Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

287. We all know that old Curry went to cry

There is no airtight wall in the world, not to mention in Marineford, a place as big as a palm, not to mention old Curry, who has become a famous person in the city through his son, the old Curry crying yesterday has spread throughout Marineford today, He heard the rumor even early in the morning when he stayed at Marine school all day.

In fact, when he first knew that they were going to add more Marines as Admiral, he had already expected that Big Brother's reaction would definitely be fierce. He was also a father and could understand Big Brother's mood, especially when Big Brother had been doing it for decades." "Be careful" For someone who has never been in the limelight, it was indeed a big blow for his son to become an Admiral, contrary to his original intention.

It's just that he didn't expect the big brother's reaction to be so intense, he ran to the grave of the old Curry Vice Admiral and cried.

He didn't want to do this kind of thing, but he said, after all, little Curry's talent, the potential is visible to the naked eye, and he didn't want little Curry to waste his talent and be like Big Brother to hang around for decades and then retire and wait to die. Big Brother used to be like this. No way, Big Brother's own strength is sloppy, and it is a good result to be able to retire safely.

But little Curry is different. It takes talent and talent, and potential to have potential, but he can't let him go back to the old road of the big brother. Once this person falls, it will be very difficult to pull him up!

Now that little Curry can appear here with a smiley face, he knows that he should stabilize the big brother.

"Persuasion or not is the same. The position is given by the Five Elders. My father can't do anything if he doesn't want to, but he can't accept it for a while."

Leonardo said indifferently that he didn't want to be Admiral, but he couldn't refuse Admiral's high salary and benefits. He went to visit Sengoku's residence last night.

My God, where is the so-called residence, it is like a theme park with a five-star hotel, even the special servants are official, and there are cooks, and there is only one official bed warmer. elder sister.....

No wonder there are so many Marine Vice Admirals in recent years, but there are only three Admirals. Each Admiral has a lot of logistical support. It is several levels higher than Vice Admiral. The only one who can enjoy this treatment at the stage of Vice Admiral is the old Garp boy.

However, if you want to achieve the high level of Garp's old boy, no one can do it in the next few decades. Sengoku said that there is nothing wrong with it. It is a person who rose up in a special period under specific conditions, not ordinary people can do it, even if it is With this strength, there is no such condition.

Unless there's a Rocks coming out of New World, and that's only if their Marines are at their lowest point, and they don't have Garp Old Boys yet.

This fuck is too difficult, the next 20 years will not only be the pinnacle of pirates, but also the pinnacle of their Marines, with Garp Old Boy as the leader, the elite Vice Admiral, the Marine four Admiral in their prime, and one more Super Buddha, such an all-star lineup, such a bench depth, Marine will be on the rise in the next 20 years, and the only thing that will not decline at all is to wait until the Son of Destiny and the grandson of Garp debut, and the era of the Great Pirates ushered in the biggest outbreak. At that time, Marine showed a lack of success again, and it gradually showed its decline. At that time, there might still be a chance to reach the height of Garp's old boy, but now it is only Sea Circle Calendar 1501, Garp's grandson has not been born yet, he will immediately You're going to be an Admiral, but after more than 20 years, is there any use for shit?!

"Hey! Now the big time has come, I know your abilities are very special, but you have to be careful in the future, I am the best example, I hope you don't repeat my mistakes. 35

Zephyr looked at the heroic figure in front of him, his eyes were a little dim, if his son was still alive, he would be this age!

"When you are happy, teacher, don't think about those unhappy things. Those bastards in Kuzan have no conscience, and they don't know to see you when they come back. Don't you still have me, a good and filial student, and I will give you care when you get old. !99

Seeing Zephyr thinking of his dead wife and children again, he hurriedly changed the subject and patted his chest.

6...I come every year on vacation, you just don't know it. -_-||ā€

Hearing this, Kuzan, who had been outside the door for a long time and didn't want to disturb the two of them, couldn't hold back anymore. If he didn't come in, he would become a bastard like Akainu and Kizaru...

"Is that so? What a coincidence? I come here every year, but I just don't happen to meet you. But you're not rude. You'll soon be the one who gets a big contract with hundreds of millions of dollars every year, and you come to see the teacher with two bottles of wine. Does the teacher send you two bottles of wine?"

Leonardo saw Kuzan walk in with two bottles of JEREZ sherry, without the slightest embarrassment of saying that someone was smashed behind his back, and looked at him with contempt.

"...Haha, I don't lack anything here, don't bring me those messy things, in short, the place in Sabaody is more complicated, and now because the pirates are still on the momentum, those Celestial Dragons are relatively safe and haven't come out, But they won't be stable for long, so you have to be careful when that happens.

"Speaking of which, the three of us have never had a drink together, so today you two have a good drink with me. (^?^)?"

Looking at the two proud disciples, Zephyr waved his hands with a smile on his face, picked up a bottle of wine on the table and opened the lid with a smile.

"No problem, I won't go home if I don't get drunk today, you fuck me at will......

Just like that, three people, one bottle of 807, were blowing against each other in the office. The picture looked so warm and harmonious...

"Nani?! Marshal Sengoku, right? Let me go to Mariejois as a security guard for the Celestial Dragons? And what about Sabaody? That's my place, and I've managed to make it a crime-free place, so I won't let it go. Let me? (āŠ™vāŠ™)"

I don't know how many bottles I blew with Zephyr yesterday. Anyway, I don't know how he got home yesterday. Early the next morning, Sengoku summoned them to F4 for a meeting to arrange their affairs after they took office. Knowing if Kuzan had bought fake wine, he had a splitting headache early in the morning and was still drunk. He didn't even listen to what Sengoku-san said, but when he heard Sengoku-san read his name, When Mariejois was working as a security guard, his wide-eyed eyes jumped up in an instant.

He has no problem with letting him go to Mariejois as a security guard. After all, it's a job. If you meet Celestial Dragons, you might get a lot of tips for dessert, but the point of Fuck is that Gion's stinky bitch's territory. When he went, he was afraid that he would be gnawed to the point of slag, and he was about to fall into the tiger's mouth after resting for less than two months...

And now that the Five Elements are short of money, he can't live without Sabaody's tangkou!

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