Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

407. The eagle-eyed handsome boy is blocking the door again

"Bang! 35

"Asshole, there is a way to go out and duel, just now, I won't be surnamed Xiang if I don't beat you up!! (?`ㄥ'?)? Three"

The real dragon knight was once again stimulated by the disgusting eyes, and slapped the bar with a palm print, and said to the guy that he was about to go out, with his aggressive look, as if no one could do anything.

"Fuck! Come as soon as you come, why am I so afraid of you? (^∇X)"

This time Leonardo couldn't care less, he also stood up and followed behind aggressively.


"Curry Admiral, we'll talk about the duel later, that...that eagle eye has come to our base to block the door again, and the group of workers who are blocked by him are afraid to enter the construction, you should go and see! !(/n`)”

Just as the two were about to walk out the door, a young Marine hurried in and said sweating profusely.

The Dominica Club Headquarters has been awarded the title. This Marine has never seen any big games. The reputation of Hawkeye, a quasi-world's largest swordsman, really scared him enough, so this is why Leonardo wants to apply for a few Vice Admirals. It's a bit embarrassing for this dignified Uncle Marine to panic in front of a group of pirates.

"Fuck! That guy is here, let's do a flash! Deputy captain, let's go first, we'll see you when we have!35

Leonardo hasn't spoken yet, really. Dragon Knight Shanks reacted faster than him. Hearing the word "Hawkeye" was like hearing Uncle Marine checking the water meter. A group of superb 3D boys disappeared like a gust of wind in less than two seconds. They disappeared in the bar collectively. If it wasn't for the sound still reverberating in the bar, I wouldn't know that this group of people had ever appeared here. How painful it is..


"Fuck! React faster than me...(~x)"

Leonardo looked at the bar that was full of people just a second ago with a question mark on his face, and rubbed his eyebrows angrily.

He hadn't thought about the eagle-eyed pretty boy running to block his door. After all, since he helped him shift his target to the real dragon knight, the eagle-eyed pretty boy hasn't looked for him, and now he doesn't know what it's been doing. .

To say that this guy is really troublesome, just look at the reactions of the real dragon knight and the group of superb 3Ds.

"Curry Admiral........

Uncle Marine looked at his boss tremblingly.

It's not that his psychological quality is not good. He is also someone who has gone to New World with Curry Admiral to slap a big pirate. A little scene can't scare him, but that eagle eye is too exaggerated, a cross manicure knife. I was stunned to have Dirk Commodore, the first warrior of Sabaody under Dominic Rear Admiral, for a second, and the super artifact behind others did not take out *DE......

.... OK, OK, let's go and see what's going on. 99

Leonardo reluctantly waved his hand, and the Red Hair Pirates gang was no longer there, and walked towards the Sabaody branch base, which was under construction, with his younger brother.

"Shanks went to New World, but you don't seem to be worried at all, you guys beat Kaido and Charlotte fat so hard..."

After everyone had gone, looking at Rayleigh who was drinking alone, Shakky said.

You must know that in order to expand the historical text on the slate, a group of big men first besieged the fat woman Charlotte, and then a group of big men were most open to the group fight, but they were not light. Shanks is The Roger Pirates are no secret in the sea at all, especially when Shanks snatched Roger's body from Marine in front of so many people in Logue town, the amazing growth rate was highlighted by Sengoku, His information was also spread all over the world.

If Kaido and Charlotte fat woman knew that Shanks had entered the New World, it would be hard to say whether the two would go for revenge on the younger ones. I won't fight for the sake of those godsons.

"....nothing to worry about, Shanks is someone Roger likes and I have confidence in him.

Rayleigh shook his head slightly and continued to drink East Blue's specialty water mixed with alcohol. He shook his head calmly. Although Shanks is the heir of Roger's straw hat, Shanks's skills were almost all taught by him. Although he is still younger, he is not. He was bragging, if Leonardo's kid didn't rely on that heaven-defying resilience, the two really wanted to fight, maybe who would get down first, Leonardo's kid is a great swordsman, but Shanks is not a great sword How are you?

And Shanks still has a super artifact in his hand, as long as he doesn't meet the weird guy Garp, the big swordsman who has super artifact in his hand has a much bigger advantage than the big swordsman who doesn't have super artifact, and Kaido and Charlotte fat woman may not go there. Looking for Shanks, Kaido has now returned to Wanokuni to continue fighting with Whitebeard, a steel-shaped Charlotte fat woman, really can't beat Shanks.....

"You have confidence in him.

After hearing what Rayleigh said, Shakky didn't say anything anymore. Although she has not been a pirate for many years, she was not a member of the Roger Pirates before, but she was able to retire in Sabaody with peace of mind because of the Roger Pirates. Open a bar to "seek" life 913.

And when Shanks saw her for the first time, she was screaming like a big sister Shakky. She was also worried that this little brother would be hammered by Charlotte's fat woman and Kaido as soon as he went to New World. This is more than Roger and the others. Roger They have been out for decades, but they have never been K...

"Hello, eagle-eyed pretty boy, why don't you go to see the red-haired dragon knight, how come you are free to be my guest? You should inform me in advance before you come. It's not good to block the door of the worker's uncle after appearing so suddenly. Let's see, let's see, these uncles of workers are going to squat if the project is due and it's not finished yet..."

Leonardo came to the Sabaody branch base, which was being renovated and rebuilt. Sure enough, he saw a handsome hawk-eyed boy with a cross-shaped super artifact on his back, standing at the gate with a golden sword and a big horse, surrounded by a group of Marine uncles and The uncle of the worker stood tremblingly and looked at Hawkeye in fear. He didn't know what he had experienced before. Anyway, he was frightened by a wave of less operations before Hawkeye pretty boy.

Seeing Leonardo couldn't help shaking his head, he had to let these guys have time to play in the horror house. The psychological quality is so bad!

(PS: Thanks again to dads for their monthly passes!!!).

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