Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

219. Is Akainu also a sophomore?


Akainu, who had a big cigar in his mouth and a Marine cap on his head, raised his eyebrows, as if he was surprised that Leonardo let him play as a striker.

After glancing at the silent Kizaru, he shot up with the billowing lava in his hand.

Before, these three guys teamed up to play the Terrance Pirates. When he saw the news report, he was honestly very upset. These three bastards actually turned his back on him and started a small group in private. It seems that it was not the order of the two leaders above. After all, if there was an action between Marshal Kong and Sengoku, it would be impossible for these three guys to form a team and forget him, so he was sure that these three guys acted in private.

As for the leader, he is sure to be the old bureaucrat Kizaru. He debuted at North Blue at the same time as Kizaru. Some were recommended to Marine School at the same time, and then they were two Marine supernovas in the same period. Although they were classmates, they were both The competition between them has never survived. This guy must know that his performance in Carnival City is better than him, so he privately contacted Leonardo and Kuzan to fight Xiaolong.

Don't look at Kizaru, who usually doesn't look like a 760, but he knows that this guy can definitely do this kind of thing.

What surprises him now is that Leonardo and Kizaru have a very good relationship. After all, both of them are mixed with Sengoku Admiral. In the past, when a group started, Kizaru would enter first and then he would join, but now Leonardo actually gave him Entering the arena first, could it be that this junior found out that his strength is stronger than Kizaru, and Kizaru is still good at clearing mobs. If he really wants to fight with this guy who can fight Rayleigh halfway, he has to come?

When Akainu glanced at Leonardo from the corner of his eye, it became more pleasing to the eye. This apprentice is really good. Although the culture is a bit poor, he likes to slap his horses, but he is clear-headed at the critical moment and knows that he is stronger than Kizaru...( ^?^)?

The more Akainu thought about it, the more reasonable he felt, and his aura became stronger and stronger. When he killed Douglas Bullet, who was still comprehending the world, that powerful aura actually formed a field of special effects for fifty cents.

For a time, Akainu seemed to be filled with endless power, and the huge lava dog head under his fists spewed out towards the target.

Rebel...Bah! Pirate, die!!(;`O')o

"(⊙_⊙)?...Senior, Akainu's situation is not quite right, is there any conflict between the two of you?"

Leonardo felt Akainu's mid-secondary breath that burst out of Akainu and shouldn't have appeared on him, and he looked with a question mark, isn't he just playing a striker, why is there so much drama, but before this guy came on the court, he seemed to be watching The guy deliberately glanced at Kizaru next to him and that's it.

It's hard to say there's no reason for this, but this Akainu has always been in his mind a character and an image of an iron-blooded soldier with extreme methods. He always has a dead face, and it's hard to feel other emotions or expressions on him even in normal times. .

But now he can clearly feel the aura that erupted from Akainu's body is the same as the Wanokuni Fu Second Generation who was standing with him in the New World, but the intensity is not as strong as the Wanokuni Fu Second Generation, it should have just awakened, So it hasn't reached the late stage of Wanokuni's Second Generation...

...who knows.

Kizaru held his hands silently. To be honest, he never regarded Akainu as an opponent. After all, their attitudes towards life were different. So although the two are from North Blue, they are still at the same time, but he and Akainu haven't said a few words in all these years, it's just that this guy is always arguing with him, and he can be said to be completely passive.

Don't know when it started.

It seems that the cultural assessment started three (cceg) months after he entered Marine School. He started to read a lot of books at the age of three, he took the undergraduate examination at the age of five, was admitted to the postgraduate at the age of seven, got a master's degree at the age of nine, a doctorate at the age of eleven, and a doctor at the age of ten. He completed his post-doctoral thesis at the age of three. It wasn't because he was bragging. It was about culture. Even Celestial Dragons, who grew up on melatonin, couldn't keep up with him. The eyes started to look wrong.

He's so good and sometimes he's so helpless...!



"Bastard Marine, you are courting death!??¤??"

"The Burning River Great Eruption!"


And the battle over there has already started. Douglas, who was in confusion because he lost his life goal, was "understanding the world". Bullet was hit by a big lava fist in the face for no reason. Fortunately, the top fighting consciousness made him Haki at the critical moment. The bad face covering him would not be killed in seconds, but the scalding high-temperature magma almost disfigured him.

This time, Douglas. Bullet is going to be violent. He debuted when he was nine years old. Even Whitebeard and Roger have never hit him in the face. Today, he was hit in the face by this bastard Marine. The key is the handsome face he has been focusing on maintaining for so many years. He almost broke his face, how could he bear it any longer, and he stopped thinking about the philosophy of life, let's talk about killing the bastard Marine who slapped him in the face and almost made him break his face.

Haki covers the whole body, and with his explosive body, a proper human-shaped small tank, every punch and every kick blows Akainu's big lava fist abruptly. He is only three meters tall, but he It makes people feel that none of the pure-blooded giants are as powerful as him.

Especially this guy's exaggerated muscles gave him amazing speed and strength. For a while, Akainu was pressed and beaten, completely in a passive defense state. After all, Akainu was also the first student of the famous teacher Zephyr. This is why Zephyr hates iron when he sees Kizaru relying too much on Devil Fruit, but when it comes to Leonardo and Kuzan, Seeing that Kuzan is hibernating and hibernating, many people also rely too much on Devil Fruit, but they don't have the same attitude towards Kizaru before.

Akainu's extreme character also led him to spend a lot of time cultivating his fruit ability and physical skills. He also had the teachings of a master of physical skills like Zephyr. Today's Akainu is actually very good in physical skills in addition to fruit ability. At least among the three major Logias, from Leonardo's point of view, Akainu's physique is the strongest, but even so, he was still pressed and beaten by this humanoid tank. Although it can't be said that he was powerless to fight back, he was able to fight back in the first ten rounds. The opponent has been ahead by more than ten points.

(PS: Thanks again to the fathers for their reminders, monthly pass!!).

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