Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

310. A group of animals to conquer the world battle plan

"Mr. Zephyr said that people have to have dreams, and there is no difference between having no dreams and salted fish, I just want to give it a try. …

Dauberman didn't listen to him at this time, and continued to stare at his ancestral compass as if he was looking for some feng shui and said without raising his head.

"(⊙_⊙)?... Teacher Zephyr said this? Why didn't I know?"

Leonardo looked at Kuzan, who was about to fall asleep, with a bewildered expression. Zephyr seemed to have never said such an instructive word to him.

Kuzan spread his hands and said that I was also sleeping in class during the class. I only read at night. I know a ghost. …

"...Okay, I wish you a prosperous officialdom...!

Leonardo has nothing to say, he has an Admiral dream, he is not easy to disturb, let him continue to immerse himself in the dream, it is not a bad thing to love to dream...

He was also moved by the charming bounty of the Golden Lion. Although the current Golden Lion is not old enough to be beaten by Garp's grandson, he is only disabled and strong. It is not too easy to get the Golden Lion, but yesterday After I sent that stinky woman in Gion away at night, I was still reminiscing about the plot after I slept all night, but it took too long to travel through.

In addition, he does not have a super-intelligent brain, and his limited memory only knows that the Golden Lion is in the sky and changed his job to become a zookeeper. As for the location, he really can't remember...

Think of the glamorous bounty of Golden Lion, it's not just wrong!

"Admiral, your idea is very reliable, but... If you want to complete this great plan, you need a lot of money, but we have no money!"

At this time, there was a small broken boat over the first half of the Grand Line. Golden Lion's younger brother chose to study biology since the boss was in prison, and he was eager to learn and became an excellent zoologist, Dr. Inti Brother is admiring and a little embarrassed to his boss, said Golden Lion, who was wearing a prison uniform just after breaking out of prison but still Haki.

The eldest is the eldest, even after squatting in the kiln for more than a year, even if both legs are broken, the ambition of the king of the world will still not be wiped out.

A small animal crossbreeding can make him think of dominating the world, this ambition, this ambition, he really did not follow the wrong person!

However, as a professional scientific researcher, he still needs to supplement some mistakes in the boss's plan, such as funding issues.

At the beginning, after their Flying Sky Pirates were almost wiped out in the naval battle of Wall, the remaining family was not much. After that, they had developed well, but the old brain short-circuited to the Naval Headquarters group and was slapped. He was one of them. Clerical workers are not administrative staff. He can't even see such a big stall left by the boss. Others see the boss being slapped, scattered and scattered, and valuable things are almost taken away. Even He was still working part-time when he was studying zoology.

From his professional point of view, the boss's group of animals has a very aggressive battle plan to conquer the world. Animals are inherently stronger than humans. Isn't Kaido's livestock an example, although he has not yet researched what kind of Kaido is. , but not human!

If there can be a group of powerful and obedient animals, it will be much better than the younger brothers they received. The key is that after his research is successful, the cost according to his conception can be much lower than that of their younger brothers, and they also To be able to independently mass produce, this plan is worthy of high!

"Yeah! You don't have to worry about money, you'll have everything in the Water Capital later! (???)"

Still wearing a prison uniform, Golden Lion, who was wearing two big swords below the knees, sat on the throne with a cigar and a golden knife in his hand, looking at the younger brother with satisfaction, and said confidently.

He has been with the Golden Lion for decades. There are countless brothers who have been with him before, but when he was at the lowest point in his life, only Brother Indigo stayed with him and rescued him from the sea and was willing to join him. After a comeback, after hearing about his escape from prison, only Brother Indigo came to him immediately, and he was so capable that in just over a year, he changed from a somewhat literate ship doctor to a tall zoologist. He was so inspired, motivated, and loyal that he was greatly moved.

Damn, why didn't he think of this plan back then, when he was the first person in New World, it could be said that the wind and the rain could rain, if it weren't for the fact that there were too many younger brothers, he was dragged down and had no money to repair the pirates. The ship, he will not fall into the field today, the history of the naval battle of Wall will also be rewritten, and after he gets Roger, he may now be the king of the world enough to embrace the Celestial Dragons sister!

・・・・Seeking flowers・・

But it's not too late, he is still young and strong, and there is time, as long as his plan is successful, what if Roger is One Piece?


Golden Lion is the king of the world!

Under the temptation of the king of the world, money is a small problem. When did the Golden Lion lose money again?

We will soon arrive at the capital of water, which is the center of the shipbuilding industry in the world and one of the four major international metropolises. If you have a lot of money, you will be panicking!


.....Sir Admiral, you may not know it yet, a lot has happened during your time in prison.... The Marine kid who couldn't be hacked to death is now Marine Admiral, and some time ago He also worked with Kaido in the waters above The fish men island, and almost made Kaido shit. Now the three big cities of Queen City, Sabaody Land, and Water Capital are all within his jurisdiction. "

"Lord Admiral, although you are fierce and invincible, you have just come out, and your condition is not very good. I think it is better to cultivate for a while, and we will make plans when you have cultivated..."

When Dr. Indigo heard that the boss was going to do his old job, and the target was an international metropolis like the Water Capital, he was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat. It is now a special "undead Admiral" site, people. Back then, when you were still a little hairy, your boss was in his prime and was sprayed like a dog. Now people can fight Kaido one-on-one and beat Kaido into a dog. Your old man is still a wanted criminal...

But he didn't dare to say it too bluntly. After all, since a piece of rotten wood was inserted into his head, the boss has been a little nervous. If he can't stand the stimulation, he will go to Mariejois and start a group spray...

He still needs the boss to support his research project to win an award!

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