Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

199. Family characteristics that look like a monkey

However, many people are famous because they were amazed by Terence's three ups and downs. Instead, Jason's aura of wisdom, who has been by his side for more than ten years, was completely overshadowed by his amazing experience and became not so famous. , So the same halo of high IQ was also imposed on Terence. Although his IQ is still qualified, he is not a fool, but he is still two ranks behind a brain-eating talent.

Jason has been by his side for more than ten years and has read with him three times of ups and downs. Terrence was able to make a comeback and reach the level he is now because of his strength. Likewise, Jason's IQ is also a great contribution. Just like Pony and Whitebeard, not father and son but better than father and son.

As for what kind of madness because his younger brother robbed other pirate groups, he killed this younger brother and threw it into the sea to feed the Sea Kings. It was just because the guy wanted to betray because of a conspiracy, but his methods were not clever enough to be discovered by Jason. But since there is no evidence, the two of them will sum up. Anyway, everyone thinks that he is insane, so they will just find an excuse to kill that guy.

To sum up, the great pirate Terence is still a normal person. Those rumors were only caused by his amazing experience and the fact that no one in 743 knew the inside story, and he couldn't explain it clearly if he wanted to. After all, in the history of the sea, no one has been able to make a comeback after being betrayed by his younger brother, and this guy has experienced it three times!

When Roger and the others saw the situation of New World on their way back to New World, Jason knew that it was not good, and immediately analyzed the stakes for Terence, and emphasized that he should return to New World as soon as possible, at least better than Waugh The German Pirates should go back to the New World first.

Today's New World's second- and third-tier players can still get along, but it's not easy for them to get along. Everyone is staring at them, so he made up his mind. After returning to New World, he first asked the Pirates League to pretend to cooperate. , teamed up with the Ward Pirates, regained a firm foothold in the New World, and then developed in a low-key manner while the three parties started fighting, and instead controlled the Pirates League.

After all, the pirate alliance is not a pirate group, but a big alliance formed by a group of losers. At the beginning of such an organization, everyone is in a dangerous period, and they may unite to exert great energy, but once it takes a long time , There will definitely be all kinds of problems. After all, everyone is a big pirate, and they are all in the New World. Who is worse than the other, there is no strong figure pressing those big men, this loser alliance will definitely collapse, so his The idea is naturally when there is a conflict within this major league, that is, when their captain takes his place.

In the same way, he can think of this plan, then Byojack of the Ward Pirates will certainly not miss it, and the dwarf's IQ is not low, so he proposes to go to New World first and take the initiative, after all, they can find a joint The forces of the pirates are all the pirates, and they can only be the pirates. Whether Charlotte fat woman or Kaido are arrogant, there is no need to talk about it, and if they come to the door, they may be killed by the other party... .

"Huh.... I'm not worried, we have come to this point after so many years, if we fail like this, I'm really not reconciled, a big era is coming, but don't be eliminated! "

Seeing the calm face of the child he had raised for more than ten years, Terence's mood eased a little and took a deep breath.

"call out!


"Well, I'm sorry, you may not be able to go back to New World..."

Just after Terrence finished speaking, a golden light fell from the sky and slammed into the cabin, causing a big explosion. Then Kizaru came out of the big explosion. The yellow and white suit was fitted with a large Vice Admiral cape and a pair of yellow glasses on his face. , The temperament of a real man who never looks back at the explosion immediately came up, but the more anxious appearance and the casual tone made the temperament that was finally brought out look very contradictory.

“One of the four marine monsters, Vice Admiral Kizaru! (A)”

"How did he come?? (A)"

The younger brothers of the Terence Pirates looked a little surprised at the man who came out of the explosion. Yes, it was just a little surprised, not to the point where they were afraid. They had been living and dying with the captain for so many years. Haven't seen any big scenes, a Marine Vice Admiral is not enough to shock them, even if the other party is one of MarineF4.

"Oh... Polsalino, he's been gone for years, is he going to catch me?

On the contrary, Terence said as if he had met an acquaintance.

Ex-girlfriend's brother, Marine Vice Admiral Kizaru.

A few years ago, when he heard of a monster named Polsalino in Marine, he thought of his ex-girlfriend's younger brother, the son of that old bastard. Although he hadn't seen him for many years, he looked very anxious. Family characteristics, not who else he could have.

As fast...Bah! Shinsō's hand, his Observation Haki is extremely sharp, and he noticed this guy's eyes when he was in Logue town. Although they are acquaintances, but the two are now a soldier and a thief. At that time, he also He didn't come forward to say hello, but he was surprised that this guy actually came to catch him, and he was single-handedly.

"Ah, well, I'm a soldier and you're a thief... Are you going to follow me by yourself, or do you want me to do it..."

Kizaru still looks casual, but his body has begun to shine with a little golden light. He has not seen it for more than ten or twenty years. He is now a big pirate of the same level as Kaido. Although he is very confident in his own strength, he has no self-confidence. Big enough to be defenseless, not to mention that this guy is a man who used his grandfather's gun as a Gatling to beat him, in addition to being a fast shooter.

"Hahahahaha, it's really rude, Polsalino..."

"Crack!" "Boom!

Sure enough, when Terrence was laughing, he didn't know when the grandfather's gun that was pinned to his waist had appeared in his hand and the barrel was already smoking. The speed was so fast that there was not even a single afterimage.

However, Kizaru is also well-prepared. Although Logia can elementalize and ignore all physical damage, bullets are naturally physical damage, but he can't ignore the gun fired by the big pirate who has already trained Armament Haki at the top level of Terence. , This is to get a shot, then you have to really hang up.

So at the same time as the gunshots rang out, Kizaru had turned into a little starlight and jumped into the sky.

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