Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

337. Sengoku: It's all to blame for the second generation

As Leonardo thought, Kozuki Oden's IQ couldn't control Wanokuni's national power at all.

Sea Circle Calendar October 1501.

Shock! Teacher Kaido fucks Kozuki Oden!

Sea Circle Calendar January 1502.

Shocked! Kozuki Oden was stewed!!!


Marineford Naval Headquarters, in the office of the first brother, Sengoku looked at the news in his hand and looked at the sky speechlessly. It was because they Marine did not work hard!

Kizaru, Aokiji and Luffy ran from Marineford all the way to the fire and lightning, and they all consumed dozens of tons of fuel. As a result, people didn't even feel Wanokuni, Kozuki Oden was so cooked!

What's wrong with this fuck? He's also very helpless. Last month, he was bragging with those retired old buddies to give them a pension immediately, but now Kozuki Oden is such a fool, no matter how much he insists Once Kizaru and Aokiji arrive in half a month, they have to play with Kaido, Kurozumi oro, can they still play Kizaru, the first talent in Marine?

It's not that you have more brains than you are smart, but if your brain capacity is too small, a hundred brains are useless...

But now, the opportunity to improve the living benefits of Marine's retired seniors is just gone, Kozuki22 Oden is not good, and I don't know if Five Elders still accept it?

Otherwise, the brilliance he has bragged before is not easy to operate with only their Marine's financial resources!

It's all so weird Kozuki Oden, Second Generation is stupid! (^∇X)

The war in Wanokuni took only three months from Kaido teacher's admission to Kozuki Oden being stewed by Kaido teacher. This blitz, Kozuki Oden's brain was shocked.

That special is Wanokuni!

It has been more than three months in total, and people were so excited before, wanting to see if Kaido teacher is fierce or Kozuki Oden is stronger, but this is the result?

Kozuki Oden is really strong, but he has two scars on the chest of Kaido, who has rough skin and strong resilience, but it's no brains and really no brains, they don't know How Kozuki Oden works to allow Wanokuni to lose so quickly.

Three months!

With Wanokuni's strength, even passive defense is much stronger than Beasts Pirates in terms of various personnel configurations. That is a standard traditional samurai, but it is much stronger than those pirates Kalami who have not undergone professional training. The eyes can also be one to two, Wanokuni still loses under such circumstances, the most important thing is that Kozuki Oden is boiled!

This is all the animals whose jaws dropped, Kaido teacher is too special, at this moment, people licked a fear of Kaido teacher who is "the strongest animal in sea, land and air".

But they still couldn't believe that Wanokuni was stunned by Kaido teacher in just over three months. It was too fast. If there is such a large-scale war in the New World and it is still hard steel, they want to be separated. A victory or defeat is impossible without more than half a year.

Not to mention that Wanokuni's comprehensive strength itself is above Kaido's teacher who fights on two fronts.

The five seniors at the top of the world government also listened to the report of the elder brother, the leader of CP0. The big brother in the lead was so scared that he had to speak carefully, for fear that a wrong word would make one of the five bosses unhappy and sell him to an old nigger...

“Kozuki Oden is an idiot, how deep is Kozuki Sukiyaki this idiot son!!!(^∇X)”

When I heard the CPO take the lead and said that Kizaru and Aokiji had crossed the territory of the BIGMOM Pirates and were about to reach the Wanokuni Sea, Kozuki Oden and Kaido took the initiative to shoot 20 shots, the old man with the scar on his forehead felt in his heart He was so angry that he was the one who needed Wanokuni's franchise fee the most. If he didn't have some external income, he would have to file for bankruptcy after sending two funds to Marine.

He didn't feel that he didn't spend his own money before, but now he realizes that raising a Marine is very expensive.

"It's pointless to say more now, Wanokuni is in Kaido's hands now, let Sengoku inform Kizaru and Aokiji to come back, it's pointless to stay in New World, just look for opportunities in the future. 35

The blond-haired old man looked at the old man who looked like he was green all the year round, and comforted him aloud.

Their plan is right, and the death of Kozuki Oden has fully proved that their vision is historical. When everyone is not optimistic about Kaido teacher, they dare to bet on Kaido teacher. The world is estimated to be five of them. one.

However, the protagonist Kozuki Oden is not strong, what can they do, if you can drag it out a little longer, until Kizaru and Aokiji enter the game, you won't lose so badly, it is said that Kozuki Oden's whole body was beaten by Kaido Boiled.

Thinking of this, their teeth are also aching, Kaido is such a special animal that anyone can put their mouths down....

"Agreed, since it doesn't work this time, then next time, if you don't have enough, I still have some at home..

At this time, the old 867 family, who had a birthmark on his face, looked at the old man with a bad face and was born and comforted him. How many springs and autumns have everyone walked together, even if he didn't kiss his son so much, he couldn't really look at the old man. Poverty in old age, isn't it?

Five Elders filed for bankruptcy, wouldn't he be embarrassed by then?

"No! I still have a bunch of private collections at home, I just didn't expect Kozuki Oden to be such a brainless idiot! (▼^▼X)"

Although his pockets have bottomed out, he must be tough in front of so many people, and he has been with him for decades. If he is a bit shorter than others because of this inexplicable, then he is still playing a ball!

Besides, he has also prepared a way out himself. Originally, he didn't intend to kill Doflamingo. After all, it is better to make money with integrity than to be in the same boat as Doflamingo. If the matter is exposed, Lord Yimu will cut him first.

But now Wanokuni has been lost by this idiot Kozuki Oden, so he can only find time to meet Doflamingo. He really did not expect that this little idiot Doflamingo has changed so much since he left Mariejois. He killed his own father and ran away. The foolish boy who came to the Holy Land has become the leader of the unification of the North Blue underworld.

The most important thing is that this brain is good, and he was admitted to a postdoctoral at a young age. It seems that the melatonin of the year was not for nothing.

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