Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

343. People are just people but not stupid

If Charlotte's fat woman has the same inexplicable strength as Mr. Kaido, then the plot seems to be a bit messy. As a man with a systematic father, it doesn't matter, but his systematic father is a bit of a joke, can't speak or move, There is not even a lottery mode or a shopping mall mode. He has never seen a colleague who has the same system as him and has to work hard to sweat..

Therefore, we can do it on the premise of ensuring that the future plot trend will not collapse too much.

"This... how is that possible, they are all in the New World, we are in the first half, so far away, and to be honest, Curry Admiral, with your current reputation, it is estimated that Whitebeard will not come to trouble you. …”

Dominic was speechless when he heard Leonardo's request for action. The boss's historic mouth and undead heaven-defying ability, not to mention Charlotte's fat woman, was the last time he ran into Whitebeard in New World. Whitebeard doesn't want to mess with him, okay?

This is not a question of whether it can be beaten, and the boss of his family will definitely be sprayed into a dog if it provokes it. This has been witnessed by history. In the past, Golden Lion, the first person in New World, was sprayed into a dog and took his boss. There is no way, not to mention that Whitebeard was not sprayed during the Marineford battle.

Now his eldest can single out Kaido, the sons of the fat woman Charlotte, and her daughters are not stupid compared to their husbands, how could they come here to provoke their eldest in the first half, look at the dashing sea of ​​Sabaody who came to Sabaody from New World all these years Thief, when his boss was there, who didn't honestly run to the queue to get the pass, his boss's name was broadcast by hand and mouth, not related to households...

"That's why we have to figure out a way! There is no valid reason, even if we bring people back, we Marine will not be able to rest in peace. In recent years, our Marine's focus has been on the four seas in the first half, you understand~"?"

Leonardo is a little bit, he agrees with Dominic's words, his current reputation and the strength he has shown are definitely a slap in the face, especially the big move of the top Buddha, Tai Te Niang, is a bit powerful, although he can't kill Kaido. Teacher, but without Haki's entanglement, Kaido was beaten and deformed. You can imagine how violent this is. This Fuck is the real Buddha, more violent than the golden Buddha of Sengoku.

However, he also found a problem when he was dueling with Teacher Kaido before, that is, the size of his Senju Buddha is too large and the altitude is too high, and it is difficult for his Conqueror's Haki to completely cover the entire Buddha, so it is impossible for Kaido to give it to Kaido. The teacher was effective in killing and wounding. Only now can he realize how much God loves Garp's grandson. Obviously, a simple-minded person with developed limbs has a completely different style from the terrorist leader Dorag, but he is stunned to use it freely. Seeing that Garp's grandson is so open, he still can't beat Kaido teacher, and he has to shamelessly break a rubber fruit into a super monster sun god fruit, if he really has such a Oda cover, He can now take Marine to counterattack New World, pushing it all the way from the beginning to the end of the world.

Now it is Sea Circle Calendar 1502. If he remembers correctly, Garp's grandson seems to have made his official debut in Sea Circle Calendar 1520. Generally speaking, pirates will debut at the age of seventeen or eighteen. Although there is no explicit rule, this is an old tradition. Yes, so now Garp's grandson doesn't even have sperm, and he doesn't know if Drago, who is hiding and preparing to do something big, has found his sister.

In this world, as long as you are not picky eaters, girls are still quite easy to find. Look at Roger, who has even had a son after two years of separation. Look at the famous "Poseidon" "Pluton" Rayleigh, who has won the second of the three ancient artifacts. In those years, how many people in the sea knew that "Pluton" Rayleigh was a famous "Poseidon" who likes waves, but the girls in the sea were always rushing and hugging, not to mention that according to Sengoku's description, he inherited the old Garp boy's style perfectly. The advantage also perfectly avoids Garp's old boy's lack of wise Drago, even if such a person already has a slipper print on his face, he will not delay other people's search for a girl.

Even Dorag was planning to do a big thing, and worried that his father Garp would be too old and powerless after failure, so in order to ensure the excellent genes of his Monkey family, he hurriedly found a girl to give birth to a girl before the big thing. got a...

Hmm.... The more Leonardo thinks about it, the more likely it is that this possibility is very high. After all, it's really hard to imagine a picture of a character like Dorag in the original, going to talk to a girl. The style of painting is a bit weird....

"Curry Admiral... Curry Admiral...?

Leonardo is caught in the weird picture of Duo Lago having sex with a girl and can't come out, but Dominic in front is waiting a little anxiously, time is money, if they also talk to Admiral Kizaru and Aokiji It's the same as going to Wanokuni, people have finished playing before they even get there, so what a shit!

Seeing that the boss has been contemplating, he thought he was thinking about a battle plan, but after waiting for half an hour, he remembered that the theory test in the Marine school that the boss was bribed to pass the Instructor, this kind of theory illiterate can come up with What perfect battle plan came out, and seeing that the boss had been thinking and couldn't wake up, he was really worried that the boss would be trapped in the magic barrier and couldn't get out, so he quickly took out a small speaker and shouted in his ear.

"Cough cough... I'm sorry, I just got lost on the road of life, how is it? Have you thought about it? 35

Leonardo, who was summoned from the depths of his mind, shook his head, pushed the uncomfortable feeling out of his mind, and looked at Dominic.

"...This (Qian Wang Zhao) is too difficult, unless it's a life-and-death vendetta, I can't think of any reason for them to take the initiative to provoke you...

Dominica is also a helpless stallholder. What's the difference between this fuck and letting people take the initiative to give people their heads?

The pirates of New World are not brainless, and people without brains can't get along in New World, not to mention that those people were also the famous big pirates of New World before they wore the title of Charlotte's fat man, otherwise it would be impossible She was forced to go home by Charlotte's fat woman.

People are just human dishes, not stupid people... How could they do such a stupid thing to send people's heads.

"Life and death vengeance... life and death vengeance...

When Leonardo heard Dominic's words, a flash of light flashed in his mind, and he began to recite these four words as if he had caught something.

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