Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

201. The summoner is here, why are you holding a log?

"Guoyi, boy, you have made great progress in the past two years. Time has passed so much, and your feet are not weak anymore...(^?^)?."

Leonardo looked at Kuzan, who had frozen the entire sea area and only exhaled a sigh of cold air without sweating, and encouraged him like a parent.

After finishing the ultimate move two years ago, he was either paralyzed on the ground, exhausted, or out of breath and recovered in place. Now he is not sweating, he is very talented!

"Stop talking nonsense, let's go! `(-_-)/"

Kuzan has a black line.

It sounded like he was complimenting him, but for some reason, the guy's tone and eyes always sounded a little wrong, but he couldn't hear what was wrong.

"Wait, what's the hurry, we are Marines who maintain world peace, wouldn't it be a pirate if we say we do it? We have to follow the procedure... 99

"Cough cough, hey hey hey..."Seven Four Three" West Blue is full of clouds, the crows are in the phoenix group, the car is full of heroes, who is the king and who is the minister.... over there Mr. Pirates, listen, I am Marine Vice Admiral Green Fox, you have been surrounded by us, I advise you to give up your resistance and surrender, especially that Terence...Bah! Terence, put your hands down now At most, the weapon is only resisting arrest, the crime is not very serious, if you go in for a few years, it will come out, and if you shoot again, we can sue you for assaulting the police, and you will be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than ten years but not more than 20 years!!!”

Stopping Kuzan, who was about to get on, Leonardo took out a loudspeaker and turned up the volume to the maximum.


Kuzan put his hands in his pockets and rolled his eyes, this guy's brain circuit is even more novel than his boss Garp, why doesn't he know there is such a process, that is, he froze the sea surface, otherwise it's so far away The location, if you change someone's house, you've already run away.

"It's over! The undead monster is here too! Deputy captain, what should I do? (??)/"

Terrence's boys started to panic when they heard this sound, MarineF4 came three at a time, one shot five to five with their captain, and there were two over there, what the fuck is going on.

"Hi.... there is no way, now the sea is frozen, Marine Vice Admiral Kizaru's speed is too fast to walk, so he can only fight..."

"I hold Green Fox, you hold Kuzan to find opportunities."


"Oh! Kill!

Jason also rubbed his eyebrows with a headache, and after speaking seriously, he turned into a giant python and rushed up.

It's true that his IQ is high, but this time against the three Marine monsters at the same time, the software is enough, but their hardware can't keep up!

In one Marine, Kizaru made their captain unable to draw his hands. There are two more, Marine Vice Admiral Aokiji is okay to say that he is sure to hold the other party for a while, but the key is an "undead Vice Admiral" green. The fox is too difficult to deal with, referring to this guy's previous record, the following squad leaders can't handle it at all, not only the recovery ability pervert, the swordsmanship, and the fruit ability are also very strong.

As the vice-captain, he would definitely pick away the difficult opponents. As for whether the captain and the younger brothers can match Aokiji, then it's up to fate.

To be honest, when he faced this "undead Vice Admiral" alone, he felt a lot of emptiness in his heart. His previous achievements were still there. The former Whitebeard Pirates Second Division captain, Whitebeard's brother, Kozuki Oden, couldn't kill them. Although there are factors that Kozuki Oden has no brains, but in the New World, Kozuki Oden's strength is there, even if he knows Kozuki Oden has no brains, he can't fight Kozuki Oden, and the opponent is the core The skill is still the resilience of that pervert.

When those cadres saw that the deputy captain also got on, they also picked up the guy and rushed up.

Rather than sitting here and waiting to die, it's better to take a shot!

I control my own life!

"Ouch, big boa constrictor? An ancient species or a mythical beast? Leave this guy to me, and you will leave those trash fish.


"Five-layered Rosengate!

"Bang!" "Bang! 95 "Bang! "Bang!" "Bang! 35

Leonardo was a little surprised when a giant python that was more than 20 meters long and two or three meters thick rushed towards it. Such a huge body obviously exceeded the range of ordinary Zoan snakes and snakes. In addition to being able to transform, they also have some special abilities that the other party hasn't shown yet.

Sure enough, these New World gates are arrogant. Most of the Devil Fruit abilities in the first half of the Grand Line and the four seas are ordinary Zoan. The rare fruit abilities such as ancient species and Eudemons are generally only in the gates of New World. to be seen.

Whitebeard's eldest son, Kaido's three-headed horse, is either a precious phantom beast or a rare ancient species...

Leonardo finished speaking to Kuzan, raised his left hand with a green light and snapped his fingers, and a five-fold tall, thick, and solid wooden door appeared on the ice surface where the giant python rushed.


The ancient species is not bragging, it is much stronger than the ordinary Zoan in terms of the bonus of physical attributes, and under such a high-speed impact, the first major wooden door shattered.


Then the second major gate was also smashed, but because the distance between the first major gate and the second major gate was too short, and the defense was stronger than the first, when the first major gate was smashed, there was a pause. , Now the momentum is not enough, and after a long time of breaking through the second major gate, the speed of the big python has obviously slowed down, and it is estimated that it is enough to break through the third major gate at this speed.

There are fourth and fifth harder gates behind.

However, Jason is not a rude man whose brains are all muscles. He is a brain eater. He knows that he has a high probability of not breaking through the three doors in front of him. He stepped on the brakes, pulled the clutch, rotated the steering wheel, and continuously drifted through corners, moving, and moving.

Hey! If the labor and capital can't hit it, they can go around. Are you angry? Are you angry?

a little bit...!

"...Hey! It's also snake-like! (^?^)?"


"Wooden Dragon Technique!"


Leonardo, who was standing on the fifth Rosengate, was also shown by the operation of this big python. This guy is not reckless, he knows how to move flexibly, and uses the cartilage characteristics of snakes. At first glance, 4.6 is a smart person.

Then the left hand snapped its fingers again, and a tens of meters of wooden dragon sprang out from the ice and headed straight for the giant python that was still in the middle.

"The boa constrictor!

Jason has just bypassed the fourth major gate and was blocked by a wooden dragon that is bigger than him. He has seen this episode and knows how disgusting this wooden dragon is. Once it is entangled, it will be a mess , He is not so powerful as Whitebeard to smash the wooden dragon, so he preempted it, and the whole body rose from the ground and the whole huge snake body took the initiative to entangle the big wooden dragon.


Leonardo was stunned when he saw the big boa constrictor taking the initiative to entangle the big wooden dragon. The picture of these two elongated species intertwining with each other is a bit unsightly, but this Mr pirate seems to be not very transparent. The summoner is here, why are you holding a log...(⊙_⊙)?.

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