Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

211. Everyone wants to be with Roger these days

"(⊙_⊙)?(O_O)? What happened to Roger?

Far away in a small estate on a remote island in North Blue, Garp put down the phone bug with three question marks in his head.

Just now, his good friend Sengoku called him and found the traces of Roger's horse and child in South Blue, and asked him to stop by South Blue when he was looking for his son.

Listening to the tone of my friend, I shouldn't lie to him, but... Garp looked back at a room behind him. If the woman found on South Blue's side was Roger's bastard and child, then the room behind him Who is the woman with the big belly??

It contradicts North Blue, a rather remote small country. If Roger hadn't told him the address, he wouldn't have known that North Blue even existed in such a country. With what he knew about Roger, Roger would definitely not lie to him, and the person inside The woman, "Seven Six Zero", also confirmed his identity, and the time when he met Roger coincided with the time when Roger disbanded the pirate group.

But if that's true, who the hell is that South Blue?

Isn't Roger a Poseidon like that bastard Rayleigh?

Don't know when to spend a night in South Blue without even knowing it, and it just so happens that this bastard is not as good at dealing with the aftermath as Rayleigh, so he left a scourge unintentionally?

Then Garp shook his head again. He knew Roger two years earlier than he knew Sengoku. It's true that Roger is often drunk, but there is no such thing as a drunken mistake. Besides, Rayleigh is such a master of seduction. Beside him, other girls will also like Rayleigh if they want to...  

"Pfft! Cough cough... You said that Roger had a horse in South Blue and gave him a baby? (⊙_⊙)?"

Sabaody's 13th "Shakky's ripping off BAR", Rayleigh sprayed Leonardo with a sip of wine The news shocked him more than what he saw when he and Roger arrived at the end of the world.

If the eyeballs were not blocked by the eyes without lenses, they would have fallen to the ground long ago.

It's not that he doesn't believe in Roger's way of flirting with girls, but because of his one-night crash teaching, if Roger wants to flirt with Charlotte's fat woman, it may be difficult to flirt with girls like Shakky, but it may be difficult to flirt with the first half of the Grand Line or the world. I've never seen a young girl in the world. It's not that Rayleigh is bragging. After his teaching, coupled with Roger's natural personality charm, it's definitely a sprinkling of water. After more than a year, it's not surprising to get married and have children.

He was shocked that he had been friends with Roger for decades. He didn't know what Roger was capable of? Could the South Blue Marines be able to find the girls and children that Roger left behind?

How is this possible!

Not to mention the miscellaneous Marines in South Blue, even if Garp, the whereabouts expert who has been chasing them for decades, can't do it, if Roger really does it, it is quite a hoot!

"Hey, hey, old guy, don't think that you can be so unscrupulous when you retire, be careful that I'll make you attack the police and torture you back to squat for a few days! (ㄏㄟㄨ)"

"How is it? Your captain's marksmanship is much better than yours, look at you, the famous New World Poseidon has not left a single egg after so many years, by the way... I heard that when Charlotte was young Known as the flower of the sea, she has so many sons and daughters, is there any one of yours? 35

Leonardo wiped the drink from his face, and then gave him a look that every man could understand. Eight Trigrams got up.

He suspects that Roger is Poseidon, but he is really not familiar with Roger, but Rayleigh is familiar with Roger. Anyway, there is nothing to do recently. The World government does not pay attention to those pregnant women with big belly now, and their eyes are on South Blue. The first two He also saw a group of masked men who didn't know who they were CP secretly set off from South Blue.

The law and order of the Sabaody land did not break the law under the high-pressure methods of Gion. Now the pirates who boarded the Sabaody land are more honest than dogs. From time to time, some young and vigorous pirates are also re-educated by Dominica, so Appearing bored, he ran to Rayleigh to talk to Dashan.

Just wondering if Roger is a Poseidon or not.

But after talking about Roger's "heroic" deeds, he suddenly remembered that sitting in front of him is the most awesome Poseidon. I don't know how many beautiful girls have been passed by this guy in those years. It seems that even this generation of daughters The queens of the country have had scandals with him. Fat Charlotte was so beautiful when she was young. According to Rayleigh's good teeth, she should not let it go.

So the question is, Charlotte's fat son has a lot of daughters, and there are about a dozen of them in age. The key is that these children are all elites, so the question is whether there is Rayleigh's blood... this It's a question worth thinking about...


Shakky, who didn't know where he was, suddenly appeared on the stage at a speed comparable to the speed of light. He held a wine glass in one hand and a relatively hard-looking wine bottle in the other, and looked at Rayleigh with a playful expression.

"Cough cough... Those are just rumors and can't be taken seriously. By the way, that woman doesn't want to be famous, does Roger want to be famous? (一_-)/"

Rayleigh coughed twice, as if feeling the killing intent from Shakky, and changed the subject seriously.

"Who knows this, anyway, we have a well-founded rumor inside Marine. According to the confession of the tavern owner and the bar girl, they did see a creature suspected of being Roger pulling a beautiful person away... .

Leonardo doesn't care about spreading his hands. Now, all kinds of people have this idea. It is not surprising that some people touch porcelain. Roger, the pirate king, is very famous these days. Although he is dead, he lives in everyone's heart. It is simply immortal. The legend of Roger, everyone wants to get involved with Roger, as if they can win the lottery with a little bit of king energy. During this time, Roger's 18-year-old brother, Roger's cousin, and Roger's aunt appeared in endlessly all over the world. Now There are still a lot of people squatting in the Impel Down. It is estimated that even Roger himself does not know that he was born in such a huge family. If he had known earlier, he would not have had no money to study and read and had to enter an electronics factory to choose. Going to sea heaven-defying change


These people even let the Roger Pirates' only two remaining intern places.

Just last week, two interns of the so-called Roger Pirates appeared. Originally, he thought it was not a late bloomer's name, and the red-nosed Buggy, the harmonious red-nosed Buggy, was the red-haired Shanks, the successor of the straw hat.

As a result, after seeing the news that those people were all given to Tutu by Dauberman at one time, although he had never seen them, he also knew that they were fakes.

Red-nosed Buggy is nothing that Dauber can handle at will, but the red-haired Shanks have been able to get along with Akainu now, so what about Dauberman's weak chicken?

It seems reasonable for a girl to come out now holding a milk doll sword and come out to touch the porcelain.

(PS: Thanks again for the tickets of the fathers...!!).

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