Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

209. Endocrine disorders lead to bloating

Naval Headquarters, in the first brother's office, Sengoku, Crane Vice Admiral and Marine's first brother Kong gathered together. After the Golden Lion, the old boy Garp took a leave of absence to find his son because he missed his son. At this time, Sengoku and Crane Vice Admiral's face is not very good-looking.

Baroric Redfield was slapped, Roger was cold, and the Golden Lion was also arrested. Although there are many pirates in the sea because of Roger's words before his death, the top four suddenly lost three , The remaining Whitebeard is playing in the New World, and they can still manage the current situation in the sea. They thought they could relax, but the World government began to act as a demon again. baby.

What the World Government wants to do, they know very well, isn't it just worried that Roger's disappearance will leave a seed that should not be left behind.

They are resistant to such wicked things in their hearts, but their level is not in place, and they can't resist if they want to. They also know the difficulties of Marshal Kong, so when the chiefs of bases in various places report the situation they have investigated, look at the situation. Looking at the data listed one by one, how ugly his face is.

If these data are really reported to the World Government 760, God knows how many women and children will die...

At this time, Kong looked at the report sent by Sabaody with a look of relief and a bit of confusion.

"Dear Marshal Kong, after a multi-faceted investigation, due to the chaotic situation in Sabaody in the past year, the happiness index of residents in Sabaody has dropped significantly, and no one is planning to conceive. The pregnancy rate and babies born in Sabaody this year are zero. In recent days, it has also been caused by the chaos of the current situation. The health status of the residents of Sabaody has seriously declined, and many women have suffered from endocrine disorders due to fear and psychological burden.

The World government asked to investigate the women and newborn babies around the world who were pregnant in the last year. He refused in his heart. Although their Marine is the fangs of the World government, he still has the basic human nature. The so-called disaster is not for the family. Damn, but women and children are innocent.

Besides, he didn't think that Roger's poor guy who couldn't pull out two steel jumpers could get a girl in just one year. It was a fairy tale if a girl was willing to give birth to a little monkey for him.

However, although the World government holds the economic lifeline of their Marine, in recent years, the world economy has been expanding, and prices have also risen. In the past, he was a big brother when he went to rescue the lost lady and gave a reward of 100,000 yuan. Now He couldn't even make it into the top ten. Last night, he rewarded more than 800,000 to save a stray young lady.

In the past, more than 800,000 people were able to invite several misses and sisters to stay at the same time....9

It is precisely because of this that even though the World government has given them twice as much marine funding this year as in previous years, with the rise in various commodity prices, the living conditions of their marines have not changed much, and they can only barely survive.

It is also because of this that even if he is unwilling, he wants to beat up so many younger brothers to make a living with him. Once he provokes the five old guys above, the wages of those younger brothers are small, and they will have to tighten their belts for the next year. But it's not good. If you don't eat enough, how can you have the strength to dry the pirates!

Therefore, for the sake of the following little brothers, if you are unwilling, you have to nod and promise to let people investigate, but when you notify the base officers of various places, let them pretend to be perfunctory. Although it may not be able to save all of them, it counts as much as you can. To some extent, it can be considered that their Marines have accumulated wicked virtues for themselves, but because they were worried about being monitored, they didn't say it too clearly, but when he thought that these people were the future of their Marines, they were also the new-age Marine talents that he had cultivated. It is only right that he understands the meaning of his words.

But young people are young people after all, they don't understand the way of being an official at all, and after hearing his order (cceg), they don't analyze the meaning of his words, and they are like a stunned young man who stuns the world Pregnant girls and newborn babies are very well investigated, especially this guy Akainu, who even finds out what the third generation of his ancestors did, which made it difficult for him to do it, but when he After seeing the report of "Isho", I was very relieved. Although it was Gion who answered the phone and not "Isho", he was very gratified that "Isho" could understand his intention in the process of conveying it through Gion.

But the content of the report later made him a little nervous. What he meant was to let the younger brother below him be perfunctory, but you should at least report a few numbers? What happened to the birth?

It doesn't matter what you think of us as fools, but don't you think of the Five Elders as fools?

The key is that there are several dazzling women in the back who have flatulence... This is the first half of the Grand Line. It can be said that Sabaody is the most stable place. Not only are people from the World government guarding, but they are also involved in Marine. With two Marine supernovas in charge, Celestial Dragons, a safety hazard in the past, seldom went to Sabaody land during this period of time. It can be said that the sea is very chaotic, but Sabaody land is still as stable as an old dog, even better than the three of Aokiji, Kizaru, and Akainu. An international metropolis is still stable, and those residents are still worried!

The experience of Whitebeard's pig-headed son is all there, and it can be said that Sabaody's land is the most stable during this time.

Now this kid actually says that those girls are bloated because of endocrine disorders because of their fears.... Go and ask the Five Elders if they believe it! `(一_-)/

Although he is very pleased that this kid has a kind-hearted nature and a righteous heart, but among so many reports, Kizaru's report won his heart. There must be a lot of babies born every year in the entire water city, but Kizaru reported five people, not many Many of them can be considered to be able to stop the mouth of the World Government, and these are some orphans without parents, it is not that he is cruel

To achieve the position of the first brother Marine, many things have to be chosen. He also sympathizes with these five children, but for the sake of the younger brother below, he has no choice, and these orphans without parents, even if Kizaru does not report, according to The trajectory of their lives, even if they survived, was due to lack of education. At least three of the five would go to sea to become pirates in the future, and the remaining two were dwarf mules. He has seen too many such people, and this is the world. cruel.

Although no one is born evil, the experience of growing up will push a child into the camp of good and evil. Thinking of this, Kong feels a little better...


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