Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

317. Byrnndi. World Tear Celestial Dragons

This flamingo Doflaming, he looked left and right, looked up and down, and felt that this guy was irritable, a big man wearing a pink bird fur coat and pink love little sunglasses, he couldn't see anything special If you say something special, it can only be said to be particularly irritating. The ordinary North Blue pirate who has a little business in New World, and String-String Fruit, which is thinner than his soft fruit, looks very cool. Ordinary North Blue "little" pirates who can't make a big deal.

Looking at this sand crocodile, Sir Crocodile, as soon as he made his debut, Marshal Sengoku made an offer of 80 million for his face. Not to mention, it is still an extremely rare Logia. No matter from which aspect, this sand crocodile deserves it. Boss pay attention to it.

But the boss just stares at the flamingo's bounty sliver... Does the boss like this arrogant look?

Hmm... It seems right to think about it. Although the eldest and young are famous, they have already won the awards, but they are only in their twenties and 22. It is normal for young people to like this kind of flamboyant dress. After all, he still appreciates the sand crocodile. It is simple and unpretentious, looks relatively stable, and can achieve great things.

-_-1...Okay, ignore this sand crocodile, young people don't know how high the sky is, they are too awkward and easy to get up, and it is easy to get into trouble when they get up. I don't think this guy can go far, when will he find this Doflamingo Appeared on the Grand Line and came and told me. "

Leonardo waved Dominic away, and there is a saying in his heart that MMP does not know what to say, this Doflamingo is a really special talent, obviously now he is just a little North Blue pirate, he has already made the business a Grand Line, and he is still a Fuck The arms business, or the arsenal, this fuck is really no one, it is no wonder that this kind of person sent crane Vice Admiral to hunt down as soon as he debuted in Sengoku, it is not just as simple as killing his son, Celestial Dragons is a criminal genius as long as it is blackened. It's not blown out, this race is just as awesome as the Uchiha next door at Hokage, who becomes a behind-the-scenes boss once blackened.

This kind of person is different from those pirates who shout and kill. They are brain-eating. The key is that there is still a former Celestial Dragons identity, and Sengoku is a little restrained if he wants to move him.

However, for the days when he can only live by the small black card and the stinky mother-in-law in Gion, Leonardo really needs the arrival of such a god of wealth. Queen City, Water City and Sabaody Land It's true that he has income every month, but he can't eat alone, and these obvious incomes are turned over by the stinky woman in Gion. He doubts whether this stinky woman did it on purpose. When it's time to collect membership fees, this stinky bitch always kills on time, so that he can't catch a hair...

In the eyes of others, Marine Admiral, who plays a role in the three major international cities, is by far the richest, but who knows, he is so poor now that he is going to sell on August 15th on the 5th of Sabaody Land!

Whenever he is poor, the evil little black card will appear to tempt him, that is, he has a strong will, can resist the temptation and replace it with someone else, and he will be paying off the card debt for the next few decades...

It would be great if this criminal star killed the Grand Line earlier and spread the business to his turf. He was covered by Celestial Dragons, so he couldn't do anything to them, and it wouldn't hurt to charge a little more dues. He has become a model of justice in Marine, the boss won't let him do anything to others, he can always be punished for changing direction, right?

Leonardo has already figured it out. After this guy, it will be no problem to do business on his territory. The tax will be 30% higher. When this guy becomes Shichibukai, the tax will be added to 50%. Years later, when Garp's grandson kills Doflamingo in New World, he's going to Dressrosa for a spin

Doflamingo can't give so much wealth to others... 9

Shocked! Ward Pirates Captain Byrnndi. World rips Celestial Dragons!!!!

Sea Circle Calendar 1501 was a very extraordinary year. In this year, the New World battle officially broke out. In this year, the Marine one brother was replaced, and Marine took the top four Admiral at the same time, officially entering the Marine four Admiral era. One year, the former New World "first man" and the predecessor of the world's largest swordsman, Golden Lion, broke the myth that the world's largest prison was unbroken for many years. At the same time, it was also in this year that the wealthy pirates of New World had just risen. The sudden collapse of the major league was replaced by the old and declining Ward Pirates.

These events, one by one, are major events that change the pattern of the world. In the past, as long as one of these events was singled out, it would be a major event that dominated the headlines all year round. However, these worlds broke out collectively this year. People are still silent in the emotions that Golden Lion disappeared after being bombarded by Kaido teacher. Such a big news exploded the whole sea like a depth bomb!

The captain of the Ward Pirates who has gone away and re-emerged, and Byrnndi. World with a bounty of 340 million, after rising again, he did not train his younger brother well to prepare for the next New World fight, but ran to a New World joins the country to collect protection fees, that's fine, this guy is tearing up Celestial Dragons in public, although there are no pictures in the newspaper this time, but I don't know if this manuscript was written by a news media The sharp editor-in-chief vividly described the big pirate Byrnndi. World tearing Celestial Dragons with his own eyes, as if he had seen it with his own eyes, so that every reader would not doubt the authenticity of this incident.

This great pirate Byrnndi. World, who has experienced ups and downs and ups and downs, is so crazy that he dares to tear Celestial Dragons with his hands. It’s okay, and he is still in the audience. This lack of courage is really brave. what!

Although many Celestial Dragons have disappeared over the years, the idea of ​​Celestial Dragons dying outside is not new, but it was done quietly. Because those people started cleanly, they would cover up the crime scene afterwards. Uncle Marine and World Those in the government who don't know the number of CPs can't find any clues, especially the location of the crime may still be the sea. As long as there are no survivors, generally Uncle Marine and the people in the World government who don't know the number of CPs can't find any clues. Can give up.

But now, everything is different. The newspapers have already helped them pinpoint who the target is. People who read the newspapers not only sighed with emotion, this great pirate Byrnndi. World is so stubborn!

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