Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

262. Hit the street! The strength of Beasts Pirates is skyrocketing!

"Sengoku is probably stalling, as for Kaido.

When a little brother next to Leonardo talked about Kaido, he looked at a group of pirate ships in front of him and was speechless. How the hell knew what Kaido was doing....-_-11

"Here's that bastard Marine!!

"Nani? Let's see.... it's him! It's this vile bastard Marine who caught our ex-captain! (▼▼▼)"

"Bastard Marine, let go of our former boss...?(〃'Dish`)q"

"Release! (#`Dish')"


Just when Mr. Kaido and Sengoku were about to lose their minds, Beasts Pirates thought that the sharp-eyed little brother saw a fleet of Marine warships approaching, pointed at the warship with the green fox head in the front and shouted, who would cause a thousand waves with one stone. , The boys in Beasts Pirates began to clamor in various ways.

"Cough cough..."

"Lighting engineer, photographer ready, start up! 22"

"Listen to the pirates in front, what you are doing now is an illegal assembly. If you don't want to live in a kiln, drive the boats into three and give me the ranking! 35

"Hey hey hey, the stupid big guy in front said you, don't stare, your eyes are about to fall, stand up for me... Didn't you see Uncle Marine coming? (^▼ X)”

Before entering the venue, it became the focus of the audience, but I have seen many big scenes like this. Leonardo calmly made a gesture to the younger brother who was carrying a headlight and a camera bug. After ignoring the warning from the little pirate Galami who were glaring at him, he saw Kaido's pair of copper bells and big eyes waiting to stare at him viciously, as if he still hated him and missed his "son". .. angrily pointed at Teacher Kaido and shouted.

Now the last fifth skill has been activated, that grandfather's vitality, he doesn't know if he will rush to the street when the world is destroyed, but he knows that even if Whitebeard and Teacher Kaido team up, he can't kill him, Scared of hanging!

As the benchmark of a righteous Marine, it is right to hit a pirate with a heavy punch!

"Huh? What's wrong? Why is the big screen turned on? 55

"There's a picture, this is... Beasts Pirates?"

"And Marine! That Marine is there too!"

"Damn it! It's on, hey!! There are so many people in Beasts Pirates! 00Q"

"That's right! There are more people than the Whitebeard Pirates, Marine is not a good fight.



At the same time when the camera bug's eyes were opened by Marine's younger brother, the big screens all over the world suddenly lit up, and the big screen suddenly appeared a crowded picture of Beasts Pirates, watching those fingers and toes on the sea that could not be counted. On the pirate ship, the pirate flags of all Beasts Pirates are hung on it, and the scalps of the people in front of the big screen are numb.

There are so many, much more than the Whitebeard Pirates, one of the top four.

Especially when they see a demon-like figure with a super mace on their shoulders, even if they have only seen the bounty list but not the real person, they can recognize it at a glance, even if they are across the big screen. You can feel the sturdy aura, if this Fuck is not the boss, they live upside down and swallow shit......

This face, this figure, this temperament, Tai Te Niang is terrifying!!!

"Huh! This guy Kaido has grown a lot taller...35

Under a mangrove tree opposite the big screen in Sabaody, Rayleigh passed by with a rare white chrysanthemum. Shakky just came back from the country of the daughter recently and does not let him enter. Dangyou, I just made a deal this morning, thinking about buying a white chrysanthemum that Shakky likes to get people, he has slept on the street for many days, the Marine kid is not there, I want to go to the detention center to sleep for a few days, that Marine The kid's little brother doesn't accept it...

But when he saw the figure on the big screen, he stopped and leaned under the tree, took out a bottle of wine that he didn't know where it came from, and drank it one by one. He was also paying attention to Kaido's development. The problem.

After all, it is really too animal. There are so many races in this world. I have never thought of Kaido. Even the super-long giants are in their teenage years, but Kaido is an animal that is obviously beyond a teenager. what development.


Back in the days of the Valley of the Gods battle, he was just a kid who was bombarded by Garp's boxing style, and he remembered that Kaido was only five or six meters tall. It was almost eight meters by then, and now it is estimated that there are only nine meters.

He also heard about the big things that this Marine kid did in New World when he was in his daughter country to make up for the mistakes he made in the past. This Marine kid seems to have not stopped since his debut. He is used to it, but he really didn't expect Kaido to not be in New World. Playing a house in the world, running out to save people for the younger brother, and looking at the number of people he brought this time... This fuck is more than the younger brother who was at the peak of the Golden 790 Lion!

If it wasn't for Whitebeard and Fat Charlotte who were still fighting, Rayleigh wondered if Kaido had unified the New World......

Although the number of pirates in New World has not been released, which one is a good fool who can pass all the way through the siege and enter the New World? If you want to collect so many younger brothers, only the New World overlord Rocks can do it, and the current Kaido distance Rocks still has a long way to go. Even if it is the beginning of a big era and the number of pirates is skyrocketing, it is difficult to accept so many younger brothers. Even Roger, who is full of natural charisma, has to fool so many younger brothers. Waste a few tons of saliva.....

"Damn it! How come there are so many people in the Beasts Pirates! It's more exaggerated than the Whitebeard Pirates (?month?)/"

"Made, tell the boss to stop fighting, and hurry up to recruit people...!

"Notify Mom, Beasts Pirates are soaring..35


New World, the third big battle is in progress, the Pirates League, BIGMOM Pirates, Whitebeard Pirates, Ward Pirates and a group of pirates suddenly received a call from their younger brother.

On the street, the strength of Beasts Pirates has skyrocketed!.

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