Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

353. The real value of people is in Kaido teacher

"Curry Admiral, the Alvin Pirates are here, we still have less than three days to go, why don't we go back after finishing this ticket?"

On the sea in a certain sea area of ​​New World, the navigator is an ordinary pirate ship with no bright spots. In the captain's room, Dominic, who has been disguised as a pirate, points to the nautical chart to his boss. Point out the direction and persuade.

According to reliable sources, the fat woman Charlotte has already arrived in the southern part of New World and is waiting for them to enter the arena, but considering the total number of BIGMOM pirates, they are generally crooked, except that Curry Admiral can beat others. No one including myself can keep up with the New World level, and the cabins below are already filled with those few New World giants and their valuable cadres and thugs. If the next order for the Alvin Pirates goes well, he I think that this trip is enough for them. They don't have to go deep into the tiger's "den" to fight with the BIGMOM pirates. The danger of Tai Te's mother is that no one can kill him, but they can't. They were stabbed. If a knife is critical, it's really cool...

Don't look at how crowded they were when they came out of Sabaody, in fact, it was just a pretence. If they didn't bring a lot of people to New World for revenge, anyone with a brain would know that there was something tricky in it. So when they arrived at the entrance of the New World of the G1 branch with a large force, they let the young brothers who filled the number secretly return to Sabaody land. After all, Sabaody land is where they are stationed. , that is their performance.

Therefore, only one of them took the pirate ship prepared in advance and entered the New World. They circled around the New World along the way. First, they set the original goal. After that, they went to the south to lure Charlotte, the fat lady. I don't know. Delevingne, the man numbered in line.

This is also part of their plan, so that New World's eyes are locked on Charlotte's fat woman, so that it is convenient for them to move, so the journey is quite smooth. The giants and Leonardo are not at the same level at all. Perhaps from now on, the pirates in this new century have become inflated. All of this was fired by the World government. Facing these small giants, Leonardo I don't even need a big move. I copied the ancestral sword of kindness and used it as a fire stick. I used to push it all the way. It is not too far between the two pirates, it is estimated that the time will be faster.

Just when everyone was looking forward to Uncle Marine fighting Fat Charlotte, Leonardo had already taken Dominic to the next target, the Alvin Pirates.

But now Dominic is really panicking.

"The layout is small, but she's just a fat grandmother. The so-called wealth and wealth are at risk. What Moroda, Molinsdan, and Alvin's are just appetizers. I tell you, don't look at the value of this Draven and the difference between them. These people are about the same, but their real value is much higher than these so-called small giants. The layout should be enlarged. I have never heard of how daring people are, and how prosperous the land is. Obviously not my style~

"Where did you buy this cigar? Buy me more when you go back, it's quite fragrant..."

Leonardo has returned to the appearance of the head of the Konoha Pirates again, wearing this blindfold, but this time he looks like a qualified pirate with a big cigar of unknown brand in his mouth. The key is this big cigar It's quite fragrant. It doesn't have the strong smoke smell like Akainu that can be asked after a few kilometers. It also has some fruit aromas, which is very good.

Leonardo couldn't stop puffing up, spraying the entire captain's cabin with smoke filled with fruity aromas.

.But I received the news that "Auntie" has already arrived there waiting for us. I will never doubt your strength, Curry Admiral, but there are so many people on the other side, and the people in our boat are too dangerous. You have to take care of us again, two fists are no match for four..."

Seeing that his boss was heartless and still caring about where he bought this cigar, Dominic was about to cry, and he wanted to slap himself. Why did he have to follow him? New World is waiting for the boss to return with a full reward. As the boss's adjutant, he can also get a lot. Why are you so cheap to come here to take risks.

"'re right, you guys are so weak that it's a problem to go head-to-head, and it's really embarrassing for you to be in line with the entire BIGMOM pirate group.

Leonardo nodded and recognized Dominic's words while pecking at the big cigar in his hand. This is also Marine's shortcomings. Although the core main force has come up, the strength of the starting members is compared with that of BIGMOM. Beasts, Whitebeard and other pirate giants I still checked a little, like ghost spiders, flying squirrels and other elite Vice Admiral, let them deal with pirates worth one or two hundred million no problem, but if you let them play against Charlotte's fat lady's dessert three stars "Mr. Kaido's "Three Generals" The first few sons of Whitebeard will not be able to do it. It can be seen when they conquered Byrnndi. World last time. Although their Marine team killed the Ward Pirates in the shortest time, the flying squirrel Afterwards, many of these people also hung up the prize, and that battle was actually not so perfect.

If Marine wants to go head to head, Sengoku, Garp old boy plus their four Admiral lineup and any pirate group in New World are guaranteed to win, even the Whitebeard pirates are no exception (money is good) , Old boy Garp and Sengoku defended Whitebeard, and the rest of them were Admiral Kerry. The sons of the White Hu Pirates didn't hold it at all, but they never had the chance. Now it's New World's crazy involution. At that time, they still had the opportunity to enter and exit the New World. After the Four Emperors descended on the New World, the Marine Corps would not have the opportunity to go deep into the New World at all.

And if the four of them are Admiral alone, you can fight against these giants, even if the core strength of the leader is enough, the teammates will become CBA, so Dominic is right, he can play, but Dominic's younger brothers can't. , If he is on the line with the fat woman Charlotte, let alone the "three stars of desserts", it's just any elite son of the fat woman Charlotte. People like Dominic can't handle it. The hard top is definitely not deformed. A play and a routine will do. . . . .

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