Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

293. Teacher Kaido: Work hard! Struggle!

Since Marine rescued his younger brother in the first half of the doorway routine, Mr. Kaido has been enjoying the sourness of pure IQ suppression. He has used his fists for most of his life. For the first time, he realized how hilarious the original IQ suppression is.

But then he came back to it, his IQ suppressed the routine Marine is right, but it seems that the routine Marine has no substantial benefits other than making him feel good about himself, on the other hand, that Marine bastard kid Because he was 55 to 50, and now he is popular all over the world, that kid is obviously stepping on his Kaido to ascend to the top!

The more he thinks about it, the more unhappy Mr. Kaido is, but he wants to find the Marine kid to continue his career and make a name for himself. He found that with his current force value, he really can't do anything to that kid. The kid's resilience It's so disgusting, he can't think of any way to kill that kid.

Teacher Kaido has one thing that many big pirates don't have, that is, being ashamed and then brave, willing to work hard, when Kaido teacher found his shortcomings, although he was full of flesh, his attack was still a little worse, with Kaido teacher's current coffee A bit, still able to put down all the things and run to the burning mouth, crazily rubbing iron and training muscles.

For someone like Kaido-sensei, it's hard not to think of a high-ranking person.

If you can see the rewards, it's not difficult. It's rare to see the rewards and still work hard. It is long and slow to take effect, but Teacher Kaido can still hold on to his temper. He is simply a role model for young people. Teacher Kaido perfectly reflects a sentence. Known sadness...

Work hard! Work hard! Then fuck that bastard kid...(^x)

After Mr. Kaido sent the big hairy elephant away, the image of the Marine bastard he hated the most popped into his mind inexplicably. He was wearing an Admiral cape and still had a cheap face. Mr. Kaido shook his head and said that damn it. The bastard was driven out of his mind, and he turned around with a resolute look and continued to pounce on the volcano, preparing to kill the bastard Marine as soon as possible...

"Now it's about to hang up time, the audience can follow the photographer's lens to enjoy slowly, this Vice Admiral is also going to be promoted! ((^?^*)~*)"

After blowing the five respected old people from the World Government to the point of being at a loss for words, Leonardo threw the microphone in his hand, returned to Kuzan in a dashing manner, and followed the three to lead the way to the high platform to accept the title of the current Marine's brother. In fact, this is the result. Brand new, Admiral capes handcrafted by those aunties in Marineford.

If you want to ask what is the difference between Admiral's capes and Vice Admiral's capes, except that the epaulettes are more fancy, it is the difference between machine-made and pure hand-made. Admiral's cape and Marshal's cape are stitched by those aunts and aunts in Marineford. The labor cost alone is not cheap. . . .

Sengoku took each Admiral cloak from Mickey beside him and handed it to the four of them, and then walked to the flying squirrel and others who were promoted to Vice Admiral together, and gave them the large Vice Admiral cloak one by one. Afterwards, he returned to the high platform to give the marshal's high-level speech. Politicians in every world are the same. It doesn't matter whether they can fight or not, but they must be able to say that, especially for a cultural person like Sengoku, who has a good literary talent, it is simply his. Personal talk show time, holding a speech that I don't know when, looking from Leonardo's direction, there is a dictionary as thick as a dictionary, ignoring the sleepy Uncle Marine below, still spraying on it. Saliva, the audience in front of the big screen when the live broadcast was here also scolded and quit the group chat, and the ratings plummeted even more. Looking at the data that has become a single digit, many cities have turned off the big screen, and they continue to make money ahead. It's not enough to pay, but Crane Vice Admiral didn't interrupt his friends.

This is the most glorious time in my friend's life, if you lose it, you will lose it......

Four hours passed.

"Garp Vice Admiral, hello buddy... Uh, Sengoku Admiral is only halfway through now. At this rate, it is estimated that it will not be finished until supper time. Would you advise me? It's already dinner time.. ..."

Leonardo couldn't stand it anymore, he looked around with a breath, and found that not only was he sleepy, but a group of Marine uncles were also drowsy. Akainu's eyes are bloodshot even though he can keep his eyes open....

Looking at the speech in Sengoku's hand with half of the speech left, Leonardohold couldn't help, seeing that the nostrils of the Garp old boy were not bubbling, he didn't pick his nose, eat something, but he was quite Looking at the high-spirited good friend on the stage, he gave face to his good friend.

Leonardo rolled his eyes. At this time, there were two people who could interrupt the big Sengoku, Crane Vice Admiral and the old boy Garp, and Crane Vice Admiral he didn't dare to look for, he was worried that Crane Vice Admiral hadn't opened his mouth. Speaking of her sister, that stinky woman in Gion urged her to get married, so she could only put her hope on the old Garp boy.

Anyway, a good friend is a lifetime, big Sengoku will not wear small shoes for a good friend for such a trivial matter, so he quietly paddled small steps to the old boy Garp and said in a low voice.

"" "Hahaha, you really depend on clothes, little Curry, you look like a dog in this big cloak, and you have the general style of my year! (^口^*) / rubbish"

The old Garp boy instantly entered the shameless mode, picked his nostrils and smiled.

"That is, I heard that Garp Vice Admiral was a famous jade-faced gentleman when you were young. You are far worse than me. I am at most a charming guy...

(with money)

Leonardo quietly took two steps back, keeping one hand apart to make sure the old Garp boy couldn't reach him, then licked his face and complimented.

Hearing this, Vice Admiral Crane, who was not far from the next door, rolled his eyes at the two shameless people next door, one old and one small.

God is so jade-faced Xiao Langjun, that guy Garp was never handsome when he was young...

"Haha, although what you said sounds nice, today is a good day for Sengoku, so don't bother him!!""

He clearly knew that this kid was blind and messed up, but the old boy Garp still didn't want Bi Lian to accept the title "Jade-faced Xiao Lang Jun" and laughed.

It is seen that he is usually sloppy and unreliable. Today is a big day for a good friend. He has worked hard for decades. If he destroys the good things of a good friend, how can he ask for leave to go back and watch in the future? grandson?.

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