Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

345. Kaerer is too small to compete with Whitebeard and Kaido

Paramecia glutinous glutinous fruit, if this fruit is in the hands of illiterates, even if the physical condition is good, the Achilles tendon will grow to the waist, but if there is no culture, it is also a fruit with little ability to use eggs, and eating it will make oneself more. There is a weakness that is afraid of sea water, but if this fruit is on a postdoctoral fellow with brilliant writing, it is another scene, such as String-String Fruit, which everyone recognized as a waste fruit before Doflamingo. Anyone who met Doflamingo would know that String-String Fruit's characteristics are not so special in weaving and sewing clothes, but extremely powerful cutting ability.

In previous generations, anyone who ate this fruit was either a working child in a weaving factory or on the road to working as a working child. Don't even think about changing your life in heaven-defying. Listen to your mother's words and honestly enter the factory with talent. It is the right way to be promoted to a workshop director in the future...

And this waxy glutinous fruit is not as aggressive as Doflamingo's String-String Fruit to a certain extent. The waxy glutinous fruit has the characteristics of soft and hard, hard and soft, not as hard as a big diamond, and soft but not too hard. Dominica's soft and soft fruit is soft, these two words do not reach the characteristics of Ultimate, and it is really a waste to put on an illiterate person.

But Charlotte's fat woman's second son, Charlotte Katakuri, who was the first person under the BIGMOM Pirates to bring Charlotte's fat woman to the first person under her command although she was not the legal heir, was stunned because My own super knowledge base and amazing perseverance have developed this Nuo Nuo fruit, which is a little more useless than String-String Fruit, to the point of shocking people's jaws. In the southern part of New World, I picked five prizes for as many as three. The more than 100 million New World old-fashioned small giants are not left behind. If it is not because they have to take care of their brothers and sisters, they may still be able to complete the five-kill achievement. These five old-fashioned small giants have a bounty of more than 300 million. The youngest is in the 50s. , the eldest just passed his 60th birthday last year, and under the circumstance that he can still not lose in a 1v5, if it is a protracted battle, the young and strong Charlotte. Katakuri is fighting for ten days. Half a month can be afforded, and these old guys who have already read half a hundred have long been in serious decline. Although the offensive was fierce at the beginning and the scene was shocking, Charlotte Katakuri was completely helpless, and almost He was dragged into the protracted battle and couldn't get out. Fortunately, since the small giants are all New World old fritters, no one can stand out on this morning of life-saving.

When the five old guys see that they can't beat the young ones, they will attack the small ones. If there are a group of young people around the small ones, they will go to the minors. Anyway, the fat woman Charlotte is so good at giving birth. When have these elite children raised by such an old guy who doesn't want Bilian ever been caught off guard by five old guys, and Charlotte Katakuri is also worried that these simple brothers and sisters will be taken care of by five old guys because they have to take care of them. The old guy has been taught badly, so every time he has to tell those brothers and sisters who have not yet developed or whose talents cannot be developed, and do not have time to play a few overtimes with five old guys to kill each other.

But Charlotte. Katakuri was not able to kill these five old-fashioned giants in New World, but his reputation has spread in New World. This Fuck is a real one-to-five wow, although Five Tails is not a big deal. Ka, it's just a small giant in New World, but Charlotte. Katakuri's bounty is not the same as these five small giants, or even slightly lower, but now they are indeed one dozen five, and many times The five little giants were chased all over the place, and the BIGMOM pirate group was able to fight so many pirate groups at the same time this time, because of the existence of this "head of the three dessert generals".

If it weren't for Whitebeard and Kaido, the news headlines in these few episodes would definitely be Charlotte Katakuri of this "Top Three Dessert Stars", but the timing was not right this time, so I jumped to Whitebeard's big move to find Kaido teacher Revenge, Charlotte. Katakuri's heroic record can only be hung on the entertainment section, but this entertainment section is left to those agencies before letting them advertise and get Eight Trigrams big singers, big stars, The people who pay attention to the entertainment section are a group of young girls living in the bright sunshine, and their idols can't pay attention. Who pays attention to you, a pirate!

And.... Charlotte. Katakuri's face value is really not very beautiful. When I was a child, I liked donuts too much, but my mouth was too small. There are still traces of stitching on the side, plus the fangs in the mouth, how can there be little girls who love beans, and the so-called charisma can't be seen in the newspapers, even Roger, who is full of natural charisma, has appeared in the newspapers. Also called ugly by those little girls.

・・・・For flowers・・・ …

What they like is "Poseidon" "Pluton" Rayleigh, who has obtained the second most ancient artifact, with a pair of gold glasses and looks like a dog, gentle, but the scar on his face shows the beauty of masculinity. ..

However, on the battlefield on an uninhabited island next to the country in the southern part of the New World, which was painted by the fat woman Charlotte, more than a dozen pirates participating in the battle for this country, including the BIGMOM pirates, did not start the battle, but took an intermission. Replenish blood and blue, buy equipment and fight another day.

New World's flag-planting and turf-grabbing style is different from the first half. In the first half or the four seas, there is no saying that the flag is planted in a city or country. After all, the Marine chassis there is also the Marine's flag. It is some lawless pirates who want to rob a city or a country. The first enemy they face is the defenders of the city or country. In this case, urban warfare will inevitably occur, and urban warfare will inevitably affect these countries and cities. Some damage, they don't care about the first half or the pirates from all over the world. After all, they patted their buttocks and left chicly after they robbed them. It has nothing to do with them if they are destroyed or beaten. What they have to consider is how to avoid Uncle Marine afterward. arrest.

But New World is different, especially in this period when Uncle Marine has already withdrawn from New World. The big pirates of New World took over these countries. The city is used to collect membership fees. After the thief flag, it means that they are the big bosses of this country. Those kings and mayors are just working for them to make money. They don't need to consider Uncle Marine and so on. Planting the flag in this country means this country. The surrounding sea area is already theirs, and they can even collect tolls on various traffic arteries, and it is because of this that they generally do not fight in national cities.

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