Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

332. Pirates are sometimes cheap bones

"Kill it!

"These sites are ours!!!"

"Come on! Hack them and take the turf...

Uncle Marine has just left the Ward Pirates' site on his forefoot to return, and in the next second, a large group of New World pirates entered the Ward Pirates' site, causing a lot of waves, and the New World, which had been calm for a while, was once again fighting. After a long day, finally when the BIGMOM Pirates and Beasts Pirates entered the stage, it pushed the plot to the climax.

If it was in the past, those pirates who were weak and lacking in strength might have given BIGMOM and Hundred Beasts two pirates face, but now the site of the Ward Pirates is a super big cake, not to mention All the territory, as long as you can fight most of it, you can make a little-known 18th-tier pirate rise to become a new giant. How can these pirates let go of such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity , In the face of the strength of BIGMOM and Beasts Pirates, these big pirates will not give in an inch, not to mention drought, dessert three stars, even Teacher Kaido and Charlotte fat woman come and work hard.

Why did you come out to mix, especially for the sake of mixing it up now? Isn't it just to become famous and famous?

Immediately, the atmosphere of the fourth New World battle has begun to brew, and it is only a matter of time before the real battle.

But this has nothing to do with the Marine uncles who are about to leave New World. At this time, the first half of the Grand Line and the four seas, Uncle Marine's battle has been blown to the sky. From the start to the end of the war, Uncle Marine went out on the road. In addition to the time spent, it took less than a day to reach the door of the Ward Pirates and to the end of the battle. Everyone really saw the sharpness of Uncle Marine, especially Marine four Admiral, which was like a natural disaster. , The kind of all-round ruthless attack from top to bottom, whoever encounters it is a disaster.

Also because of Uncle Marine's strong attack and perfect ending, the influence of the Golden Lion escape blockbuster and Ward. World's ripping Celestial Dragons incident has dropped a lot, especially those who are squatting in Sabaody waiting for Celestial Dragons, and also Young people who want to learn from Ward. World tore Celestial Dragons famous in the world have pinched this devil's idea.

The point where this fuck needs to be done is that people all over the world know that Sabaody is the site of the "undead Admiral", and everyone has seen how powerful the "undead Admiral" is. One big move directly kills the big pirate Byrnndi. World's disabled people, they can't hold the super giant Buddha's eight punches!

This also makes Dominica unable to cover the security of Sabaody, where the crime rate has started to increase again because of Leonardo's absence. These pirates are sometimes scumbags, knowing that Sabaody is Leonardo's territory. But every pirate who passes by Sabaody Land can't help but want to land in this legendary metropolis that is the center of the world economy. The key is that there is a famous No. 5 area, and after landing in Sabaody Land, the restless character will endure. I can't stop wanting to make trouble. When Leonardo was on the post, the famous "Immortal Admiral" was still useful, but every time Leonardo was away, I knew that if I reached out, I would be caught, but those pirates couldn't bear it. Live and start doing things.

Now that the pirates are so sharp in the Sabaody land, the turbulent heart gradually calms down. Before the next stimulation, Dominica, the temporary supervisor of the Sabaody land, has a lot less pressure, although these days I often accompany Commander Kong in and out of Area 5. If something happened that he couldn't solve, Commander Kong would ask someone to help him solve it, but it was a big blow to him.

Ever since he accompanied General Manager Kong in and out of Area 5, he has completely changed his life goals to Marine Vice Admiral. Before, he was only covered by the boss of Curry Admiral. However, the difficulty is also difficult. The boss is Admiral, not the first brother. Even if you give him the back door, it should not be too obvious. The first hard condition for promotion to Vice Admiral is strength. insufficient.

But after the thicker thigh of General Manager Kong was listed on the list, his mind became more active, but after General Manager Kong helped him solve the troubles he couldn't handle again and again, he was really embarrassed to speak, and he could only bring it with him every day. The two boys carried two sacks of Bailey and took care of the master, hoping that Sabaody would wait for his boss to come back and be an adjutant to the boss.

Anyway, his Vice Admiral dream is shattered..

"What happened to this guy Domi? As soon as I came back this guy frowned and his wife ran away with someone? (⊙_⊙)?"

Returning to Sabaody's land, the prize money has not yet been received, the stinky bitch Gion has already been killed. After using the peak strength to subdue the stinky bitch, looking at the stinky bitch's dangerous eyes, before she can speak, Leonardo is ahead of schedule. Difficulty changing the subject.

He knew what the stinky woman wanted to say without her opening her mouth. They were both in their twenties and the legal age for marriage. During this period of time, they were bombarded by this stinky woman's phone calls on the way back, but the strange thing was that before When Sabaody wastingly wasting his youth, he did have such a terrible idea, but after going out to make a fortune, when he thought of the miserable married life, this idea faded.

Although he has not consulted the 853 psychiatrist, he thinks that he should suffer from fear of marriage, and he can still procrastinate until the problem is solved. Isn't marriage just a piece of paper......

"Don't try to change the subject, my sister has already asked me, when are we going to get married! (^x)"

Leonardo’s plan to change the subject failed, and Gion, who was still in a state of collapse, suddenly jumped up and ran to the table and grabbed his father’s famous sword, Kinpira, holding the scabbard in one hand and the hilt in the other, ready to draw the sword at any time. Leonardo's eyes are dizzy, and the femoral femoris muscle that has just fallen asleep has a tendency to wake up...

"This...I don't want to give you a surprise! If I tell you all, there will be no surprises, right? You can rest assured that I will give you an unforgettable surprise, put down the knife quickly, It's too dangerous to use a knife and a gun...o('mouth')”

The plan failed. Facing the questioning eyes of this stinky bitch, Leonardo could only bite the bullet and explain a reason that he was quite convinced. This bitch was born with a big heart, and he had no doubt that once he shook his head, the bitch's Whether he will draw his knife or not, the key is that the omnipotent system dad outside always has no reaction at all when he is against this stinky bitch, he really dare not take risks..

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