Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

388. Dauberman: That guy has the smallest belly

He admits that that guy has a relatively large number of pirates, but this is caused by everyone's different positions. His responsibility is to clean up the pirates that appeared in the first half. Besides, there are no five or six above him. , Seven or eight godfathers cover him, and he can neglect his duties and run to New World at every turn.

Just like this time, he was spitting up so fast in the first half of the game, but he was not as famous as that guy who went to New World to fight Kaido, the fat woman Charlotte, which made him very sad, and at the same time very anxious, After letting that guy go on like this, the leader of MarineF4 will fall on that guy sooner or later, which is absolutely intolerable to him.

So he has to do a big thing to show everyone that he Sakazuki, Marine Admiral Akainu is the leader of MarineF4.

Now the opportunity has finally come. According to the uncertainty of the first brother, the newly promoted "anti-Marine guild" of New World is likely to be indirectly caused by Leonardo, just like the sudden and inexplicable surge in the strength of Beasts Pirates. , But this is an opportunity for him to prove himself, and this "anti-Marine guild" is stepping on Kaido of the Beasts' territory to rise. With his understanding of Kaido's character, Kaido will definitely fight back this time.

The "anti-Marine guild" gang of jabs are built by people, and there is no real top-level combat power. No one can withstand a charge from Kaido, so if he wants to do big things now, he has to fight Kaido for time and fight. Before Kaido kills him, he will take someone to take this so-called "anti-Marine guild" to Tutu.

This time, although there is another Kizaru who he used to regard as his main competitor, but now for Kizaru, who is now rotten in the headquarters, he has a way to let him not have to do anything at that time. It's OK to hit half of it on his card.

At that time, he will show the world the style of Akainu, Sakazuki, the leader of MarineF4.

But now the time is tight and the task is heavy. Looking at the little brothers who are still slowly loading the ship, Akainu is so anxious that he can't help but billows of black smoke, but those slow little brothers are Kizaru's people, he It's not easy to give advice, if his younger brother was so swaying, he would have started talking long ago!

"Hurry up these guys, hurry up and leave in ten minutes! (♥~▼ㄨ~*)"

Wandering a little impatiently, he said to Dauberman beside him.

Before Father Sun got up in the morning, they gathered at the port and prepared to board the ship. The sun deck has been stuffed on his butt. Kizaru is about to have lunch. The boys are still swaying. It will be half a year after they arrive at the base camp of the "Anti-Marine Guild" in the New World, and then they Marine will go and clean up the battlefield for Kaido.

.....I have been urged several times, and Kizaru Admiral said that the New World is a long way and there is no place to supply it, so I have to love more and be prepared...-_-||”

Known by Leonardo as an unfamiliar bastard, Dauberman was also in a rage at this time, for fear of being caught by that sharp-mouthed guy, otherwise he wouldn't be sprayed like a dog by that guy, and he couldn't beat him, but he couldn't spray, So before the guy came back, he was in a hurry to pass the guy, you can't see me, I can't see you.

Vice Admiral, who is not stationed outside the Naval Headquarters spirit, usually hangs out in Marineford, and at this time, he has to choose which Admiral to hang out with. After the security mission in Mariejois, Leonardo also invited him. At that time, because the Golden Lion escape blockbuster was released, he was anxious to find the whereabouts of Golden Lion, and he agreed without much thought.

But after trying hard to find the Golden Lion and finding out that the Golden Lion had gone to the New World, he also began to think about which Admiral he was with.

He has two classmates who have become Admiral, whether it is with Kuzan or Leonardo, his life will definitely be very cool, but he is a Marine with ideals and goals, so whether Kuzan and Leonardo are not in his opinion A good choice, Kuzan has become decadent since Saron died in the Ohara incident, which makes Isshin think about destroying pirates and changing the world, which he cannot tolerate.

And Leonardo's justice is seriously inconsistent with his justice, and he is even jealous and suspects that Leonardo's justice is just making money!

Look at this time, in order to avenge the trumped-up "cousin" who is actually the number one card in Sabaody's No. 5 area, going to New World to make so many deaths is extremely inconsistent with his psychological justice, so after thinking over and over, Dauber Mann chose Akainu Ming, who has always been established by him as a military benchmark, and who is also in line with his philosophy of psychological justice.

Kuzan is more open-minded, so it’s okay to meet him, but Leonardo is different, that guy has the smallest belly. When the love story of Marine’s old three giants was circulated in Marineford, everyone suspected that it was the guy who spread it out, and he only Just telling the truth, but the family has been thinking about it for several years. When he was in school, Kuzan asked him for a heads-up in the name of mutual progress when he was in school.

Fortunately, that guy has been in Sabaody land, so we haven't seen each other very much. When he fought Beasts Pirates last time, he also followed Akainu Admiral well and didn't let that guy find out, but it's not a big action now, that guy is now again. Going back, he was really afraid of meeting that guy and being sprayed like a dog by that guy.

So when the Marines moved the goods for an hour, he went to remind him again, and after two hours, he went to remind him again. The result was that the reply was arranged by Kizaru Admiral, which made him a little Vice. Admiral had no choice.

There are dozens of Marine Vice Admiral in the headquarters, and there are more than ten in the elite Vice Admiral, but there are only four Marine Vice Admirals.

"""This guy.....(^▼ㄨ)"

When Akainu heard this, his already dark face turned angry like a shoehorn, but he didn't continue to speak.

The relationship between him and Kizaru is very delicate. Everyone debuted at the same time. A few years ago, they were competitors. Now everyone is Marine Admiral. When the other party fought, at least they were slapped secretly, but on the surface they still had to laugh haha, be kind, and could not affect the atmosphere of unity within Marine.

After all, the influence and consequences of two Admiral involutions are much greater than two Rear Admiral or two Vice Admiral involutions, so those people are Kizaru's younger brothers, and when Kizaru arranged this, he also only It's hard to endure it in front of so many people.

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