Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

381. Fat Charlotte's Men Are Worthless

"Domi, what are you doing here? Didn't I ask you to wait for me at the port? (⊙_⊙)?"

I was a little bit on the head with Mr. Kaido. He even forgot what the purpose of this trip was. Looking around, he suddenly saw Dominic and others running over at some point in the circle surrounded by a group of pirate boys. Trembling in the middle, Leonardo asked with a black question mark on his face.

"Curry Admiral, we waited at the port until the appointed time and didn't see our ship coming. I don't know if something went wrong, and we saw the fierce fighting here, so I wanted to bring someone to see if there was anything to do. helpful.35

Dominic would not admit that he was killed because he could not wait for the ship, and he was leading the team alone in the port and was afraid that the people from the BIGMOM Pirates would be bumped, so he ran back with people, at least their boss "Nine" Zero Zero" Those pirates here want to fuck them, and there are bosses covering them.

"(⊙_⊙)? The ship hasn't come yet? What are those guys doing..."

Leonardo was also puzzled, although this time he brought everyone who could fight on the ship, leaving only some technical talents who could float over icebergs with a certain risk on the ship. Expensive pirates, but those guys are chained by the handcuffs and shackles made by seastone, that thing is simply the natural enemy of Demon fruit power, even if it is not Demon fruit power is a melee master, and there is no Haki repair to the level of Rayleigh It's just going to break down, and if those pirates had a Haki level of Rayleigh's level, they would have been the king and hegemony in the New World.

Although the big heads in the Science Department of Naval Headquarters are used to eating and drinking, they do have goods in their stomachs. The products developed are durable and the key effect is good, which is why they clearly know that the Science Department is a gold swallower , Marine marshals of all dynasties have also cut flesh to raise this department, especially after Vegapunk, a big-brained scientist who claimed to have surpassed human wisdom for five hundred years in the first two years, was "invited" to take office in the Naval Headquarters Science Department, it is even more incredible, although at present I haven't seen anything from that big head, but since two years ago, Marine has invested twice as much in the science department as before.

And these seastone handcuffs and shackles are products created by the Marine Science Department many years ago. They are durable and small. Because seastone is under the deep sea, it has a restraint on Demon fruit power. In addition, seastone is extremely hard, even if it is a super artifact. It is also very difficult to destroy it with twelve attacks of the Supreme Sword, so no one who has been chained by seastone handcuffs and shackles over the years can escape. Shoot the prison break with legs.

So it's enough to keep the technicians who can't fight on the boat and leave a few strong-looking Marines to guard the pirates. Generally speaking, nothing should happen, but now those guys are actually Didn't ship at the agreed time to come to pick you up?

Wouldn't those guys be planning to take the spoils for themselves?

Leonardo is a bit numb, and he doesn't bother to pay attention to Kaido teacher and Charlotte fat woman who robbed him of the protagonist. It's worth billions, even the sanctimonious brick house called the beasts in Sabaody can't walk when they see it. It's different from those young people who came out of the electronics factory at a young age. To put it nicely, it is for maintenance. World Peace joined Marine, in fact, it is not because of the five insurances and one housing fund plus high salary..

Now that things have developed to this point, Mr. Kaido suddenly intervenes in the plot between him and the fat woman Charlotte. The value of Draven is gone, and his worth is only three to four hundred million, even if the time It is estimated that it will not sell for a good price to Mr. Kaido. His previous plan for the intermediary to earn the difference was completely destroyed by Mr. Kaido, his default buyer, so now the orders on the ship are very important, and those are his. In front of that stinky woman in Gion, she raised her head and raised her chest and threw that evil little black card on her face!

Thinking of the billion-dollar bills on board, Leonardo's mind was not here at all.

"Curry Admiral....! No good! Those....that gang escaped!!"

Just when Leonardo wondered if the technical talents wanted to swallow the spoils, a terrified figure rushed in, although he was wearing a pirate suit, but looking at his righteous temperament, he could still tell the difference. It's Marine's younger brother...

"Nani?! They all ran away?! What's going on? Didn't those guys get kidnapped? 00Q"

Looking at this Marine who was covered in injuries and had half his life left, with his cecum exposed, it didn't look like he was acting. Leonardo's eyeballs almost didn't fall out. , something happened over there, Leonardo grabbed the collar of this little brother who only had half his life left and swayed wildly.

Those guys ran away? It's worse than being swallowed alone!

Besides, most of those bastards are Demon fruit power, even if they are not Demon fruit power physique masters, there is no Haki like Rayleigh who can break seastone, right?

How did those bastards get away.

"Cough...break...break, Ku.. Curry Admiral please let go...let go!!!"

"Curry Admiral calm down, calm down!!

Dominic next door reacted and quickly grabbed Leonardo.

Even though he heard that those guys had all run away, he was also very distressed. After all, it was billions. Even if Curry Admiral took the big head, his confidant would get a lot of it, so he could give his wife a few drinks in Sabaody. Home fitness room 4.6 and hair salon, he no longer has to worry about seeing his wife go out to do hair or exercise every night...

"Calm down! How can you make me calm down? That's billions! Tell me exactly what's going on? Haven't those guys already been tested? How did they run away? (^▼X)"

Leonardo stopped and glanced at Dominic angrily, and then asked the little brother who still had a little blood left and still didn't fall down.

"I don't know, just last night when I was still sleeping, those guys suddenly ran out of the boat and slashed at people. The people on the boat were injured and died. I was the least injured. So Just came to report."

This little Marine looked like a newcomer who had just come from an electronics factory to become a Marine, and he even cried at the end.

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