Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

226. Celestial Dragons girl was slept with?

New World super chaos, the World government and Marine of course applauded, it was originally just Charlotte fat woman for her son and the "heartless man", Whitebeard for the battle between her son and her grandson, as for why the others came in for Five Elders It's clear that the pirates came out to mingle, either for the sake of fame or for profit. In order to make the big pirates in New World a little bit bigger, the Five Elders were not stingy. With a big wave of their hands, another large sum of money flowed into Marine. , Let Brother Marine give the big pirates of New World a crazy price increase, and at the same time let the news media change the news from every week to a daily issue, and blew these big pirates on the newspapers without money. Genius is good.

In short, the Five Elders are now responsive to the big pirates of New World. They want money for money. The more intense the fight, the better!

Just as Leonardo and others went to "Seven Seven Three" South Blue to capture Roger's former younger brother Douglas. Bullet and returned, under the double offensive of the Five Elders, the value of the great pirates of the New World skyrocketed to an exaggerated level. In the past, the top pirates such as Roger and Whitebeard were more than 300 million, and they were in the early 400s.

And now, in less than a year, Whitebeard's worth has skyrocketed from more than 400 million to more than 900 million and is about to break one billion. Breaking through 800 million, and now the bounty is over 100 million to enter the New World, I am embarrassed to say that I am a big pirate. The bounty is less than two or three billion, and I am embarrassed to say that I am part of the New World. Such exaggerated numbers make those worlds Financial scientists have green eyes when they see it, and they have the urge to go to New World to make a fortune...

Although the world economy has been expanding gradually in recent years, it has not expanded to such an exaggerated level!

The real estate in the international metropolis Sabaody has seen the most expensive rise in the last two years, and it is only about 100,000 yuan. If you go to New World now, if you are lucky, you will find one or two heads and go to Uncle Marine to exchange for the bounty. You can stay in a big villa in Sabaody, and go to No. 5 area every night to be a groom for a lifetime!

"Domi, prepare a boat with me to go to New World to pick up money!"

Leonardo, who returned to Sabaody Land, looked at the bounty wall in his office, and the bounty amount of the New World pirates had been updated. He couldn't sit still. In addition to the bonuses, the usual overtime pay, and attendance allowances, he didn't even get 20 million Baileys a year to Cary. This is still the salary and various bonuses after the Marineford war, and the subsidy has doubled. The income after doubling, before that, the opposite income is less.

Now he has a New World pirate that he has never heard of before and is worth more than 200 million. It is no wonder that so many people want to become pirates. It is so easy to be worth it!

Originally, it was because I made a fortune in Logue town and smashed the Terrance Pirates and Douglas. Bullet got the bonus and finally I was a little complacent in front of that stinky bitch in Gion. Seeing the numbers all over the wall, Thinking about the numbers in his card, Leonardo can't wait to go to New World to pick up people.. No, that's a special way to pick up money!

"Curry Vice Admiral, please solve this case before going to New World to pick up money, Gion Rear Admiral is not here, I can't stand it anymore!! o('mouth')o"

Dominic, sweating profusely, ran in with a document and put it on the table, crying without tears.

"What's so hard to do, you, the executioner who claims to be Whitebeard's son, can't handle it, Celestial Dragons got fucked? (⊙_⊙)?"

Looking at Dominic who was sweating profusely, Leonardo had a question mark on his face. Don't look at Dominic who used to be on the front line of New World. He spent more time holding a knife than a pen, but that was the wrong thing for this guy. But a proper internal affairs talent. During his absence, Gion asked the surrounding waters to maintain law and order. The internal affairs of Sabaody land have always been presided over by this guy. During this time, Sabaody land is well-organized and you know how many people there are. Sharp.

It’s a pity that in this world, you still have to look at the military force. Even if the staff members of the staff are doing civilian jobs, but if you really want to use a knife, people are really good. Dominic is a little worse in terms of force value. It is estimated that he will be promoted to Rear in two years. Admiral is over.

"Almost, it was indeed Celestial Dragons who got fucked, but it wasn't that one, it was another one. The special one was the female Celestial Dragons who was slept in our Sabaody. Now the World government, Celestial Dragons let us arrest them within a month. Staying with this guy... Fortunately you're back, and if you don't come back, Gion Rear Admiral isn't here, I can't take it anymore! T'

Dominic burst into tears while talking, tears and snot flowing down desperately...

God knows that the two bosses are not here during this time, how much pressure he has put on, which one of the officials of the World government and the retainers of the Celestial Dragons can be offended by his little Commodore, even if his boss is the future Admiral. Ah, not yet.


"whot?! Celestial Dragons girl was slept?? Which warrior is so fierce??(??)/"

Leonardo is also shocked, shocked or shocked!

Eyeballs popped out and he looked at Dominic in disbelief. He squeezed a little flesh out of his thigh with one hand, and rotated 360 degrees in the air. The pain at that moment told him that this was not a dream.

He also didn't hear that the Celestial Dragons girl was really put to sleep, and there are people who dare to take the initiative to sleep with the Celestial Dragons girl!!!

This is even more shocking than the New World Super Smash!!

At this moment, he didn't think about anything else, but as if he wanted to know which warrior was so fierce, so cold and not picky about food, even the girl Celestial Dragons, who felt extremely oppressive and overbearing...

"I don't know wow! There are too few clues, this female Celestial Dragons came to Sabaody without even a bodyguard, so apart from her own confession, there is no certification...o(mouth)4.60"

Dominic explained with a crying face.

"...How come the Celestial Dragons came to Sabaody during this period? And they don't have bodyguards? It's too much to eat. -_-||"

Leonardo Wangtian, this is a hot-blooded anime, the main theme is Marine catching pirates, isn't it? It's not a famous detective studio, so he brought him this first-hand Sabaody... secret case, opened the wrong line, right? !

However, since the sea ran rampant, he took office as the head of the Sabaody base, and until now, no Celestial Dragons have appeared in Sabaody. These people should have been grounded by the Five Elders. Why did Celestial Dragons suddenly run out? Bodyguard, even if you look too safe, think about your own net worth, Celestial Dragons are very valuable...

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