Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

296. Five Elders: Let that kid control his strength

"....It is said that Vice Admiral of the tea dolphin happened to be seen by the green fox Admiral when he confessed to the Vice Admiral of Momousagi, so he...

The masked CP0 took the lead and said.

The masked CP0 lead brother is also full of sighs, this tea pig Vice Admiral has been in Mariejois for more than ten years, and usually looks at the guy very decent, how can he suddenly be so brainless, this Fuck even he knows this Momousagi Vice Admiral is the official CP of that kid. He has no reason not to know, right? It's fine if you confess to a girl with a man, and you will be bumped into by others. Isn't this what you are looking for...

"That's all right... Later that kid is almost done fighting, you go down and tell that kid, let him control his strength, don't demolish this building...

When the old man with the knife heard this, he nodded understandingly and then waved to the masked CPO lead brother who didn't care about "Eight Twenty" and waved him away.

This kind of thing can't be tolerated by anyone who encounters it. This kid will give them face. He didn't summon the Super Senju Buddha and didn't draw his sword. If it was him, he would have drawn his sword! .

Madd, he hates people who destroy other people's feelings the most...

"...Well, this also shows that this kid really cares about Momousagi. Our plan should be effective. As for the tea dolphin... It's time to send him to Marine and leave it to Sengoku, his character is not good."

The younger brother was about to go out, and the old man with long hair and long beard nodded his head in relief. As a man, he admired this kid's audacity to rush to the crown and turn his face into a red face. This is a man. Where is this place, it's over.

However, things have to be resolved. Tea dolphin is only in this battle, and his reputation must be stinky. Naturally, he cannot stay in Mariejois. Since he has guarded the World government headquarters for so many years, he has no credit or hard work, so he will not be sent to Enies Lobby. Now, just throw it to Sengoku for processing.

"Bang bang bang...

"Green fox Admiral, stop fighting! If you fight that guy again, he's really dead! What are you guys looking at, go and fight!! (`??)"

At this time, below the building, a group of masked people who didn't know the CP and a group of World government officials gathered. These people were also disturbed by the noise below, so they hurriedly ran down because the office building was in disrepair and was about to collapse. , I took a note and took a look, good guy, the "Undying Admiral" who just took the position has fucked the tea dolphin... No! It was the "Undying Admiral" who fucked the tea dolphin, and it's almost out of shape, like that It's really miserable!

Dauberman and others around were still shouting, but Leonardo in the zone state was too sturdy, they dared not approach, when there were more and more people, they also saw these masks that were supposed to guard the safety of Mariejois The man was still watching the play, and shouted angrily over them.

It would be fine if Leonardo just killed the tea pig, it has nothing to do with them, they are also pulling the frame with their mouths, they can't be implicated, but if Leonardo gets the upper hand and summons the Senju Buddha to come out and demolish the building, they will Not one of them can escape here.

They don't want Leonardo to have someone on top of them, but there is no one on them. Is it easy to get through hard work and hard work? If you are implicated all the way to the end, you will have no hope in this life, you can only go with your talent. They are pirates, but they can be Marines with justice in mind. Who wants to be pirates?



The masked man, who was wearing a mask, who did not know who was the CP, was yelled at by several Marine Vice Admiral, look at me, I look at you, and no one stepped forward.

This Fuck, the green fox Admiral is in this state and they are not stupid. They will definitely be fucked when they rush to the fight. The key is that their boss said it. The Five Elders explained that the green fox Admiral was tired and went to inform him... Let them pull together...

In this way, a group of officials and a group of masked men who maintain law and order are watching the lively, no one goes up to the fight, a group of Marine uncles are holding the fight with their mouths, and no one dares to actually go up, they have hammered the tea pig to the depths of the Red Line. At this time, Leonardo was still swaying the black fist with electric light effects and hitting the dog's head that could no longer be seen as a human creature. It was an output, but Leonardo, who had already vented most of his anger, had also recovered some examples. I didn't want to punch and crit like before, I still have a little strength, as long as I don't die.

Murder is illegal!

Look at Garp's grandson from the beginning to the end in the future, and he will know how much murder is a crime in this world...

However, I still have to admit that this guy's vitality is really strong. Although it is not as heaven-defying as his, nor is it as domineering as Kaido teacher, but he was severely beaten by his full-strength punching at the beginning and still can sense the vitality of this guy. , It can be seen that this Vice Admiral is also an extraordinary Vice Admiral, at least the second class...

"what happened?(-_-)/"

Just when Dauberman and the others outside were so anxious to die that they dared not come in, they could only shout with their mouths, the former Marine, the current commander-in-chief of the three armed forces, Kong, who was located on the second floor of the highest level of the World Government, appeared. .

Kong came over with a frown, and from the look on his face, he knew that he was not in a good mood at this time.

Since coming to Mariejois and successfully lying flat, Kong has found that the past few decades have been such a waste of life!

Although there are five old people on it now, it is not as beautiful as before, after all, he is not the boss here, but his life is so unrestrained!

Every day, when I go to work during the day, I study dolls, and when I get off work at night, I change into a skin bag and disguise a little to go to Sabaody's No. 5 area to become a big man on the avatar list to save the miss. This kind of small life is much more dashing than when I was the first brother of Marine, Studying a doll and sneaking around for fear of being bumped into....


But today, I know that "Ai Jiang" is going to come to the World government headquarters to take out the doll that "Ai Jiang" gave him at the beginning and study it carefully, and then summon "Ai Jiang" to chat with him. "Speaking, it's still quite reminiscent, but when Fuck is at the main juncture of his research work, the building suddenly shakes and frightens his little things into hiding, and the little things are getting old, and the older they get, the more The more timid it is, the harder it is to coax! If it is anyone who encounters such a thing, they will not be able to get excited.

"Report to General Manager Kong, the situation is like this @@¥%!#¥......"

After Dauberman and others saw the old leader, they were like discovering a great savior. You gave the old leader a report of the story's premise and consequences without any artistic processing.

Soldiers are honest!

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