Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

383. Sengoku: What did little Curry do to others?

The name "Anti-Marine Guild" is so dazzling, it's hard to think of a popular name.

Although Marine and pirates in the ocean are opposites, it has always been Marine who slaps pirates. Soldiers catch thieves. Most pirates always run away when they see Marine, and some will frantically kill Marines who are not as strong as themselves. , but no force has ever shouted such a slogan, and this time the "anti-Marine guild" even used the slogan in the name, so for a while, the "anti-Marine guild", a new giant in the New World, has become a newcomer all over the world. Everyone is talking about the topic, and the "homeless" pirates in New World who are hunting around for three days and starving for nine days and some young and energetic pirates with big moles have been caught by this "anti-Marine guild". "The bold words and strong moles were convinced, and they joined them one after another.

There is no Marine in the New World, and I don't know what the hell is the use of this new giant to set up an "anti-Marine guild" in the New World, and I don't know what the original intention of this guild was. Does this "anti-Marine guild" still want to play New World counterattack failed in the first half?

But it doesn't matter to those pirates who join it, as long as the name sounds like Haki, and it's a new giant in the New World!

Our pirates swear by Marine that they will never live together!

For this "anti-Marine guild", the reactions of all parties were different.

First of all, after Brother Marine heard the news, he was silent for a long time. He also knew about the three bastards Moroda, Alvin, and Molinsdan. Although they are very prominent now, they are actually just a group of dwarfs. That's all, if it was in the era of the top four, fat Charlotte and Kaido would have to be second-tier, these three bastards were at most third- and fourth-tier starlets in New World, not even Terence and Byrnndi. World. .

But now the top four are playing on the street, those who have been slapped are slapped, and those who are missing are missing, only Whitebeard is left as a top-four, plus Charlotte fat woman and Kaido are in the top, Terence and Byrnndi. World have been slapped, The following group of promising new pirates have not yet risen, so it will be the turn of these three bastards to take the top position.

And these three people are almost all greedy for life and fear of death. When the New World masters are like clouds, they are honest, and they dare to jump out when the New World talents are withering. How can such things be for no reason? Suddenly learning "Blow~° Chicken" sand bile is better than holding a group, and also deliberately gave such a name.

Sengoku thinks it has something to do with Curry's visit to New World this time. News came from New World a few months ago that Moroda, Alvin and Molinsdan were all killed by a mysterious and unknown pirate rookie. It's been overturned, he didn't care about it before, after all, in the sea, the new and the old alternate, and the replacement is too fast. It is nothing to be successful at the top, and it is really awesome to be able to hold this position.

Take a look at the previous Pirate League, the Ward Pirates, when they rose to the top, they were in the limelight for a while. As a result, it has only been more than a year and two years, and the names of the two major forces have disappeared in the long river of history. Forget it, let alone a power that is one level lower than the One Piece League and the Ward Pirates.

But thinking about it now, these three guys are targeting their Marine so much. Could the pirate newcomer who overturned the three of them be the guy Curry, and Curry is driving a pirate ship disguised as a pirate and taking people to New World, the more Sengoku thinks about it, the more he thinks it is possible. Little Curry is so poor that he has only one evil little black card left. The worth of these three people is not bad, and they are also on the way to the location of the Norsman Kingdom. The character of this eldest nephew will definitely not miss the opportunity to make this money.

But.... Then again, since these three guys were all slapped by Curry, it is impossible for these three guys to slip out of Curry's hands with their abilities. How did these three guys grow up? It came out of Curry's hands, and what little Curry did to others actually irritated them for this sake, and even dared to provoke them to the death of Marine.


"Mickey, have you reached out to little Curry?"

Sengoku thought that with little Curry's temperament now that he regards money as his life, these three must be closely watched by him in his hands. It is impossible for these three to run away. Could it be that something happened to little Curry?

Thinking of this, Sengoku's mind was also tense, and he quickly summoned his adjutant Mickey.

Although the resilience of this eldest nephew is very pervert, but after spending so many years in the sea, he has never seen a perfect Devil Fruit or a person. As long as it is a human being, there will be weaknesses. Just to find each other's shortcomings, little Curry went to New World to fight with Charlotte fat woman, and another Kaido came, so it was said that Kaido found little Curry's weakness or something.

He didn't really worry about Kaido before, but now Kaido, who can use his brain, is really becoming more and more incomprehensible. He didn't expect that this big man with a brain full of muscles still has such a big brain capacity, so he was worried that he would not be able to see through it. It may be that Kaido, who has learned to use his brain, found some weakness of little Curry, and then deliberately played a hand of darkness. Chen Cang ran to team up with Charlotte fat woman to do little curry. As for Charlotte fat woman, why did she work with Kaido again after that.

It is estimated that the loot is unevenly distributed. After all, little Curry is so good, and it is not surprising that she is attracted by Charlotte's fat woman. It is a little small, but it can be used...

"" "Report Marshal Sengoku, still can't contact Curry Admiral, but there is news from the news media that there are Curry Admiral and others in the early part of New World, I think they are on their way back to the city. 35

Not too long (Nuo's) long, Mickey hurried in to report.

"e=('0`*)))....After contacting this kid, let him go back to the headquarters to see me immediately.

Hearing Mickey's report, Sengoku was also relieved, as long as there was news, it would be fine.

However, Sengoku thinks that he can't be so used to this kid in the future. The last time he went to New World, Kaido's beasts' strength skyrocketed. Now, when he went to New World again, a "anti-Marine" popped up immediately. "Guild" came out, although New World has new forces rising to make New World more and more chaotic is what he wants to see now, but why can't he change a slogan or a name?

Isn't "Anti-Marine Guild" hitting his first brother Marine in the face?

Then he looked at Mickey who was about to walk to the door and added, "Inform Kizaru, Akainu will come to me."

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