Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

339. This time Whitebeard is serious

The Whitebeard Pirates are heading for Wanokuni!

Whitebeard fucks Kaido again!

The Whitebeard Pirates set off Wanokuni with such a large group of people. Originally, after Kozuki Oden was hung up by Kaido teacher, many people were watching Whitebeard's reaction. The whole world knows that Wanokuni's Kozuki Oden is not only Whitebeard's brother. , is still the captain of the second division of the former Whitebeard Pirates. Now Kozuki Oden has been hung up by Kaido teacher. If you say that Whitebeard's character is not a violent reaction, everyone will not believe it, especially those news media, in Kozuki After Oden was hung up, he released the paparazzi and squatted at the entrance of the Whitebeard Pirates twenty-four hours a day, just like looking for big news.

Now that Whitebeard is so excited to start Wanokuni, as long as you think about it with your butt, you will know why. These dedicated paparazzi are as excited as two dogs seeing shit, and they have vowed to win the "world's first paparazzi" Glory, the crazy involution news media at this time also responded quickly and only got the information in the early hours of the morning.

The next day, before dawn, the newspapers came out and waited for it to be delivered at dawn.

Just as the Whitebeard Pirates had just sailed out of their own way, the whole world knew that Whitebeard was going to Wanokuni to find Kaido to avenge his younger brother.

Whitebeard and Mr. Kaido are already old enemies. Over the years, Mr. Kaido has gone to Whitebeard one-on-one so many times that he can't even sell it in the newspapers. However, Whitebeard and Mr. Kaido are in a team fight, and Whitebeard takes the initiative. Going to Mr. Kaido, this seems to be the first time. In the past, Mr. Kaido went to Whitebeard's hall to find Whitebeard for a duel, and then the two fought for a while. After Mr. Kaido was drowned by Whitebeard, Mr. Kaido would stop for a while.

A few years ago, many people were also very curious. You said that there is only one Whitebeard left in the top four. It is understandable that Mr. Kaido wants to go to Whitebeard for a duel. But when the top four were all online, Golden Lion was still New in those years. When I was the first person in the world, I didn't see Mr. Kaido go to Golden Lion or other people for a duel, but it was either to go to the fat Charlotte or Whitebeard, you said you wanted the fat Charlotte to duel, everyone is a man, Charlotte Although this piece of fat is a little greasy, Mr. Kaido is not a human, but a beast. It doesn't matter if the oil is greasy or not, it doesn't matter if you can eat enough, this is always looking for a rough guy like Whitebeard, so let him People are puzzled.

There were also people who wanted to investigate the reason, but the characters involved were too dangerous. After several famous private detectives were kidnapped by Teacher Kaido, others also retreated. I really want to have my own waist where it is important!

Although they don't know the reason why Mr. Kaido has been staring at Whitebeard for many years, except for the fat woman Charlotte, many older people are not surprised when they see Mr. Kaido come to Whitebeard to single out. At first glance, it was very calm and calm, but this time even the older people expressed that they could not calm down.

As for Whitebeard's big battle, it's the same as the Marineford battle at the beginning, and now the Whitebeard Pirates' lineup is much stronger than in the Marineford battle. With this depth of the bench, if there is a Marineford battle, In terms of Uncle Marine's lineup before the World Conscription, Whitebeard might actually be able to save his unlucky godson.

After all, the number of heads is here, the Whitebeard Pirates may not be as good as Uncle Marine in terms of quality in the starting lineup, but there are a bunch of bench bandits sitting on the bench, and Marine's former brother Kong probably doesn't have the courage to fight Whitebeard. In the finals, the life of a group of Marine uncles was exchanged for the life of a little pirate who was on the street. Even a three-year-old baby knows that this business is losing blood.

And now Mr. Kaido has already fought on two fronts. Although I don't know how to use (cceg) to kill Wanokuni's leading brother Kozuki Oden when everyone is not optimistic, he won the war, but he won the war. At present, Mr. Kaido's power on Wanokuni cannot be compared with that of the entire Whitebeard Pirates. In this extremely unequal situation, Whitebeard, who has always been upright and upright, actually took the entire Pirates to work with Mr. Kaido, but I wonder if Whitebeard is serious, how angry Whitebeard is now, and Whitebeard is going to avenge his second brother!

"Da da da da...

In the Marine branch of Sabaody, Leonardo was in his office, sitting slantingly on a chair with his feet on the table, propped up his chin, and tapped the table with his other hand. Kozuki Oden was killed by Kaido teacher in the plot, there is nothing to say, but now Whitebeard went to Kaido teacher to seek revenge, which surprised him. If he remembered correctly, there should be no such paragraph in the original book, right?

After all, Whitebeard is such a big hand. If the two sides start a fight, it will definitely be a battle that can be recorded in the history of the New World. Teacher Kaido ran out to save people when he was slapped by him because of the fire. At that time, the inexplicable strength surged, and Mr. Kaido seemed to be enlightened, he would use his brain, and the famous The Resourceful General Sengoku was given a routine in the first battle. This is a black history that Sengoku can't wash away in his life, As far as Mr. Kaido's current intelligence and the strength of his subordinates are concerned, he is definitely on a par with the Whitebeard Pirates. The pony is a good-for-nothing, and the fires of others are sharp. They are a special race that even Charlotte's fat lady drools over. ,Diamond Joze is hard enough, and the plague Quinn is fat enough, isn't it worth it, isn't a diamond worth more than a dinosaur?

The rest...Whether it's Whitebeard or Teacher Kaido, apart from these two, they don't seem to have any good sons and younger brothers. Although the long-haired stupid elephant is known as a hundred beasts, it's a one-on-one match. One of the three disasters under Mr. Wang Kaido's banner, but he is really like Mr. Kaido's gift, the fruit is a very sharp ancient mammoth fruit, but to be honest, whether it's watching anime in the past life or seeing real people now, Leonardo is really curious How can the bounty of this good guy skyrocket to one billion 20 years later? To be honest, he thinks 180 million yuan is expensive for this guy. Could it be that the world economy will expand to that level in the next 20 years?

Didn't the World government promise to save the city this year?

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