Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

370. Bailey really can turn a small cat into a brain axe

"Brother Katakuri, I checked here and I didn't see a warship except those pirates, and I didn't find any trace of the Marine. Is it really like what Perospero said, there really is one here. …”

On the giant ship parked on the sea, Cracker generally controlled the biscuit man and said to the second brother next door in a panic.

If he was still firmly on the side of Ka Er's scientific theory before, now he is a little biased towards the theory of ghosts and gods on the side of the long tongue, because his biscuit man has been unimpeded all the way after landing on the island, and now the pirate station is filled with this place. There was a very strange atmosphere, and every pirate's eyes were full of fear. Although he didn't see these with his own eyes, he could also experience the indescribably strange atmosphere through the feeling of the biscuit man. It made him panic too.

Wait till evening~ Let's go up and have a look. "

Ka Er frowned, if he had stayed far away from the port before, he would have believed it, but now when he is getting closer and closer to the port, the man's sixth sense becomes more and more serious, so he can basically conclude that the Marine must be Here, if I go back and report to my mother like this, I have no evidence, so I can only go up and find evidence. Although the little brother's biscuit man fight is not bad, but the search for clues is still a little worse than people. After all- There is no independent thought.

"Are you all ready? Check whether the weapon is rusted, whether the ammunition is full, five minutes, five minutes later, and after finishing the pirates here, I have to rush to Charlotte's fat lady, supporting Charlotte. The fat woman didn't have time to react and directly shooed Draven away, so we must act fast, the navigator waited until the BIGMOM pirate ship pulled over and stopped, and then drove the ship there to seal us, remember, This time we have a small number of people, we must fight quickly, we must not delay time or challenge our opponents, listen to my command - things. 35

The sky was getting darker, and seeing the BIGMOM ship moving again, Leon couldn't wait any longer, and immediately called everyone on board except the technicians to gather, standing in front of the dozens of people, Leonardo said in a serious tone .

Some of these little brothers are the little brothers who have been with him since he arrived in Sabaody, some are still from Marineford to Sabaody, and some are the top soldiers who were recruited directly last year. After all, they are mixed with themselves, Although the sword has no eyes, and without the system, it is inevitable that the father will be wounded, but he still does not want to see these little brothers not hacked to death.

"Ready at all the time!(('-_-)-_-)-_-)"

A group of Marine uncles checked the guys in their hands and the long guns on their shoulders, and after five minutes, they all replied in unison and high-spirited whispers.

As the so-called wealth and wealth are sought, this time the risk is very difficult, but if Curry Admiral's plan is successful enough, after returning to Sabaody, it is not a dream to live in a big house and go to the No. 5 area every day. Just watch this wave!

"Set off!"

Looking at the spirits of these younger brothers, Leonardo nodded with satisfaction. Although most of these people were people who had never seen any big scenes, there were even recruits who had just joined the Marine family last year, but they were among the crowd. Driven by Bailey's temptation, he is a general killer on the battlefield. I don't know how he performed on the field. Anyway, the current momentum is absolutely awesome. Bailey can really turn the little cat into a brain axe.

Leonardo waved his hand, still in the same outfit as the head of the Konoha Pirates, and led everyone off the boat and headed for the island.

At the same time, on the BIGMOM ship that was heading towards the port far away from the port, Ka's two fingers were constantly beating on the armrest of the chair. He has cultivated Observation Haki to the point where he can hold a chair for the next five seconds. He is very concerned about this uneasiness. There are not many people in the ocean who can make him feel this uneasiness. , so he firmly believed that the Marine must be on the island now.

He was considering whether to notify his wife, but he had no evidence in his hands. Perrospero had already made her very uncomfortable when he summoned her without the whereabouts of the Marine, which made him a little hesitant. , but his Observation Haki can at most allow him to predict the future five seconds, not two hours

This made him not sure, what if it wasn't that Marine? The price of making his mother happy for nothing is not light!

・・・・For flowers・・・

"Brother, all the Marines seem to be gone, there are only a few left, let's see if we have a chance to sneak away?

There were several more people in the cabin where only the turkey man and Raphael Gill were kept. Among them were Morion, one of the core leaders of the BIGMOM pirate group, and several pirate leaders had their hands and feet on their feet. They all wore handcuffs made of seastone and sat there in frustration, leaning against the wall without saying a word, but this seat is also very particular, those with a bounty of less than 300 million sat by the door, and those with a bounty of 300 million. Those with a bounty above sit in the middle, and those with a bounty of 400 million sit in the absolute C position, but at present this absolute C position is only one of Morion.

There is nothing to say about this. It is common in military affairs to win the king and defeat the bandit. If you come out and lose, you must admit it, and if you are beaten, you must stand upright. Who let them meet such a Marine Admiral who does not talk about martial arts, they can only blame their bad luck.

Mad, the dignified Marine Admiral, a card of the World government is so unwilling to do a sneak attack in the middle of the night with Bilian, who can stand this kind of routine, this Marine Admiral play is even worse than their pirates...

However, not everyone was discouraged. There was one person who was really active from crying and crying alone at the beginning, and it didn't look like he was caught by Uncle Marine at all.

This man is a turkey man, and I don't know what's going on in his mind. Since his brother Jill was picked up after him, his sadness has faded a lot, and then he saw those who were worth more than him. After he was also brought in by Uncle Marine, he was no longer sad, which proved that he was not the only one who was unlucky, and it did not prove that he was too cheesy, but that Marine Admiral was too sharp, looking at so much worth Taller than him, even in the big room next door, there are a group of small giants who are worth more than Morion, one of their core leaders, which made him the first person who stayed in the small single room not only did not feel depressed, but also gave birth to a problem. Share proud.

After realizing that the uncle Marine who was guarding them seemed to be less, his mind began to become active, and he quietly came to the old brother Jill, who was acquainted with him.

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