Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

204. Kuzan: He wasn't so cheap before

"This damn Marine bastard....(¯Dish

"Da da da da..."

Terrence looked at Leonardo's mean face, gritted his teeth in anger, and shot faster.

Although he knew that this bastard Marine couldn't be killed, he just wanted to shoot this bastard, Mad. He had been in the ocean for decades, and he had never seen such a cheap, disgusting Marine.

Although Garp is also disgusting, but people are not that cheap. They have only slapped Roger all these years, and this Marine kid is not only disgusting, but also has a very cheap mouth. Terrence, who was already in a bad mood, became more and more angry.

I don't care if I can kill this bastard, even if I can't, I'll shoot a few more shots...

"Bang bang bang...

"Jie Jie Jie... The milk seller, no way, tell me, if I stand here and shoot you, you can't kill me, tell me how you got here... Shouldn't it be? Is it going through the back door for money?

Leonardo opened his hands and let the peanut-sized bullets hit him, rubbing his chin in a mocking manner.

743 I don't know why, but he also found himself getting more and more cheap. In the past, he kept in mind his father's teaching and would never do anything to make fun of others, especially if the other party was a pirate. Even if he sprayed Golden Lion and Rayleigh, he would be the first After being "sneak attacked" by the two people, he was really angry before he started spraying, but now seeing others who were so angry that they couldn't kill him with their teeth, he couldn't help but feel a burst of joy in his heart.

Why do I get so much sweat and sweat from young people to practice my skills?

uphold justice?

That's just an official rhetoric, isn't it actually just to make others hate them so much that they can't do it themselves!

He tried his best to endure the humiliation and bear the burden. With tears in his eyes, he gritted his teeth and bent over to that stinky bitch in Gion? Isn't it just to activate the skills given by the system father?

Now I have finally activated the four leaves, without a wave, who knows how awesome he is!


Kuzan, who was brushing the data, sighed helplessly when he saw Leonardo's cheap look.

This guy is indeed getting more and more cheap, especially after Marineford publicly clamored for a one-on-one fight with a white (cceg) beard, this guy's personality has undergone an inexplicable change. In the past, although this guy's mouth was very stinky, he knew the other side. It's a pirate, this guy catches someone and sprays someone. Although it sounds ugly, it's not cheap.

But when this guy fooled Roger before escorting Roger Logue town, he found that the guy's personality had changed a little... No!

It should be said that he is starting to let his nature fly and let himself fly. In the past, even if he was a slapstick opponent, most of his opponents were scolding. He has never been so cheap. , Even an outsider like him couldn't help itchy hands and wanted to slap him twice, let alone the big pirate Terence who was the main target.

The pirates themselves have a more violent temper, and the bigger the coffee position, the more violent. After all, they are usually high above the ground, and they are used to being rushed and embraced by their younger brothers. There are few strange people like Roger. After all, he was chased by his boss Garp for decades. , I have been holding on for decades, and I have never been high...

Although Terrence's coffee position is not comparable to Roger, Whitebeard and others, but in New World he is also a big pirate belonging to the second echelon. There are very few existences, and now he is ridiculed in front of his younger brother, if not violent. is a saint.

Kuzan estimates that even Leonardo himself may not have noticed this change in himself. This is the change brought about by Devil Fruit. Devil Fruit not only empowers the eater, but also affects the consumption to a certain extent. character of the person.

For example, like himself, when he hadn't eaten the frozen fruit, he swam in the sea for ten days and ten nights, eating raw fish, shrimp and crab without changing his face or breathing. He was a spirited boy with unlimited energy every day. Because of this, the eldest brother promised to marry his daughter to him back then, but after eating the frozen fruit, the spirited young man with unlimited energy in the past was gone, and what followed was a listless desire to hibernate every day.

And Leonardo's changes in the past two years are obviously much bigger than in the past, so Kuzan thinks this should be the influence of Leonardo's fruit on him...

However.... this fruit affects the development of the character towards the lowly... This is the first time he has seen it.

"Good chance! Strangulation!!! `(`')?"

When Leonardo was still teasing Terrence, which caused Terrence to explode, Jason, the big python who was stroking with the big wooden dragon, saw that Marine Vice Admiral's attention was on his boss. The bastard Aokiji was constantly brushing their little brother, and he didn't notice that he was stroking with the big wooden dragon, and then wrapped around the big wooden dragon and slowly moved the battlefield to Aokiji. The "undead Vice Admiral" green fox, now he prefers to fight against Marine Vice Admiral Aokiji, although the opponent is Logia can resist most of the physical damage under Armament Haki, but at least if this guy is injured, it is really hurt and bleeding It's time to bleed, not as disgusting as the "undead Vice Admiral" green fox, isn't it?

Needless to say, how powerful his boss's spear skills are, he has been with the boss for so many years, and he knows better than anyone else, but his boss's meal is a bit of a blowout. It's better to find someone who can at least get injured. There are two candidates on the scene, Kizaru and Aokiji, but Kizaru's Sparkling fruit is fast and can fly. The boss is an acquaintance, and he is not good at grabbing monsters with the boss, so there is still a Marine Vice Admiral Aokiji who is still enjoying himself in the area defense of several cadres and captains. 's younger brother

Those cadres and captains couldn't stop them. These are the capital for them to return to New World in the future, so when the distance between the two sides was less than ten meters, Aokiji, who was being defended by several cadres and captains, was in a daze.

Naturally, such a good opportunity could not be missed. Instantly released the wooden dragon and opened the snake-like position, and instantly rushed to Kuzan's side, unexpectedly, attacked by surprise, armed color covered the entire snake's body, and the body more than 20 meters long wrapped around this Kuzan, Then, for fear that others would not know that he was about to kill a Marine or F4, his weak and powerful voice spread all over the place, attracting everyone's attention. At this moment, he was the most beautiful boy in the audience! Kuzan's big tail tightens!


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