Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

253. Kuzan: What a heroic tomb of Genuine Township!

This time, it won't be nine out of thirteen, right?"

I can't get the small gold card back, but it's good to have a small black card. Otherwise, I'm used to spending without looking at the price, and suddenly I'm down and out of poverty. He still doesn't know how to live his life. Kizaru's sister's ex-boyfriend Terence's bonus was used to make custom crafts for his first brother.

After leaving the New World battlefield, he thought that he had made things so big. Their Marine's current task is to be with the four seas in the first half, and they have no time to care about New World. Certainly, so he took out all his small treasury and made a high-end handicraft for the first brother. Now his small gold card has been taken away. If it is not for food, he even drinks a special cup of breakfast milk now. I can't afford it.

But looking at the little black card on the table that led him to the abyss of sin, Leonardo hesitated again, and he came back with another nine out of thirteen.

"According to the normal interest rate, I'm sleepy, I'm going to take a bath....(-_-)/"

Gion said with a sigh, and the queen gave Leonardo a full look and walked in.


Leonardo lowered his noble head like an appointment, his eyes were empty and dull, looked at the small black card on the table, and looked at the back of the bathroom, as if he saw an evil witch beckoning to him... ..fortunately it's only a month...

Half a month later, because Sabaody land is an important transfer station between New World and the first half, whether it is from New World or entering New World from the first half, Sabaody land is the only way, and will follow Kaido's Beasts Pirates. The New World pirate coalition led the battle, so while guarding the two entrances to New World, Sabaody is also the top priority. From New World to the first half, there are two roads, one is the official road guarded by the G1 branch, and the other is The illegal trail on The fish men island deep under the sea.

Akainu and Kizaru led the team to the G1 branch to strengthen the guarding of the official main road. Sengoku and Kuzan went to the sea above The fish men island, and they were also near the sea area of ​​Sabaody land. Because of the special geographical location of Sabaody land, they went to the sea. Before the top of The fish men island, take Kuzan to Sabaody's land and take a look around to see how the eldest nephew manages Sabaody's land. Take a look at this eldest nephew.

As a result, when they saw Leonardo running in front of them with bloodshot eyes, a sluggish expression, and the appearance of recovering from a serious illness, both Sengoku and Aokiji clicked their tongues.

Although Aokiji has never experienced those messes, but he has been in the club before, he is well-informed, and he recites Amitabha in his mind.

Gentle Township's really special mother is the hero mound!

"Did you get seriously injured in a duel with Kaido? It's been so long and it hasn't been healed yet??(⊙_⊙)~*?"

However, Sengoku is a serious person, and he has never seen the scenery that Aokiji experienced at all. Seeing that his eldest nephew, whose life force exploded and was crushed to death by Whitebeard, became such a force, he thought it was a one-on-one fight with Kaido.

The big-brained scientist Vegapunk has personally confirmed that the vitality in little Curry is almost explosive, many times stronger than Kaido. The vitality of the watch cannot act on other people, which may be the difference between this Sensen Fruit and Op-Op Fruit.

With such an explosive vitality, it has been a while since he came back from New World, but he is still not well, Kaido.... Is it so fierce? (⊙_⊙)?

The surrounding Uncle Marine also looked at Leonardo in astonishment. This guy's title of "Immortal Vice Admiral" is not for nothing. They were also curious about how this guy did it, and he did it like this. Could it be that Kaido is stronger than Whitebeard? ?

Brag, right?

Only Uncle Marine on the ground in Sabaody bowed his head strangely and dared not speak. Their boss hadn't left the door for more than half a month after returning, and Gion Rear Admiral also stayed in it for half a month. Just thinking about it with his butt, he knew what it was. Happening.

However, they didn't expect the boss to be so vain, and it only took half a month to become such a force.

"£=(0`*)))....The sea water in the nearby sea area has been polluted by factories these days, and I've eaten those seafood. I'm sick.... Sengoku Admiral, you came to Sabaody to plan to block Kaido here?"

Leonardo quickly changed the subject after ignoring the eyes around him.

He took out all the small treasury and the custom-made handicrafts were finally not in vain. He has also received an order. The first brother ordered to block Kaido's gang at the entrance of New World, but it has nothing to do with him. If there is no accident, the battle may be in Sabaody. As the chief of the Sabaody base, he has to stay in Sabaody to be responsible for the security here. After all, pirates are easy to attack creatures. The pirates on Sabaody were stimulated by Kaido's deadly play. It's not good to do things in Sabaody and rush into the World government office building to kidnap the ticket officer......

"" "The security of Sabaody is the top priority. I just came here to have a look. If the sea water is polluted, don't eat seafood. The intern of the Roger Pirates that you caught last time, the red-haired kid has returned. West Blue is here, and he explained that the next time you meet him, try to control your strength."


Sengoku pushed his glasses and nodded, as long as Kaido didn't turn violent, then he gave Leonardo a meaningful look and reminded him.

Although he doesn't know if the red-haired brat is the son-in-law of Celestial Dragons or if Celestial Dragons was fooled by the red-haired brat, the red-haired brat is still intact after boarding one of Mariejois's one (Zhao Nuo's) for a week. He left, and both he and Marshal Kong received an inexplicable order from the Five Elders, telling them not to go and target this red-haired kid.

So he needs to remind little Curry, after all, although little Curry is not as extreme as Sakazuki to pirates, he is also a heavy punch every time. Now Five Elders has promised to add an Admiral position, but things have not yet been implemented, Kizaru , Before the little Curry and the others officially took the position, they had better not touch the bad luck of the Five Elders, otherwise they would take it back with a backhand, and their Marineford battle would be the White Hits.

The red-haired kid may be very good in the future, but that is also the future. The future is full of uncertain factors, so let's talk about it first!

He was worried that when little Curry saw the red-haired kid in the future, he wouldn't be able to resist and do something to the son-in-law of Celestial Dragons again...

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