although he received an order from the Five Elders before he came to take Roger's body back, he was not too willing. Although Roger was a pirate, he was still a generation of heroes. Marine still owes someone a favor. The so-called death debt is eliminated, and the person will get it when he dies. What he does to the corpse will be

It's kind of immoral, so he was planning to have some kind of accident on the way back to the city, like accidentally hitting a few icebergs or something and dropping Roger's body... such a perfect excuse.

You want corpses so much, just run around quietly tonight and snatch them away, but Fuck's blatant snatch, it's really treating them Marine as dead... if you don't stop it, you can't!

"Light speed!

"Bloody pheasant mouth!"

"Flower... Sengoku Admiral, four-on-one is not good? So many people watching...""

Leonardo was braving the green light in his left hand to prepare to plant trees, but seeing that this place seemed to be Logue town, if he turned Logue town into a grove, the money he made yesterday might not be enough to pay.

What's more, it's a bit embarrassing to be beating up a pirate kid by MarineF4 on live broadcasts all over the world now...

" go and evacuate those pirates, don't let them do anything here..

Sengoku thinks about it too. People all over the world are watching. Marine is one out of four, and he is still a pirate kid who has not turned his back.

"Received! Come a few people, follow me...

Leonardo raised his chest, folded his belly and raised his hips in a salute, turned around and waved his hands, pulling several familiar Rear Admiral including Dauberman down to maintain law and order.

"Fuck! Get it done! Run away!!"

"Mad, who is that kid, he's so daring..."

"No, Marine has to do it, run...!

“Whoa, whoa, whoa…”

"Boom boom boom..35

In fact, Leonardo and others didn't need to enter the venue. When Kizaru and Aokiji entered the venue, the pirate little Galami below looked for it smartly and ran away. The response was slow and it was too late to run away. It was not that Kizaru "accidentally" shot The crooked laser cannoning turned into a dog is the freezing of a large ice bird that Aokiji "accidentally" threw in the wrong direction into an ice sculpture.

Both of them are scholars, and the scene where they are pirates at first glance is a rare occurrence in a century. How could they let such a good opportunity to beat up a pirate kid with Akainu?

Now that Roger is dead, the main task of coming to Logue town has been completed. Don't take the opportunity to collect a wave of people, it's such a waste of time, and there is also an upright talent like Akainu who foolishly goes to one-on-one with a kid..

Of course, the boss has spoken, but the appearance is still to be done. They just accidentally used the wrong direction when throwing skills...


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